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Posts posted by chipequssmlgpro

  1. lol Riku you and your small little world...


    Anyway, the guild beat all bosses and got the achievement, case closed. Doesnt matter how, unless they exploited. There have always been different ways on how you kill bosses in the past. Its up to the teams creativity and capability. In the end the most important thing is if the achievo popped at the end of the fight.


    The nonsense about TH is silly. There are many germans playing on DM, or even French server (swiss people). So what? I was in a proggresion guild on Progenitor, so what? Server transfer is 1k cc, you can join guild and transfer, no issues. People starting to take this stuff too serious.... just let them enjoy their triumpf.


    thats a big HEH

    • Ossus crit path Missions are not rewarding Geonosian Power Cells when they should be.
    • In some cases Jace Malcom and Acina are both displaying as being killed by the player.
    • In some cases Sith Inquisitor players are unable to summon Quinn.
    • Not a bug but if you had a Companion reactivated for you with the changes in 5.10.1 you may receive an in-game mail containing their equipment. The mail will have the subject of "deleted character", fear not, your characters were not affected.




    You can add to that list that our Nightmare mode Izax 8 man and Timed run for Gods from the Machine achievements have not been returned, and I've been reassured by Customer Service that they'll be when it'll be fixed we're gonna get it back.

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