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  1. this is random guild vs guild pvp can be 50 vs 50 or any dirivitive. the object is to conquer bothe oblisks closest to your base in order to conquer middle oblisk. Oblisk changes to color of attacking team that conquers it. requires a Tank healers and dps to conquer oblisk. Oblisks also do damage and have random abilty such as fire freezing stun kinetic and rocks to hit random players. Oblisk turns to color of capturing team. Once both oblisks are conquered the middle oblisk can be captured. Once middle oblisk is captured and held then that team can proceed to attack a base. when one team holds the middle oblisk opposing team may retake the middle oblisk only if both of their own oblisks are conquered. There is a crystal in each base that must be conquered to end the match or time runs out will also end the match. Match can last up to 2 hours. The crystals have alot of hps and will take a couple of tanks many healers and alot of dps to kill. The crystal has 3 types of aoe, all 5 of the oblisk random attacks and do damage when being attacked. Guilds are graded similar to pvp warzones by kills healing, conquering oblisks and conquering opponent base. the winner is the team with most points and all points are awarded to guild conquest points. This is just a general Idea I am hoping that our geniuses at swtor can take this as a format and build on it and give us some kind of cool G vs G pvp. for conquest. Win or loose it will be fun bigger guilds may come out on top usually but not always. ppl may not show up or cant get themselves organized. I hope this will help and give our designers some sort of ideas on how to accomplish this goal. Feel free to use any and all of my ideas good luck and may the force be with you... this thread wont let me post my diagram but it looks like a five does on a dice with a base on top and bottom. the base paths are connected to the two dots or in this case oblisks closest to it to the right and left. bases are on opposite ends. The oblisks are connected to the center oblisk only making an X pattern. I labled my oblisks fire,air,earth,and water with the middle labeled force. base colors one red one blue. Oh well hope this give you some ideas thank you
  2. each guild that invades a planet should have to do the conquest associated with that planet for objectives. Objectives example Planet: 1. uprising 2.flashpoints 3.heroics 4.worldboss 5. galactic starfighter 6. pvp warzone 7.OPS 8.crafting 9.base raid 10.Commander 11.rampage 12.story per planet 13 ship space battles. so every guild isnt doing the same thing each week each guild does those objectives per planet. If the planet dont have a certain thing some objectives could be altered accordingly. World boss should have a object to click to summon the boss and no COOLDOWN for respawn but boss cant be spwned over n already spwned world boss so every one can get their objectives.there should also be a random guild match up pvp may 50 vs 50 or similar. I have an Idea of a guild vs guild pvp.
  3. I think its a BIG CROCK of **** that only 1 person in an OPS group gets the eye...sometimes swtor does some dumb stuff
  4. I have witnessed this same type of crap on shadowlands server...Cheaters and scammers everywhere anymore...still think swtor ruined the best mmo out there...
  5. Conclusion nothing will change for the better guess either do premades or quit the game...hasn't changed in 4 years it aint gonna change...it just keeps getting worse with more bugs...
  6. I agree 100% on this as MOST REASONABLE PEOPLE DO. Its your bully types who don't because they prey on weaker people. Unfortunately we have these types in this world. WE ALL PAY TO PLAY THIS GAME and we shouldn't have to deal with this just to have fun. Many don't have the OPTION to make groups because of different playtimes and people come and go. SWTOR should take this into concideration before they loose so many subs they have to shut down the servers
  7. All of your post are 100% correct I couldn't agree more. My wife and I feel the same way
  8. I couldn't agree more from all the posts I am reading this is the case. Most of those who are in premade groups want to bully those who are not
  9. It is not only a case of healers or gear even in the low lv premades are dominating because they use voice software and roll together as an organized group. PVP on even footing makes it fun when you can kill and be killed win or loose it is fun. There must be a separation between premades and randoms. people are easily discouraged even at low lv when they are new and trying to learn and a group of premades comes in and totally dominates them. Most not all get off on just dominating noobs and random squads. as I said before its the BULLYING MENTALITY. Some one made an interesting point earier in the posts... It is called PVP PLAYER vs PLAYER. Not PM vs PM, premade vs premade, or GVG guild vs guild. reading the post one can see who love the bulling mentality they support the premades other agree that there needs to be a separation between the two...But suit yourself and keep loosing players because it is happening on all servers. maybe you should do like WoW and create more WZs and COMBINE SERVERS for lower wait times. and have some for premades and others for solo. Especially when it come to LOW LV PVP there should DEFINATELY be NO PREMADES ON THE LOW LEVEL pvp...
  10. I totally agree. As I have also posted a similar post. I'm not saying there shouldn't be premade squads just saying there needs to be a separation between premades and randoms. It does ruin it and I can tell by the chats and also How I feel. It doesn't make it fair or fun. And it does discourage people from pvp. You are loosing people from participating. I also agree that the pvp Q wait times are WAY TO SLOW
  11. I am writing this email for 2 reasons both are pvp related. 1. the wait time to enter pvp is way to long. If it is Not ALL SERVERS pvp then it should be all connected so more people can enter and enjoy pvp. 2. the ranked pvp is premade squad based and it should be for those who want to pvp as a squad. However, the unranked pvp should be ALL RANDOM. That gives EVERYONE the same footing in pvp. With these groups of premade squads makes it totally unfair for those who are picked for random squads. people getting an unfair advantage over those who don't have premade squads makes it not only, NOT FUN, but it also discourages people from pvp. Nobody wants to go through the efforts and all the time and work involved in building up their gear only to be TOTALLY DOMINATED by pre-made squads. and more often then not that is exactly what happens. Sure it makes the bullying types real happy they can go in with an organized squad using voice software and just ROLL OVER everyone. If that's the type of mentality you want to cater too then thats fine you will continue to cause people to loose interest in pvp and swtor in general. NOT EVERYONE has premade squads and so they get angry and fed up with the UNFAIRNESS and they QUIT DOING PVP. Oh I'm sure there are people who disagree with me. But I guarantee those who disagree are those who HAVE PREMADE SQUADS AND ARE DOMINATING PEOPLE WHO DONT...Its easy to say well go create your own squads but not everyone has the people or the guilds to create squads. I'm not saying there should be no pvp with squads IM SAYING THEY SHOULD BE SEPERATE. Premade squads and random squads...
  12. Its NOT that I am having trouble with lv 23 mobs at all. The problem is ITS A BLOODY NUISSANCE and all a LV 65 character gets is a repair bill. I AM NOT SUGESTING TO GET RID OF IT, though wouldn't hurt my feelings, IM SUGGESTING A SWITCH TO TURN IT OFF IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. and there is a few flashpoints I cant accomplish alone. I have had trouble with the big mutant on Mannan but that has been fixed. Had problem with the 2 big bosses on False Emperor. And I used to FLY THRU the heroics now I have to actually Fight thru. I'm ok with that on HEROICS. I find my arm and hand gets tired and aches from having to hit the bosses so much to kill them even if I'm not taking any real damage. and If I'm hunting datacrons or helping a friend I have to FIGHT MY WAY THRU BABY MOBS WHICH NOW AGGRO ON ME WHEN THEY DIDNT USE TOO ITS JUST A HASTLE NOW. ITS NOT THAT I CANT KILL THEM. IT HAS JUST BECOME A PAIN IN THE ARSE...
  13. This used to be the BEST game in existence. Until someone decided to put a lv nerf on all characters. I have 8 lv65 characters the other 4 are lv 50. What is the point in even gaining levels if your gonna nerf my character? I can understand the nerf if you are under level 65 but all It does for me is cause me to have to BATTLE my way through lv23 mobs to get to a datacron then cost me a repair bill. I BATTLED those same mobs coming up thru the levels the hardway now that I'm 65 I WANT to be a god and 1 shot a group of them if I so wish. Cant even get certain instances done or certain flashpoints done solo because my STUPID LV IS NERFED TO LV 50. Its TOTAL CRAP AND RUINS THE GAME. WHY CANT THERE BE A TOGGLE SWITCH TO EITHER KEEP THE NERF IF YOU LIKE IT OR TURN IT OFF IF YOU DONT??? I don't care if you want to make it mandatory nerf on HEROICS due to the fact that we must do them for the new instance. But flashpoints and traveling to a planet for datacrons and such WE DONT WANT TO BE NERFED!!!. I am seriousely considering dropping my subscription because of this LEVEL NERF it has totally ruined the game. Some players like to solo and NOT DEAL WITH GROUPS or duo things with a friend or in my case with my wife. PLEASE SEE WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT THIS ISSUE. I WAS DIRECTED HERE BY TURNING IN A TICKET. I was a 5 year player on PWI and my wife and I and many friends QUIT BECAUSE THE CHANGES TO THE GAME RUINED THE GAME AND WE ARE ABOUT TO THAT POINT NOW. YOU TOOK THE FUN AND FLOW FROM THE GAME....
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