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Posts posted by Goon_LavaBlast

  1. The stars next to your name don't mean anything. They just indicate who your primary toon is, which MAY OR MAY NOT BE your GM-toon, since the star can be moved to any toon you want. That's all that does.


    When you logged in presumably within a week, at that time did you notice you were still GM? It might have been the GM spot was given away before that but you may not have thought to check. You didn't say how long your break was, but if it was anything like your friend's 150 days off, it wouldn't surprise me.


    Not sure how "easy" it is to hack your account. Did you/do you have a security key? Did you ever get an email from SWTOR saying someone has attempted to change your password/email associated with the account?


    I know, we put the stars to indicate that we were the leaders :sy_title:

  2. This part doesn't matter. When we say Main, we mean your main Toon. If you have 12 toons, only 1 can be GM, and if you haven't logged into that 1, you can lose the GM status as we've described. You must log into your main Toon within 30 days to avoid having this happen.


    yes, I know. My main is the account that has the guild leader toon

  3. There are two possible reasons:


    1. You did not log into the "guild leader" character for 30 days. You mentioned you logged in last week, but did you actually log into the character with the guild leader rank or onto an alt character? Or:

    2. You unsubscribed, then automatically the next subscriber in the list becomes guild leader.


    Both these systems work flawlessly, which is why Customer Service will not interfere in guild dealings. Dealing with guild drama is too much hassle and easily leads to a "he said, she said" situation that CS agents don't want to get into.

    The error must be on your part, and as a guild leader you should have been aware of what you need to do to remain guild leader.

    So I hope this helps understanding why you lost guild leadership. Your only hope is convincing the new guild leader to give lead back to you, and then making sure you won't lose it again.



    I was on my main account witch is the leader of the guild. And my sub has not lapsed or anything, I still am subbed and never un-subbed.

  4. So, I logged on yesterday to play some KOTET; I checked how my guild was doing (I am the leader of the guild). When I wanted to check how the guild was doing is when I noticed that I no longer had access to the Admin (ranks) tab. I couldn't edit ranks, maximum credit withdraw, or withdraw many credits from the guild bank. I then look through the members and I see that a random player has become the Guild Head. I was no longer in charge of my guild. I had none of my admin powers or anything. I never ranked up this guy or anything. The only people in my guild that even had the permission to rank someone up to Guild Leader were me and my one friend. I know it wasn't my friend because I called him to see if he knew anything about this and he had no idea, plus he was currently taking a long break from SWTOR. He hasn't been online for over 150 days. So he logged back on to see if he still had is permissions and admin powers but he too didn't. --------- :(

    When I last logged on, was last week, and last week I was still in charge of my guild. My friend and I thought that maybe one of our accounts got hacked but that couldn't be possible due to the fact that we both have security keys. So I sent customer support a ticket and they were no help.-------- :confused:

    I am really confused on how this happened, because we never ranked this guy up. Now I am worried that he will mess up the guild or take all of the guild's saved up credits.... But here is the thing, both my friend and I had the star that we put next to our names (in the guild). We were the only two people in the guild who have the star(s). This new guy doesn't have the star, he may not know how to put it on his name or just didn't do that in the first place. But that also got us thinking that this could be a glitch. That he could have been ranked up by a glitch and not even know it. Either way, we have no idea how this happened or how to get our guild leaderships back. I also have logged on with my main account (that is the leader) in the past 30 days and my sub has not ended------- :sul_frown:

    Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone know what to do in this situation? :rak_02:


  5. I think that SWTOR should be compatible with mac. I am not a mac user. I am a widows user. But I have many friends that have mac and really want to play this game. I don't know if SWTOR is (now) compatible but if it is YAY. But for now I don't think it is. I feel bad for all the mac users that are left out of the fun and adventure that this game offers. And it would bring in more players, so the community and population gets more people to help the game last longer.

    If you agree with me that SWTOR should be for mac. Post below. I see no problem with mac players joining in the fun this game has in store.





  6. There should be a shop like the cartel 'store'. One were you pay real money to get credits like you can pay real money for cartel coins. It would be like....


    $5.00 for 20,000 credits

    $15.00 for 90,000 credits :jawa_cool::jawa_biggrin::jawa_smile::jawa_angel:

    $25.00 for 100,500 credits

    $60.00 and/or [$80.00] for maybe 1-million



    That would be easier than grinding for hours to get credits. I know that it is easy to get credits in game but it would make it so much easier if they had this. So it would be what grinding you do in-game and what you payed for. It would be so easy. :rak_03:



    If you agree with me, post below what you think; if this should be a shop or if it should not.


    So what do you think :rak_02:

  7. I just watch a developer video on a new stronghold! It is a Yavin 4 stronghold! It looks massive. I looks amazing. I would really want to buy it as a guild home. It looks like a temple so it would be a cool temple for guilds. Tell me if you would like that a guild home or a legacy home. I would like to hear your guy's thoughts.

    This is the vid:



  8. With the new expansion to Star Wars The Old Republic it says that the player will get a level 60 character. But does that mean that the player will get a new level 60 character or will his/her current character be leveled up to level 60?

    I wonder. I am very excited for the new expansion and this is my only question. Tell me what you think about that. Will it be a new level 60 character or instantly be upgraded to level 60. Which one would you want?


    "The expansion will also raise the player level cap to 65, and includes a Level 60 character so players can immediately jump into the new story-driven content. The expansion will be available for free* to all subscribers of Star Wars: The Old Republic."




  9. The cartel market should have a new contract companion, like 'Teek; (I think thats his name). It would be a Jawa. Also it should have upgrades or more customizable things. It should go for 2,000 cartel coins. :csw_crawler::jawa_smile:
  10. I think that the Coruscant strong hold should have more centerpiece hooks. I got the Revan statue but couldn't place it anywhere. So I looked around and saw that the statue needed a centerpiece hook, I could not find it. I just now realized that the only centerpiece hook is on the balcony. I would really like if they could add more centerpiece hooks in the house.
  11. We should have a new PvP map. Maybe on Tatooine. It should not be like the other PvP where you have to plant the bomb or activate a pylon. It should be a red team vs blue team style match. One team fights the other. Only one goal... kill the other team. But not lile team death match. A much bigger battle field (on Tatooine or any other planet). Aslo there should not be only 5 people. More like 10 on each team (suggestion). And every one respawns and doesn't just die and can't revive, like in team death match. The game should end when one team has 20 or 25 kills all together, everyone's kills will add up for the team.


    -What do you think?


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