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    North Texas
  1. Galactic Lounge (Pub) Focus: Raiding/Progression (Heavy), Conquest (Heavy) Contacts: Princessmiri, Sven'tus, Timmy'k, Beihn, Mazu, Sexhotty, Doyles Website: http://www.galacticlounge.com
  2. Galactic Lounge is torn... we are staying but some of our members have transferred to Harbinger to start anew. We didn't want to lose the guild assets and other things we've worked so hard for and spent so much money building. To adjust to the restructure of BC no longer being a PvE server, we are a cross-server guild at the moment, still sharing our TeamSpeak and Website. However, it's not fair that the server has been restructured to leave out those of us who are not strong RPers and want to do more progg and ops. Even the FPs are not popping as they used to because of so many leaving at once.
  3. Ditto!! Theron relationship has got to continue! He is awesome
  4. Good luck getting ppl to read it though And you might want to put it in other languages I had a KDY group the other day with 2 new ppl and one person that either didn't care that they had just lost one person and the replacement (me) was trying to keep the group from dying again (which we did twice before I realized) or didn't speak English because he went straight to the boss and stayed then "never" got rid of the grenades Krupp dishes out; thereby, damaging the rest of the group if they didn't get out of the way. I thought your thread was extremely well written though and would definitely be guidelines to follow if only people will. Thanks for the effort!
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