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Everything posted by alienization

  1. I was referring more to skill with your class. I didn't mean to disparage objective based PvP which does take more tactical awareness.
  2. Anyone else find it strange very small QoL changes take 3-6 months or longer? Do they outsource all their development?
  3. Depends on the game mode. For regs, I would agree with you. Arenas benefit from a small team size. Unlike regs where there's objectives, arenas are purely skill based and the more teammates you have, the less skill is a factor. 4v4 was a bad choice from the beginning. Just look at other MMOs with arenas, 2v2 is generally the most popular. WoW got rid of their 5v5 arena bracket for a reason.
  4. alienization

    2v2 Ranked

    Why haven't random and group 2v2 queues been implemented? It seems like such an obvious solution to a lot of the problems with ranked. It would reduce the "teammate lottery" effect and be more skill based. Matches would generally be shorter and with less people needed there'd be more queue pops. Win trading would likely be harder. In fact I think 2v2 should replace 4v4's, to avoid splitting the queue in two. 4v4 can remain for premades. I would also love to see a 1v1 queue. Dueling in SWTOR is some of the most fun I've had in this game. Sure, it would make class imbalance more apparent, but the leader boards are organized by class anyway and most people in this game run many alts. The only issue with this I see is two stealth facing off. A simple fix would be to limit time in stealth to 30 seconds, and after that force them out of stealth and in combat. I didn't want to make this yet another complain-y thread so I'll just say this. With OWPVP long dead, ranked PVP broken, and the new wz lockout. This is probably the lowest point in the games history for PvPers. This is something that should be trivial to implement and would give some veterans a reason to stick around. Maybe some of the current regulars in ranked wouldn't like it, but if what they liked was popular there would be more than 10 of them.
  5. Strange rules. You allow some out-of-combat exploits (sapheal) but not others. Assassins are the only class who can't use their best tactical. What if they only stealth for a GCD just to gain recklessness, does that count? I thought adrenals couldn't be used in PvP instances, strange they're allowed here, what's the point?
  6. People don't do that to tank your FPS...it's so keyboard turners have a harder time facing them to activate abilities. With that said I've noticed glitches like in OP's video all the time. It definitely wasn't this bad 5 years ago. Don't know if the servers got crappier or people really are exploiting. Neither would really surprise me.
  7. Agreed. I switched to my mara because sin is too ez.
  8. Everyone's playing fallout 4/battlefront, also doesn't help that it's in between seasons and there hasn't been a new warzone in god knows how long.
  9. Bioware is killing off the RNG of proc based specs (for example madness), so it's only fair they do it with carnage too. It's a buff, why complain? It will still be just as fun to play imo, we just lose the guesswork.
  10. will tyrant pay me if I carry them?
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