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Posts posted by Dunderheid

  1. Thanks for the reply and the info.


    Do you happen to know if the original items still drop or were they eliminated and repurposed as vendor gear?


    Being the OCD perfectionist that I am I would prefer to have the complete set with the same name theme, even if the look is the same.


    AFAIK the expensive sets e.g. Blade tyrant were removed from the game, and are now only available from that vendor. Blade Tyrant was Blade Tyrant in game, the main parts dropped from planetary quests/bonus series the rest from various champions. I imagine it's the same for the others, so I can't answer on why the changed the name of that set, but it seem the others kept their names.

  2. It's not a big deal. I've regularly healed on my operative with full dps gear content up to HM Ops(not Ravagers and ToS of course) when one of the healers in the raid group wanted to dps for a change.


    The problem as I see it is not so much the gear as the skill - I imagine (Don't know for sure because I've never played one) that healers need to know their skills and rotation. I play a lighning sorc as one of the best dps classes, so why would I know the healing side of things? Perhaps in a guild they are more forgiving, but in a random pug, my experience is that they are not. I've been in pugs where they kicked someone just to bring in a comp healer. That was before 5.0, so I imagine it's worse now.

  3. You are still under some delusion that someone is willing to do that. That is not the case for most when it comes to what happens in game these days nor at this point will they have healing gear in most cases because if their DPS they will have been wanting accuracy gear and disintegrating the rest for faster CXP gains. I'm sure some are building 2 sets for DPs and healing but that still doesn't mean they will.


    There is no take one for the team when you do't have to care about the team. As I said, you cannot force someone to play differently as bw can do.

    I took my dps sorc (lvl30ish) into a flashpoint clearly marked dps. The whole group were dps, operative, bh. I was the only force user, and after 2 or 3 groups of mobs, I started getting flak for not healing. I explained that I don't have the healing skills on quickbar, because I never learned to use them, so I got kicked. Never again. If I ever pug again it will be as a pure dps.

  4. I started as f2p, and purchased CC, quite a lot as I recall, then realised it would be cheaper to sub (after 4-5 months), so I did, and my purchase of CC fell off, partly because of the grant, partly because I didn't need to buy them so much because of the other perks of subbing.


    Now I have played Knights of both and have no desire to replay them, so since I have no need of BiS gear, perhaps I should just revert to preferred?

  5. I think that the weirdest thing for me is an Imperial Agent becomes an Alliance Leader. Not exactly something I would expect an secret agent to do.


    In the end the problem for me mostly is the lack of alternative choices. A choice to refuse the leadership and go back to the shadows would've been much more fitting for most of my toons.


    The story was written for a hero that stands in the limelight, therefore Jedi Knight.


    My characters are not heroes, even the light side ones and they are certainly not interested in leading an Alliance.


    I could argue that the story is just as apt for a Sith Warrior, though possibly not for a Consular/Inquisitor, and certainly not for the other classes

  6. The thing is, people tend to think all force powers are "on" at all times and then remove individual faults from the user and then assume they should be in a new god-tier. Ironically, that exact same belief is the very reason a lot of jedi/sith types do actually get killed by mundane sources. They think they cant be killed because of their awesome powers and that anyone else is "puny". but, jedi/sith melt just like anyone else. napalm is napalm, rockets are rockets, and their organs still have to work to survive.




    Case in point, the Sith the BH has to deal with in the Grathan Estate on DK "I am Sith - you can't kill me. Nobody can, well maybe a powerful Jedi....."


    BH: Zap, zap, Freeze! "Really?"

  7. Got 3 imps, sin, BH and Merc to start Chapter 2. I LOATHE Imp Taris with a passion hotter than a nova. My guys have been stalled off Alderaan for a while now, so I'm going to have to bite the bullet, esp for the sin, because I've never levelled one before. But if I get it over with, I can have Christmas on Corellia. Only consolation on Taris is the dark side option at the end, as payback for the whole bloody mess.
  8. Once you hit light side five it removes all dark side points. So, even if you gain some dark side points as soon as you hit the max level again - they'll be removed.


    At least that's how it used to be.


    I thought it was reach light V, then all light points offset any dark points till none are left. I don't recall it being instant, though it's a w2hile since I paid any attention to it, esp now that they have screwed it up completely - the light side missions give dark side points and the dark side missions give light side points. It needs a careful mouseover before assigning any mission.

  9. I am also having a problem completing this imperial Bonus Series on Belsavis. "Belsavis Reborn". Mission Objective Icon just hangs (on map) on Major Locke.


    Also as of this post, the Nar Shaddaa imperial Bonus Series also seems to be broken because the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series doesn't trigger initial mission objective activation over imperial officer in the spaceport after completing the main story arc(s).


    You do need to be level 60 to start the Nar Shaddaa and all subsequent bonus series. Only ®Taris and (E)Balmorra are available immediately after finishing the planetary series.

  10. I have no doubt that is correct.


    Any change to push the cartel market. Even after such a massive nerf to mobs from 10 to 1 CXP. It got the tiniest bit of change to 2 CXP now. WHY? Because at a value of 2, the real money CXP boost works. That is the only reason it got changed at all because such a small change doesn't benefit the gamer enough to matter.


    It didn't get changed as a benefit to gamers even though we knew it was a knee jerk reaction to the most extreme small number of grinders (which was a poorly designed nerf anyway). It was changed for the real money boost to work.





    2 * 1.25 = 2.5, which rounds to 2, so I think it doesn't work.

  11. I sometimes really wonder if these guys are really just bad at math and therefore can't figure these things out before implementing them. The combination of math skills and a basic understanding of human behaviour should not constitute rocket science.


    I look at it like this. People are supposedly 70% water water and when water comes down it always finds the easiest way. It fits. You bring out a new system and people will find the easiest way to manage it. Since 98% of the game's content is old, clearly people are more interested in efficiency than wonder.


    And how they balanced the CXP gain indeed shows that they don't get it themselves. Either than or they are really bad at math. It's hard to imagine but it seems to be the truth of it.


    Or maybe they just didn't imagine that anybody would want to play anything other than the way they want us to play - they know best after all....

  12. Umm..:o I haven't figured out to stop the hotbar from swapping when I take cover, how do you do that?(yes, I'm quite casual, and proud of it!)


    And really, when it comes to that one pvp game, just stay with the group , and hope that you have a healer, all the moving and using abilities isn't quite my thing either, but, you can do it! one game and you're done!


    Preferences, user interface enable/disable coverbar

  13. well..... seeing as how MMO stands for : Massively Multi-player Online......... as far as i'm aware that it, i can't possibly imagine WHY they'd be discouraging towards playing solo ...:D:D:D:D.....dunno, i personally get bored real easy if i at least can't talk to some friends/guildies on TS lol:D:D:D i might just be crazy tho, who knows:eek::eek::eek:


    True enough, so why since KotFE have they been emphasising solo play? They're being inconsistent at best, though irrational might be applicable too...

  14. Just to clarify, it is easier to get gear now than before. To get 244 in 4.0, you HAD to do NiM Ops - you know, actually hard content.



    The system itself, except for solo players, is self-defeating.


    And what I'm getting from the stream is that they don't want you to play solo, and seem to be actively discouraging it, though we will seeon Tuesday when they adjust/balance the PVE CXP

  15. I do hope someone provides a list of the highlights and/or a list of what's been discussed.


    A friendly reminder that some of us are at work and/or well um deaf and can't watch twitch.


    Have we had the Europeans complaining about the time yet?


    Brit here. {No idea what colonial times are. When does this take place in civilised time?}

  16. at least that, but well. a lot of people will tell you that will be too hard to get for a lot our dear F2P, prefered, newbies and casuals hahahaha:D:D:D


    Since ourdear F2P and preferred are locked out of it anyway, I doubt they would care.

  17. Pay what you want to play! Then pay us to make how you want to play matter--oh wait, except it doesn't, we're scamming you!


    Seriously, EAWare. This is a disgustingly blatant example of creating a problem where none existed before (as the 4.0 gear system worked JUST FINE), making the problem worse by nerfing gains, and then trying to coerce us into purchasing a 200 cartel coin 3 hour boost partial solution for the problem YOU CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE.


    Which is no solution at all for PVE. Consider 1 Heroic 2 from DK - Personal challenge.

    Pre-nerf I would get 100 CXP from this, (8 golds + 20 for completion) or maybe 127, depending on the state of the DvL contest. Nowhere near the amount for a warzone.

    Post-nerf, I get 20 CXP for completion (or maybe 23, given favourable DvL. Even with a CXP boost @ 200 CC, I would get 25 or 28 CXP.

    It's just not worth either the time or the CC. PVP and GSF are the only ways to get CPX in reasonable amounts.

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