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Everything posted by FirebornJaldra

  1. Info: At this point the whole idea for the guild is 2 days old, and growing at a ridiculous speed. Hope to have started RP by Friday. The Vaykan Empire is a non-canon collection of planets just inside the galactic region known as Wild Space. The Empire was founded by the human colonists of Vaykan shortly after the Great Hyperspace War and has continued to slowly expand ever since. Vaykan has limited resources, but this small and dynamic empire does not lack for energy or expansionist will. It is governed by an Imperial Senate over seen by a figurehead emperor in the tradition of the Myfar-Fett, The Many Paths. Each citizen, force sensitive or not, is encouraged to choose a path to travel along in their life and shape their personality around. The guild role-play is centred around the very smallest and newest province of the Vaykan Empire, Hosdat Minor. On the very edge of the known galaxy, Hostdat minor is the first time that the Vaykan Empire has come into contact with the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Because of the relatively minor strategic value of the territory seized neither of the great powers has sent a liberation fleet, but the Vaykan Empire's lust for new territory will see that this state of affairs does not continue for long. Thus we get to the role-play of the guild. This will be centred around a series of Strongholds and we hope will expand to cover every aspect of Imperial life from religion to administration and covert operations to merchants and traders. All the time that this is going on the territory of the province will be being expanded through outwards facing military events, and the political landscape changing as politicians struggle for power within. With proper dedication this can become a unique and entertaining role-play experience. Other Important Stuff. Character Biography. We do have a place for character bios. I humbly request that you create one. While it is not a rule that you have one, you will find it hard to advance very far in the guild, and your character might run into immersion breaking problems. Your bio will not be used to meta game, mostly it is so that we can tell that you have actually put some thought and effort into your character and are not just going to abandon them. Strongholds. Strongholds are the life blood of this guild. If you are willing to donate one to the cause then please contact myself or one of the staff team. We can help you with decorations, but things like having Tat strongholds to turn into villages and house multiple characters would be amazing, and if your stronghold is just sitting empty then what's the loss to you? Alts and multiple characters. This guild encourages Alts. This is because we can make citizens from the Vaykan empire with them, thus we accept applicants at any level. We also allow you to have multiple alts in the guild, though you should be careful not to apply for high ranking roles that might constitute a conflict of interest. If this sounds like something that you are interested in, please get into contact with Shiyana, Osserr'ahn, Vayane or Morghale ingame, or join our forums at http://swtorthevaykanempire.enjin.com/home to read further lore and start your adventures
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