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Posts posted by Isharel

  1. I believe I speak in the name of most if not all Founders, when I say, give us a lifetime account. We stuck through the early days of this game, and when it flopped we stayed. It's only fair you repay our faith in you, Bioware. Ofcourse EA won't have any of that, the moneygrabbers they are.


    That is all I have to say in this matter. Flame on.

  2. I like passing free time with space missions. They are free money and exp if you aren't 50.


    I have one complaint , however. The Proton Torpedo is a clear, evident design oversight. You need them to destroy shielded bonus objectives, but interfere with shielded main objects you have no time to zero in on. (I.e. Sarapin Assault etc.) How was this not looked into the past 6 months + the years of beta testing?

  3. It's not skipping dialogue. It's just speeding through it.


    My point was to not experience any dialogue what-so-ever, as spamming spacebar like crazy can get rather annoying if you are doing it constantly on your way to 50. I like the content and all, but for the fourth or fifth time I just don't want any of it. Give me my quest, let me complete them, take care.

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