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    Cádiz, Spain
  1. Hey folks! As a usual runner of Hateful Entity right now, and realizing the amount of time we usually lose because of ragequits, low skilled / bad geared players, I have the idea to form an stable group to go for Hateful Entity some days of each week. I currently have no orb, so one run in Dreadful Entity to gather it and ensure the runs would be needed, the most orbs, the most flexibility. Anyway, litle requirements to enter the group: Don't ragequit. Hateful Entity, even with the level difference, is not a cake. Several tries could be needed to do it, even if the people is skilled enough. Have time to help others. Don't run away with your mask. Maybe not in the same evening, but have availability to help others. All the group wants the mask, this is teamwork. Think wider. If the group works fine, why not trying 16 NiM achievements? (not actually a requirement, but a consequence) If you're up, answer this thread or friend me in game (my toon is valenjinn, sith assassin. I could do it in republic side with my sage too, valenwan). The hours could be 18-21h GMT+2, but actually depends of the people up. See you in game!
  2. Hey folks! Binary Sunset (Rep) / Left in Darkness (Emp) is recruiting! We are a social and little community of players focused on end-game content (operations, HM flashpoints and casually PVP). If you're a newbie / returning / transferred level 60 or nearby to and want to try that content and learn, you are welcome to join! For more information or an invitation, just apply at http://binarysunset.shivtr.com/ or at http://binarysunset.shivtr.com/ We'll arrange your invitation in-game once application is accepted. See you in-game!
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