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Everything posted by ClavellDLODS

  1. I can usually pick up 800k+ just doing all the Korriban/Dromund Kaas/Balmorra/Nar Shadda heroics, in less than 4 hours (it helps that Balmorra and Nar Shadda have two of the most mob-pack-filled Heroics (Resistance Sympathizers and Terminal Injuries, respectively) out there). You don't make money on Heroics from the quest rewards, you make it from the mob packs you kill along the way and the loot you sell off that the mob packs dropped. Alderaan also has a quite lucrative Heroic, Sabotage, that features quite a number of mob packs that you can loot for creds.
  2. Not only "No" but "OH HELL NO!!!". I would not inflict Fleet chat on people I don't particularly care for, much less inflict it on people I don't even know. Fleet chat is 1) incessant LFG chatter; 2) incessant trade chatter, and 3) incessant toxic waste political trolling, personal insults, and e-peen stroking.
  3. I've been punted about 6 times since noon Eastern from The Harbringer. Methinks the server hamsters are starving again.
  4. Considering it seems like everybody, their cousins, and their cousins cousins are moving to The Harbinger lately, I am amazed the server can stay up at all.
  5. Lesson: Don't click on the first item on the list that pops up when you do a search for it, as it may very well be the most expensive copy of that item on the GTN. *Always* check that price before buying it, and *always* look for the lowest price.
  6. You were informed that they would, indeed, down-scale stats to match the planet/scenario, were you not? So that you would not totally out-gear and out-stat the planet/scenario, correct?
  7. Well, at least it's finally showing as Offline on the in-game server status, instead of teasing us by saying it's online.
  8. Oh, joy, right in the middle of doing the Balmorran Arms Factory set of quests, guess I'll try again tomorrow.
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