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Posts posted by Bluttoh

  1. It's like I said in another thread about what not to do on major patch day: anything you'd regret losing, and in the case I mentioned, it was a complete rollback. There's been no mention of what this will entail in the dev notes, so just wait and see.


    I'd take your time getting through the new story and new levels, if the past is any predictor of the future, we've a few more bumps in the road before things smooth over. Just ride it out, we've seen this rodeo before.


    I know this dance.

  2. Had that problem once. I had just finished several class stories in a row and then stumbled outside.

    Big mistake.


    For one, I misplaced my glasses, so the graphics were lousy, and I hadn't had a cup of coffee yet, so the lag sucked.

    Killing mobs took a while because I couldn't summon any of my companions, but it didn't matter anyway because they didn't drop anything good. Worst part, there was no way off the starter planet.


    Really bad design, if you ask me.


    You just made my day, thanx!!

  3. No point letting them know, they'll ignore what we say.


    I predict the stream will start with a comment along the lines of "We are really happy with 5.0, it is clear everyone loves it, metrics show logins are up".


    And from that they'll go on to pat themselves on the back for a job well done.


    And not one major issue will be addressed, or even acknowledged.


    All The Best


    Why do I believe this !

  4. Ok I am lazy. I have noticed that some companions I get "returned" to me come back with influence 1. So I am assuming the influence for a particular companion is stored with the char ... so that if it comes back to the original character it started with, the influence it had is still there? Right? I hope??


    Very true, senya was returned to me at the influence I had raised her up to,

  5. Well I bow to your 2 years as it clearly trumps my 20....maybe you don't understand this level of poor coding shouldn't happen. Bugs happen, nothing can ever be done to get them all. That said they shouldn't be so blatant or so prevalent, at some point they needed to do more testing and work but they didn't. What they did do was simply pushed out programming that was sub par due either to incompetence or laziness or a combination of both.


    No kidding, doing tech support is not a degree in computer science, Sargrith is dead on target, This team in one shape or another has had five years to work on some of the most rudimentary bugs but didn't touch them because in my estimation they concluded they were not game breaking and players would just live with it... Sprites frozen mid virtual air, under virtual ground.. Clipping issues etc... Now I will give a tip of the hat to the stupidity of bean counters who may have told corporate that it was not important so don't allocate resources to it. The big bugs like Arcann fight and the like were completely avoidable if they bothered to use a PTR.

  6. Haha nice try but you are wrong. If you were a programmer then you wouldn't have said what you did as I know some programmers.


    Wow, you 'actually know' programmers, therefore your knowledge is far greater than a professional, lol. Nice try, kid.

  7. But even then the point is simply wrong from a development perspective. If you refuse to do anything until every bug is fixed, there won't be any update, ever. Because beyond a certain complexity, there is no such thing as a bug-free software.


    As a programmer who has been in the biz for 30 years I can say, you sir, are full of doggy poop. Laziness and ineptitude led to this mess, not complexity.

  8. I said it yesterday and I will say it again. The biggest problem with this change is 1 XP.


    Not that they reduced it, they may as well have removed it for all the difference 1 XP makes, but that they put it at 1XP.


    Its like tipping 1 penny, its a giant middle finger. And they did it to the customers who actually pay money every month for the game.


    In my line of work, entire management teams would be out of a job for this level of incompetence.


    I agree with this completely, it was a great big 'screw you' to those of us who have been paying these monkey's salaries for years!

  9. Aah, found it. I guess I was so sad and annoyed that I didn't think to scroll down far enough.

    I wrote them a short essay. Wish I could say I hope they'll listen...


    Now now, dry those eyes, people unsubscribing in mass is the one thing I've only seen them TRULY listen to. Their jobs at this moment do depend upon subscription. Now the bad news, they pull this type of **** every year and immediately run off on vacation, the bastards!

  10. You all should know by now how this works. They will increase it next week with an apology, stating some mistake blah blah, then raise the CXP gain some so it is more than it is now thinking that it will pacify everyone who hates the system and everyone will be okay and just dislike the new gearing grind instead of hate it.


    More smoke and mirrors...


    Sounds like they are running for cabinet positions in the new USA government to me.

  11. What is BW's beef with gold NPCs? When I started playing (around 2.1, I think, certainly a bit before Revan) you got decent loot and cash for killing a gold. At some point (4.0?) this changed and you got xp only with very rare cash/loot. 5.0 made them worth killing again, after 3 days they nerfed that. So what is so special about golds that BW don't want you to kill them unless they tell you to?


    Ya, I remember that, it is the reason I quit going after golds, there was no loot reward anymore. And now they did it again. pishposh

  12. there was no real reason to do this other than to be jerks. they put a cap, someone reaches cap, and now they are in a tearful rage bcuz someone showed them up.


    Here is my problem, who CARES if someone reaches the cap, I dont even care if someone maxed out at 300 levels in a week, I dont play for them, I play for me. I just dont see why bio cares, other than what I read here, which is hey, we can make money by selling cxp boost to monkeys! I wont do it.

  13. Black screen of doom on every log out? Just curious I just installed the game but I have been getting it too before my last uninstall.


    Also I just bossted a free character boost and After clicking the Nico companion perk it says I have already completed this quest however he is not in my companion list


    Does anyone know if a fix is in the works for any of these issues? Thanks! :)


    Im getting it, I thought it was my old pc, guess not

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