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Posts posted by Kirpputori

  1. Сasual players usually play solo or duo, but even a premade will not be able to do anything.

    So, uhhh, premade vs premade isn't fair?

    Usually elitists advise to create their own premade or l2p.

    Sure, l2p isn't much of help as an advice. But is there really any other way around it? Play more to get good. That's how the ''good'' ones got good. There isn't some one big secret that would make you instantly top 1% player. I remember back when I started PvP'ing, around the end of 2.x/start of 3.0. I went constantly against premades, got rolled sometimes, sometimes had very competitive games. I grinded it out and got better. Not that I'm some god gamer now, but a lot better than I was.

    BW do not care, they introduced penalty, so that the elitists could have fun.

    Doubt that's the reason for the penalty.

    The Toxic Elite Club is unable to organize safe hours, days

    First of all, why on earth should ''better'' players organize ''safe hours/days''? Pretty ridiculous idea ngl.

    Tbh honestly feels your whole post boils down to ''I don't like losing and I refuse to grind PvP enough to get good. Some players are better than me, don't allow them to play :mad: ''

    Unfortunately it's not how it works, there isn't a shortcut. Just have to keep on the grind, it's how anyone in any game ever got good. Just put on some good music and jam around while grinding PvP for few hours pepeJam. Rinse and repeat.

    I know that blaming others is easier and makes you feel better about yourself, I would know, I used to (and still sometimes do) blame losing on my teammates or balance changes or something else in some games. It's easier, but unfortunately will get you nowhere.

    or training for newcomers.

    I don't think they owe anyone to train them either. But I'm sure if you asked for tips/help in Fleet, you'd eventually get some responses. I always help when people ask about stats for PvP, know some others who help in that too. Have not seen anyone ask for other kind of help for PvP though.

  2. i hate bumping old topics, but im a concealment operative and people are telling me 0% accuracy, and others 105%. What is the right approach?


    0%, Force and Tech attacks (yellow dmg) doesn't benefit from accuracy for PvP. On concealment operative all of your attacks are tech, except auto attack and overload shot, the former you'll use only to stop caps and latter not at all

  3. No video as I don’t stream like every other man and his dog. I also don’t see the point in streaming every time you play on the off chance you see something weird. So I don’t even have any recording software on my PC to turn on because I don’t install random stuff that I won’t use every day.


    Yeah, I agree. Streaming/recording all your gameplay on the off chance of seeing a hack would feel pointless. But why not install one recording software? It's not like it takes much space, and you could just turn it on when you see something fishy. Then follow them around like you said you did, get a nice little clip and send it to daddy Musco. Maybe add which server it was in the message, and maybe type their name too if it's hard to read from the clip.

    gg ez

  4. Yep, when was the last time I did that? Don’t try and deflect my questions with fake rubbish.


    Sure, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit and maybe I'm a bit too attacking on my post, but I wouldn't call it exactly fake rubbish

    Fact is, you see hacks more than *anyone* in the game, and never have showed *any* sort of proof about them. And sure, I'm not saying hacks aren't real or can't be done. We've all seen jeezee, we all know hacks are a thing. But idk, you keep seeing new types of hacks so often, and no one, *no one* else sees them.


    I feel like there are only couple logical reasons.

    1. Hackers target only you (eh, not that believable)

    2. You don't know the game well, thinking some stuff are hacks when they aren't (wouldn't imagine so, since you've played the game for quite a while)

    3. You make these up (maybe)


    And for the whole hack in question and the 'Is it possible this is a well know and wide spread exploit and with everyone playing a sin, no one wants to talk about it?'

    Why would everyone want to keep that a secret, you wouldn't benefit of it much anyways and once you hit the level where you get Phantom Stride, the 'hack' becomes useless

  5. no one says a thing bcos no one can bother with you

    you are screaming about a different hack every week with 0 evidence of them

    just please, clip even *one* of the multiple hacks you see


    ooo i cant clip, my lag prevents clipping, did i tell i have huge lag btw? kekw


    pretty sure everyone thinks you just make these things up to get attention :shrug:


    though yes, i'd imagine forums being pretty dead too, but mostly the first part

  6. Greetings,

    Could it be possible to have a gear requirement for ranked? After all, it's kinda the NiM version of PvP. You don't see me running into NiM ops in 280 gear just to get daily done and not care about having low gear, so why do that in ranked PvP either. ;)


    It doesn't take even that long to get 306 anyways, especially if you are dedicated to grind for the gear, so I don't see it being much of an issue


    Opinions, anyone? :)


    Yours truly,


  7. veiled strike hits + volatile substance explodes + backstab.

    how you gonna fit all those in same gcd

    at best you can do volatile + veiled

    or am i missing something here :confused:

  8. Told him I was recording to show Bioware and the next 2 matches he can’t even get 100k because he turned his cheats off. So sad.

    the only sad things here are me (im just generally sad person), and you, making up all these stories to try to get attention

    you've been going on about cheats for ages now without a single clip for proof, zero, nada

    "i told him i'll record so he turned his cheats off" lmao sure Kapp


    then, after you "failed" the first time to "record" by telling you were going to record, you still didnt manage to clip the part where he destroyed whole team solo while being 13lvl. Why didnt you clip it? Suddenly forgot how to? Why did he suddenly turn the cheats back on when he knew you were recording him? Or did he use a hack that disabled your clips?


    imagine playing since launch and still getting rolled by level 10 jugg on lowbies and being so tilted you have to come up with a story how he is a hacker lulw, just take the L and go agane, no need to come up with these stories


    "My biggest issue was the abilities he used that he shouldn’t have" OkayChamp :thumbs_up:


    can't wait for next episode of trixxies adventures PogU Clap

    whats the next hack you come up with? enemy removed only your abilities in a match, no one elses from his or your team? enemy deleted your character? your whole account?

    WeirdChamp point_right :door:

  9. You should really start recording your matches as it seems you meet "hackers exploits n stuff" every day meanwhile i maybe see one in a few weeks if not even that and i do pvp on daily basis,im really curious as to whats happening in your matches and would like to try and explain some of the cases, now it's kind of hard to trust on your word only that theres hackers everywhere without any proof whatsoever.


    this 100%

  10. Operative reflects only reflects tech and force but parries white.

    except when operative is stunned, then it will reflect melee and ranged too. atleast used to, i think


    And still takes damage

    ^^ operative still takes all the dmg from tech and force attacks, and in stuns from melee and ranged too

  11. +1


    wouldn't probably even mind if taunts were gone from dps specs too, though they have some dr's and whatnot tied to them, so they'd need to be moved to something else


    also, not only is having dps guard an advantage, there is also that side where dps's slap guard on a healer or someone and runs away and you can't guard them as a tank

  12. How about Cloaking Screen, along with Evasion and Blow by blow? how about if we take those from the Operative and give it to the PT? the operative will still have plenty of other abilities that will make up for it


    Ah yes, leave two specs of operative with Shield Probe only, and one spec with 2rolls in addition to Shield Probe.

    Good suggestion my friend


    lmao how are so many so dense in here

  13. Hey, I got a question about PT AP, are there any abilities that you simply never use due to them being a waste of a GCD?


    i've played quite a bit of ap, don't recall having anything removing-worthy. Sure, there are some abilities you use kinda rarely (Searing Wave, Shatter Slug, Deadly Onslaught, Flame Sweep(some of these builds quite a bit of Heat too)) But when enemies does the classic 8man stacking at mid, you are going to want to use some of these :p So, i wouldn't remove them.


    Also, stealth detector thingy you probably won't use much, but sometimes you are going to want to have it on your quickbar.

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