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Everything posted by Talarchy

  1. +41 crit was easy to get, and easy to buy - our GTN has many for sale 100-200k I have 4 crystals, but I do not have a +41 power, never saw one. They cost 83 tokens from the rhagoul vendor when it was on, now you need to purchase them
  2. I live in a world where I realize Star Wars was just a movie, I live my life by whatever is thrown at me.
  3. /sign. is it meant to be a set time? mine goes from 5 seconds, to 10, 7, 20, 30... its whack
  4. They should work on the existing classes before contemplating any new ones. Bounty hunters that can't PVP hunt bounties? read my sig.
  5. I would be much more concerned with the -45% defense rating we get nerfed with.
  6. A 3rd faction? no impossible... whoever heard of a "Neutral" faction.... /sarcasm off.
  7. I would prefer to get ported back to the zone that takes the least time to load. PVPing from tatooine sucks, the next match has started before you even load back in.
  8. Funny guy. americans dont appreciate the british accent, but thats ok because we don't generally appreciate yours TBH he sounds like half the sith voice over actors.
  9. ^ this. I transferred back in March. Queues were full, took 20 mins to log on.. great a populated server!!! It's now June, it got so quiet I unsubscribed. Server transfers help you get on a populated server, they don't make the game exciting for you. Bioware seems to think that's something you need to do for yourself.
  10. Nice, was going to do the same until I saw darthhater.com and torhead.com etc, thats some serious work there,
  11. I'm with you on that one, that's what killed the game for me to be honest. I don't care much about the HK droid companion, but the 3-5 hour raids I just can't stand. I am happy to sit and play a game for 5 hours, but not being stuck playing a game for 5 hours, its not a job ffs.
  12. I was just wondering, who is Palpaine ?
  13. I just want my spaceship to get off the freakin rails, really that is it. You could ask for a million things to be added, but I would prefer to fix the things they stuffed up, one of which is the space 'mini-game'. It's Starwars, no this isnt a cookie cutter sandbox MMO, but it is a Starwars MMO, and one big part of the love of Starwars, for me anyway is the Spaceships and space combat. I wish Bioware would buy the JTL expansion from SOE that made SWG such a great space game. I can't bring myself to even sit in the captains chair anymore in SWTOR, all I'll be doing is repeating the same mission over and over, and if its not the same mission, its a different background with the same train track pre-recorded moves.. and no, pressing the spacebar to do a barrel roll does not equate to exciting space combat.
  14. People actually use the PVE servers? PVP Server asia pacific we are lucky to see 100 people on the fleet - thats a good night. But when you log on on a firday night and there is 50 people on the fleet... its a sad sight.
  15. Hi, my server is really quiet and dead. I transferred to it in April, but since the rhagoul plague finished, no one logs on anymore, and it seems the same for all Asia pacific servers. Where should I go now?
  16. Well, having transferred back in April let me tell you how it will go. First couple weeks, so many people you might even have sever queues. Next couple weeks, it will slow down. Then, they will release 1.3, you will get an influx of players. 2 weeks later, your new server will be as dead as your old one. We have seen asia pacific servers go from so full you couldnt log in, to about 30-40 on the fleet. If the D3 servers go down
  17. I have some tissues if you need? Boo hoo, you cant 2 shot them... deal with it.
  18. Because we love dragonball to be mixed with star wars, bravo..
  19. Or for gods sake, don't /sit when on the baloon. /sit on the balloon kicks you off it.
  20. But the baloon taking so long is a good thing, it gives people time to gather and gank the reb's that are on it. Even better, I sneak on in stealth and blackout, wait until the rebels finally realise you are onboard too, then overload them in to the sand below. thanks Bioware for allowing me to grief so excellently!
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