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    United States Marine Corps
  1. Of course, but like my main thread said I really want some weapons or armor that actually is hard to get.
  2. Well nothing huge, as long as it is an incentive to get it you know? Otherwise nobody will do it. Except maybe me, just cause its hard haha
  3. This thread is my opinion and if anything in this thread is wrong just let me know please don't criticize. With that said. My personal opinion with MMO games is that I love when certain things are very hard to acquire like an armor set or weapon or both, things that are very distinct and noticeable in game. Say you walk by someone and notice hey this guy has a crazy hard lightsaber to get that's really cool. Or armor piece; you get the point. I propose that SWTOR does something like that where they have a few different sets of weapons and armor that you have to go across the galaxy to build NOT BUY(nothing to do with people can buy it quickly in the Cash shop or anything) and this can't be a short one day activity. That's two easy. I want something that is really truly hard so that when someone gets it they can feel like they've achieved something huge and they (the items acquired) need to have a certain advantage to having them. This would give lvl 60s something to do instead of doing just dailies and getting off or sitting around, raiding and pvping. If anyone who reads this has ever played Gates (GatesofAndaron) I'm talking about the PVP items and how hard and time consuming they used to be to get, but when you were a lower level you would see higher levels having them and you would be motivated to level and save every item you got to make the super cool items. To me MMO's are ruined when you are handed everything. I want something that is really hard and that i really have to work for and that I can have in-game pride that I have them. I'm sure there is at least a few people out there who will agree with me. Well I hope there are. BTW in the game GatesofAndaron I was 2Tiny if ya'll were wondering I love SWTOR and this was just an idea to make the game better. Hopefully I can get enough to have it implemented into the game.
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