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Everything posted by Fearchronicle

  1. Give up, you waste your time, you talk to people who have blinders. It is to wonder how they do to walk every day. These same people who come to explain to you that there is only one positive opinion which counts and that all those who have a negative opinion have lucifer as father. I'm sure there are 2-3 marabouts to explain that paying 15$ a month (as much as WoW and FFXV) for content at the antipodes of SWTOR is quite normal. Missing more than EA is honest and decreases the cost of the subscription.
  2. Anthem the destiny like ? I have nothing against you but the problem comes from EA who entrusted the design of an MMO to a company that had no experience in the matter. As for Anthem, we'll see if the promises are kept or if as usual EA does **** ... look at Battlefront 2. EA should stay on what they do best ...... FIFA
  3. People wanted change because at that time WoW dominated the sector. People put their hope on SWTOR because it was the only game that could bring something new, especially because of the Star Wars universe. And my point of view is that only BW / EA is responsible for the failure of this game. When doing an MMO you have to take everyone into consideration, harcore / casual player. If they had said from the beginning that it would be a casual player game, people would not have put so much hope in it. So yes for the casual player the game was good, but for a large majority of players this game was not for them. We do not lose 1.4 million players just because the players did not understand who this game was for. If WoW lasts for more than 12 years it's also because Blizzard listens to his community and reacts as quickly as possible when major problems occur. The only thing EA managed to do was kick the team behind the game and we see the consequences today. This game cost 200 Millions dollars, do you think that BW / EA are happy with the result of this investment?
  4. People complain but the content of WoW, FF14, Eso, etc ... is incomparable to SWTOR. Idealism of the fans? Bioware and EA themselves sold the dream with their articles and commercials before the release of the game. If a lot of people are gone it's also because this game was clearly far from over when it was released. If SWTOR had come out with more than class story, players would have stayed and could have done the other activities. The devs clearly underestimated the speed and difficulty that the other activities would have had. Most activities were done in 1-2 days after the release and the rest of the time had to do what? Add to that the stuff of operations and flashpoints that were worth nothing compared to the stuff of leveling, no wonder everyone gets stuck if when you encourage a player to do an activity, there is no carrot at the end.
  5. Companions Andronikos will be coming back as a companion a bit sooner, they got some story planned for him. Same for Keira and Scourge. Companions actively being worked on for a return Ensign Temple (5.6) Arcann with Romance Corso Risha Akaavi Mako Vector Kira Scourge Dark Side Jaesa Felix Iresso Ashara Companions that are not named doesn’t mean they won’t return. Source : http://dulfy.net/2017/10/03/swtor-fall-roadmap-qa-livestream-coverage/
  6. How much do u charge fo the dread master title run?
  7. I completely agree with cash i wish i started this thread /signed
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