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Posts posted by LD_Little_Dragon

  1. 6 hours ago, Stradlin said:

    They just released a Flashpoint like 2 months back?

    Wanna guess when the last content patch for GSF was? Seven years back,. that's when. Seven..years.

    Seven years of just watching how patch after another after another keeps ignoring GSF completely. How  literally every single aspect of the game gets  repeatedly updated, besides my favorite part of it.


    11 months ago.  I just checked and the Voss update (with the flashpoint) came out June of last year.

    Are you really sure you want a GSF update?  You could end up looking at the GSF equivalent of 7.0's gutting of our combat styles.

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  2. Parsely will probably have 344 gear now.  That's with tacticals, legendary implants, and augments.

    Athough even in basic 324, no tactical, no legendary implants pretty much every combat style is capable of hitting 15k plus.  Get a tactical and legendary implants, half-decent stats, and you should be hitting 20k.

    Aim for 25k, with 330 plus gear, tacticals, legendary implants and augments (blue are fine).  That's just ballpark though, check the parsely average for you combat style.   Keep in mind that dummy parses are only a guideline and top dummy parses don't always match up with actual raid performance.  (30k plus is the endgoal, but 25k plus is more than fine for the majority of HM raids).

  3. 2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    I actually like the color palette palate a lot more. The improvements to the trees and atmosphere though do make the planet appear a bit "spooky", which kind of changes the feel of the planet. It's less toxic and more gloomy.


    Some areas on Hutta right now already have a foggy haze. It's not the same bridge, but both of these areas are "Before" shots. The top is from Broadsword's live stream, the bottom is one I took from my laptop I took yesterday. There's no fog effect at the first bridge




    As someone who does dailies all day everyday, I wish for them to continue modernizing and remastering all of the OG planets. Increase the rain and lightning for Dromund Kaas at least. Hoth is in dire need of a revamp. Of course, they likely won't. Places like Hutta are an exception as they are using the same assets for the new story. By improving the assets to look good for the new content, the old content inherited those improvements (as stated by Eric in the live stream).


    That's why there's no way to know for sure what the changes will do until I can see how it looks with  my settings on the PTS.  It's just that by the time things hit the PTS they don't get changed before they go live.  PTS is bug testing only.  I just want the dev's to realize that some players value visibility in their graphics over fancy filters, fog/smoke effects, and shadows.

    That's why I want more options.  People have different ideas about what looks good.

    At least single player games you can get mods for removing things like that horrible green filter they slapped on Fallout 3.

    I don't want pretty, I don't want 'realistic'. I just want nice clear visuals that are easy on the eyes. 

    Basically: I want the old very low shader settings back.  Did graphics look awesome with that setting?  No, but there were no dark shadows, no wonky colour filters you had to squint to see through, and everything was just plain easier to see.

    It's an option I'm asking for, nothing anyone has to use unless they want to.

  4. Let's be realistic here, the current storyline is dragging on and on for years, is pretty much the same for both factions and all origin stories, and is really not worth taking more than a handful of characters through.

    It's a good compromise to have the legacy unlock, so players do have to do the storyline to open up the new daily areas, they just don't have to take every single alt through. 

    I used to have a dozen alts keeping up the storyline, that's down to 3 now.  None of those 3 are what I consider my endgame mains, so without the legacy unlock I just wouldn't do the newer daily areas.

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  5. Agreed, the pets are annoyingly persistant clutter, especially since so many players summon (or just don't bother dismissing them) even when you're in an operations group.  Most players are pretty freaking rude if you ask them to dismiss pets too.

    I have friendly player names turned off, but kinda need the npc names, so the pet names keep floating around.  Seeing the pets is bad enough, but I could deal with that if at least the names were hidden.

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  6. Vulkk has an update on the 7.5 livestream


    part of it is showing comparions of the current hutta, and the upcoming graphics update

    I realize it's not final, but from what's shown we're losing colour and clarity in favour of a hazy filter.  For ... atmospheric reasons?

    I'll reserve judgement until after the update goes live, but seeing how the horrible fuzzy grass on Voss is still there, I'm thinking that, like Voss, the update will actually be a downgrade, not an upgrade.

    I don't know what's involved behind the scenes with these graphics updates, but if it is possible could we please have an option to keep the old look, or have a setting for clarity in graphics.  There used to be a setting in graphics for 'very low shaders' that fixed a lot of visibility issues, but that was removed a while ago and never replaced with anything similar to make the game look brighter and clearer.

    This is not new areas of the game, this is messing up the old Vanilla game, and potentially making it worse (like Voss).


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  7. 44 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

    By clicking the "Other" tab that every player has by default. Again, that stuff doesn't belong in general chat, it needs to be disabled by default. That's what the Other tab was made for.


    Except it's more than that.  I checked last night by putting only system messages in one chat tab, and some of the audio queues in operations (all of the NPCs shout-outs for example) are under 'system message' instead of conversations for some reason.

    If you can't hear the NPCs, then you need the system messages, not often, but you still need them. 


    It's not an issue most players will have, but for now it means I can't just shunt system messages off to it's own tab, and that means I won't sit in allies unless I'm not actively playing the game. 


    Removing 'player joins/leaves' from system messages would be a great change.

    • Like 4
  8. 8 hours ago, BobFredJohn said:

    What annoys me about the whole thing, is they seem to have made group levelling content so weak that all the old stories of bad players are now just the norm. The bad player became the normal player. I havent yet gone into any of the normal trinity flashpoints for fear of what I will find.

    Have no fear they nerfed the Master Mode flashpoints too.  There's still some where if you mess up the mechanics it can be rough, but not many with real heal or dps checks left.

    Most story mode operations are just as easy (if not easier) then veteran flashpoints, so newer players pretty much never have to learn anything as basic 'move out of the boss' cleave and move out of aoe'.  Even Hammer Station, which is run so often, has most tanks/dps with aggro, just stand there and eat sweeping blasters.  Sure, you can heal through it, but it's also so easy to just run through the boss and avoid it, players make things harder then they have to be.

    I should clarify, the MM fp are easy IF you get at least 2 players who know what they're doing.  Pugs are hit and miss.  I mostly queue as dps for pugs nowadays, even though I prefer heals, since MM flashpoints are very frustrating if you end up with 2 bad dps on your team.

  9. 3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:


    I wish people would stop using the word "class" when talking about characters in 7.0+ SWTOR, since some people use it to mean "combat style", while others use it to mean "origin story", and I don't think it's feasible to force everyone to take the same meaning for it.

    That's on the dev's for changing things 10 plus years after the game started. 

    I'll try to change class/advanced class to origin story (or combat style depending on context) if I catch myself making the mistake of using the old terms in a post, but it's a hard habit to break.

  10. 7 hours ago, FrontLineFodder said:

    If there is anything we can ask for, can it please be to get the dev to comment out the two lines of code that send login and logout messages to the System Feedback channel.


    Yes, that would be fantastic.

    As it is I'll join Allies rarely, and only if I'm actively looking to join an operations group when I'm not on fleet. 

    I'll drop out of allies as soon as I'm in a group, those 'join/quit' messages are way to frequent and spammy.  I can't just 'turn off system messages' since I can't hear any audio queues in the game, and need to read the system messages sometimes.

  11. 10 hours ago, LaraMoonlock said:

    As mentioned above, not only did a lot of players kill her, but even if they didn't, she doesn't have a track record that gives me a lot of confidence in her longevity. It seemed that every mission she had stormed off ahead and got cornered, knocked out or captured. She was on a fast track to an early grave.

    Exactly.  Being bloodthirsty and arrogant is just being a Sith.  Being incompetent though?  The combo meant my light/neutrals AND my dark leaning alts all end up killing her.  Think I left  her alive on like one alt who I played as overly naive and nice.

  12. I don't think I've ever unlocked it by accident, but there are a few places in the game where it unlocks automatically (aka: secrets of the enclave when it first came out).  

    If you're unlocking it by misclicking, then maybe try just leaving that first slot blank.  If you're clicking then it shouldn't matter if it's slot 1,2,3 ect, or slots 2, 3, 4, ect.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Samcuu said:


    Having said that, I'm not a pve'er and I was honestly surprised to find out from many of you here that you get very little conquest from doing things like operations for example. That side of it really needs a conquest point buff by the sound of it because, similar to pvp its time consuming and requires organization, basically it has a lot of moving parts. 


    Operations and MM flashpoints have really pitiful rewards for the time involved.

    I usually spend 10 minutes or more while waiting for raids to fill by doing heroics (which means I know both the quick ones and the quick ones that aren't instanced. you can't go into an instanced heroic while in an Ops group).  Unless you manage to time one of the social rewards then the 10 min doing heroics gets me almost as much conquest then an entire operation (probably more now that you can 10k for the 1st heroic per planet).

    I am very tired of heroics, but like to get to at least that 100k conquest on my guilded alts.

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  14. Also note that the companion bonuses don't 'stack'.  That is you only have to finish all the companion stories on one character to get the full bonuses for your legacy.

    (For example: the accuracy bonus 1%.  You get that from completing the story arc for one companion for every origin story.  Once it's unlocked every character in your legacy will get that 1% bonus.  Even if you complete all 8 origin stories the accuracy bonus is still only going to be 1%).


    ... I think the presence bonus does stack, but the actual combat ones for your character don't.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

    From tomorrow onwards,the  massive disparity between MM FPs&Ops and Planetary heroics will only grow much larger.  Payout for easiest/stealthable planetary heroics will be so good.


    I main stealth, I know all the non-combat (or just one boss to kill) quickie heroics.  Doesn't mean I want to do them all the time.  

    A proper rebalancing of conquest points would give a lot more rewards to MM fp and HM/NiM ops. 

    Currently conquest punishes players who want to do challenging pve instead of just spamming the stuff that you need zero skill to do and the changes just make the punishment stand out even more.

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  16. The time/difficulty/reward ratio for pve conquest points is way off.   MM fp and operations, even MM operations, give lousy conquest.  About the only way you get anything decent is by ticking off the social activities, which timewise you're better off spamming veteran fp for (vet flashpoints are faceroll easy and mindnumbingly boring if you're maxed and half-way decent at your class).

    43k for rep tokens let you still get conquest while doing HM content. 

    Removing that 43k and trying to steer pve players into grindy, timewasting, unchallenging content like heroics and vet flashpoints is not a good sign about the future direction of SWTOR.

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  17. On 4/1/2024 at 3:52 AM, Hrafnhildur said:

    Nah, people are not unhappy but elitist. Yesterday in KP HM my agent got mocked for her armor set ( Classic Spymaster) because .. " it is some silver sh*t".  What do you think about this? 

    That those players probably throw on an entire expensive cartel outfit, with no dyes, and without realizing that almost all cartel outfits have at least one, usually more, pieces that look ridiculous.

    ... although I'm wearing starter planet gear, low tier crafted, and several bronze/silver oufits on my toons.  Sure I have gold/platinum, but some of the bronze/silvers just plain look better.  Gold/Platinum will often clip like crazy sometimes, or dye horribly.

  18. 6 hours ago, Saeten said:

    Absolutely not true. This post is related to solo and solo+ story mode FPs. permitting guilds to chose this as a perk each week is unbalanced and not even remotely related to the Adv Reputation conquest points. Valid for large guilds, maybe... But not even close for the issues at hand.

    Not sure where you got that idea.  You have never been able to get socialite from story/solo flashpoints. 

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, EricMusco said:
      • One quick aside on this point before we get to the Conquest change. While we were discussing your feedback we noted one point specifically about Daily Areas and alts. Many Daily Areas required a specific amount of crit path progression before you could access them and so this was a friction point for each alt, especially if you have many of them. We are changing this in 7.4.1c so that the requirement to access Daily Areas is now relevant crit path Achievement (instead of crit path completion on the character), meaning they will now effectively unlock across your Legacy instead of character by character. You are of course still free to unlock them naturally on each character via story completion if you wish, this just gives another path to unlocking them.



    This is a great change, and should have been it's own post, not buried here.  It's a step in the right direction for making the game more alt-friendly again.  Especially for me since I use different alts for story then I do for endgame. 


    50 minutes ago, captainbladejk said:


    This and the daily area thing above on their own are not enough, not by a longshot. There is still a MASSIVE disparity between points available for PVE objectives vs what's available for PVP and GSF objectives.


    This though.  Reapeatable heroics, which are incredibly boring, is not a replacement for the 43K conquest points.  Those points let me do things I wanted to do and have fun and still reach conquest.   Your 'substitute' for the lost conquest points is to tell me to basically be bored out of my skull for longer before I can go have fun in the game.

    The new daily areas don't even have decent conquest.  The old weeklies and heroics were fun ... 10 years ago.  Sort of fun 5 years ago.  Seriously boring now (and players who have been here since beta have been doing them even longer).

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  20. 2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    They had a chance to get players doing Uprisings, and they instead chose to do annoying flashpoints instead like Legacy of Rakata and Directive 7.


    I"m not thrilled with the incredibly lazy quests of redo old flashpoints (and the really long ones to), but your suggestion would be worse.  Way worse.

    Uprisings are group content, they have no solo mode (yes, story/vet can be technically solo'd but not by all players).

    You DO NOT try to force players into group content, pve or pvp, for what is a personal/solo activity like strongholds.  That never ends well.

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