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Posts posted by Isharel

  1. Right now, I'm rolling my fourth character to 50 and I can honestly say, I just don'tgive-a-flyingfudge at this point about any of the story. I just want to get there and be done with it. So! I'd really appreciate an option in the Preferences menu (Possibly next to the "Skip Movies" one) that allows us to skip dialogues all together and just recieve the quest.


    Ofcourse there are lightside and darkside choices to make. So! Taking into account a "Gray" allignment is coming, eventually, sometimes, there should be three options to choose from.


    1. Skip all dialogue with Lightside choices.


    2. Skip all dialogue with Darkside choices.


    3. Skip all dialogue and blanace allignment.(?).


    They are pretty much self explenatory. With the gray allignment it'd be rather tricky, seeing as the game would have to monitor your current allignment and balance it out so you don't sway into any of the fringe allignment statuses. Thanks for reading!

  2. If you look at the healing abilities of some classes, I think it shows the transition from Kolto to Bacta.


    On my medic trooper, there is the Kolto Bomb, and Bacta Infusion. One has a higher cooldown and is single-target (Bacta Infusion), and the other is an AoE, meaning its more expendable.


    Did not know. Thanks for telling me!:D


    We're not arguing that. It's being used in the game already. You're suggestion is meaningless. Learn to read.


    Your* and pointless**


    -YOU- must be a Yank. *Uncle Sam points at you.*

  3. Ah, so there is bacta. I guess it is as others have said, it's a rare commodity that's still being developed for commercial use.


    I'd have not made a suggestion for it if I hadn't read it on the wiki it was developed and put into use during this time period. You can read about it yourself, it's not that hard to find on any of the Star Wars wikis, really.

  4. Hi there,


    I'd just like to point out the fact, that in Star Wars canon, Kolto replaced Bacta at this point. Mainly due to the fact that Manaan was bombarded into bits by the Sith Empire during the war. However, Bacta isn't even mentioned during the game, ever. This is just an observation, nothing major, but it'd be great if we recieved some Bacta too o: Sincerely hoping for the best!--



  5. Tried reading the OP, it was full of grammatical errors and all the other stuff. So I just slapped TL;DR seal onto it and came to write my response to what I managed to pry out of the initial post. Basically..


    "This is not SWG2 and therefor it sucks."


    As others have stated before me in the replies. That is all I have to say. I hope my opinion is welcome! ^_^

  6. I have alot of friends playing this game, so I'm staying, but the OP has valid points. Releasing an MMO and playing it at launch is like living the "capital letter life". You take what you can get and hope for the best.


    The game is horribly broken, yes. CS is horrible, yes. But Rome wasn't built in a single day, was it?

  7. Was someone stupid enough to suggest troopers use melee weapons and go up against Force users? Do you even know how Jedi and Sith work? They aren't able to deflect bolts fired at them with the speed of light(It is laser after all) because "über hax0r MLG sk1llz", but because of the Force. They can predict where each hit would land. Ofcourse you need some training in how to wield lightsaber, but anyone going up against Force users in melee combat is more or less dead meat waiting to be sliced up.


    Unless you are trained to kill Sith or Jedi, which still only means you know how to counter their tactics, not how to survive a face-to-face confrontation with them. Someone actually wrote a very good guide here on how to kill Force-users. Go look for it.

  8. Could care less if I get anything or not.


    However, pre-1.2 this game was an open beta everyone was paying for on a monthly basis. That's just a fact. If anyone played the Nov.25 beta last year, they know what I'm talking about. We are basically running the last beta client. So he's right about that.


    People saying this was an MMO launch, are allso right. But that doesn't excuses Bioware to write the beta client onto the discs(Check the fiiiles) and leave it at that.


    Nowadays, since we stepped into the 21st century MMO's at launch recieve immediate patches and day-to-day fixing.(Pointing at Rift. That game was nothing but patching for a week, with clearly noticable improvements from one day to another.) This week-to-week patch application isn't fast nor satisfying enough to the players. A few graphical fixes here(Void eye, void hair still present.*cough*), another UI tweak there every week just won't cut it for an MMO in 2012.


    EA needs to realize running a succesful MMO means taking blows to the wallet the first couple of years. It requires huge pile resources and a team twice the size of the current one. So get hiring and throw money at Bioware. Those are my thoughts, honest and unbiassed.(I.. think.)


    2 - Those that happen to pick the "wrong" gender at creation are currently missing out with regards to there story arc, In my example Female sentinel missing out with Kira. There are 2 ways I see to fix this.



    How does one pick the "wrong" gender at creation? Expand upon this to me. As it seems rather.. well, yeah.

  10. You'll read about(You guessed it) two of features I'd suggest for the Legacy system. So without further adue, here you go!


    1., Facial extras: As you level up your Legacy, you gain more and more facial, cosmetic options to add to your character. Scars, implants, tatoos, piercings, what-not. This would signify greatly the fact that said character has been through hell of an adventure. You'd get to modify your character in-game at an NPC or terminal of some sorts.


    2., Separate Legacies: I get it what you are trying to do, Bioware. I really do. But players want surnames. Not Sith Purebloods and Humans belonging to the same family. Give us the ability to create separate legacies for our characters.


    With this, give us the ability to remove / add -ANY- character to our Legacy. Be it our own, or someone else's. This will be a HUGE support to Roleplayers. Ofcourse, give us the ability to leave a Legacy we were invited to and create our own. The "Completing Act 1" restriction should still be in place to be invited into a Legacy.


    I hope my suggestions will be considered and implemented in some form, as it'd greatly add to the depth of characters we create in-game and makes us bond with them. Thank you for reading.

  11. TL;DR


    I'll say this. I'm bloody offended. I had enough of you people telling us "kids" in our twenties we don't know jack **** about Star Wars because we weren't born in the bloody '70's. You know what?


    Both KotOR games combined had a thousand folds more intricate and in-depth story then the movies put together. So how about them apples? Before you diss the younger generations using something that is sub-par at best, look at what we have instead.


    I love the original trilogy, don't get me wrong but GOD can the fans be irritating as hell sometimes.

  12. Video loaded fine for me.


    I like the features coming up. Funny how it involves two major requests from the community ( UI costumization & guild bank) yet they STILL complain and whine. Shows how pathetic some of us are. I am sometimes ashamed to call myself a nerd.


    Ofcourse it's another thing that they have valid complaints. The game is crawling with bugs, but atleast be greatful for something you asked for and are getting and thank them, instead of JUST complaining. You people are very rude.

  13. Very well written I agree with the fact that in every MMO the company favours the "bad guy" faction. Look at Chris Metzen and his open favouritism for the Horde. A bloody company needs to be neutral. They can't pick sides. It's like a non-neutral court. Implausable.


    My side of the story:


    Eversince ToR was announced, I planned on beeing a Jedi. From Day 1. Didn't give a single thought to any other classes, regardless the hype. I will enjoy the moment a Sith impales me clean through if my character's death saves atleast a single life of another player. Speaking from the point of view of a Roleplayer, that is. That is all. Ta-ta!

  14. TL;DR - I did not get what I want, therefore I am choosing not to pay money for something I get no enjoyment from.




    Good for you, I guess. It's your money after all.





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