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10 Good
  1. Rewarding the 'snitches'. Ok, fine you guys run the game. But, how about the paid subscribers that will be further hindered from playing the game, not to mention the fact that never in the time of the game have the subscribers been reimbursed or credited for the numerous hours 'fixing' the glitches and exploits in the game? Come on people, you turn the exploiters in to make the game more enjoyable and fair to all, not for person gain.
  2. If not for the fact that they are trying to put up new content, that's just peachy. But why not fix what's broken in the game itself first? I mean, You continually fix glitchy or messed up armors because people fuss at it looking weird, but you don't fix in game mechanics such as the glitches with Operations, Flashpoints or heck, even the fact that you spend money on cartel packs only to never have the chance to get something that was designed to be in there? It's not like you guys will give me the weapon I purchased the packs for anyhow, but geez. Fix the stuff that people are yelling to get fixed instead of sticking a bottle in our mouths and toddle us while you fix things that can go unfixed? It's not the content, nor the fact that that I struggle to get achievements (which some are definitely near impossible to get finished that will drive me from the game. It's the constant "here, another pack, here, another glitch that should get fixed immediately and never does" that will drive me from the game. *rant over*
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