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Everything posted by MaddMouse

  1. Hey guys, are you still recruiting? I only started playing a couple months ago, so I'm still kind of learning the ropes. It's also my first MMORPG (I was a heavy RTS/FPS gamer) so I'm kind of new to the whole genre. I think I'm beginning to get the hang of things though. I consider myself more a PvP player than PvE, but I'm open to delving into a little bit of PvE. I'm not great at PvP (yet) but I do have plans to become a casual ranked player eventually. That's a long way away though, first I have to grind all of my alts. I currently only have one toon, Maddmouse a 55 Combat Sent, but I plan to grind out heaps of alts. Mainly to have a complete team of crafters but also for story's sake. I'm happy to chill in any team chat program you use, though I'll probably only use my mic if/when necessary and very rarely (if at all) for general sociability. Not that I'm anti-social (though many of my friends disagree ), I just don't like talking to people I can't see. I have the same issue with phone calls. I won't have a social conversation on the phone, my friends have to either text me, or come see me in person. It's nothing personal, I'm just a little odd. One thing you should note though, is that I'm mostly a night owl. I'm trying to cull my social life (so much for not being anti-social eh?) so I can be fairly active. However between uni and work, my main activity will still be largely during late nights/early mornings (12am-8am Melbourne time). I hope that won't be too much of a problem. Anyway, if you guys are still recruiting and feel like I could be a good fit, let me know how to proceed from here. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. You can contact me through these forums or in game, I'll be on Maddmouse for the time being. Thanks for your time.
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