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Everything posted by DiscoRilla

  1. I just hit 65 on my PT the other day, so I just need to get him geared to tank. NIM is where I would like to go, though. I used to heal on my sorc and got 4/5 Nim DF before our group got axed by the guild leader.
  2. That sounds really fun! I don't think I'm ready for Nightmare quite yet, but it's good to know that's where you guys are heading. I am definitely interested in talking to you guys!
  3. I've been working on a Mercenary, but the Sorc is the only one I've hit 55 on and started gearing. I've never been a huge fan of leveling millions of chars, so I haven't gone down that road with the game yet. My Sorc has a set of 162 gear for DPSing dailies, too. I'm familiar with Lightning Spec.
  4. Because of the above post, I am no longer in that guild. Apparently my expectations are a bit too high and I have offended them. Now the quest for finding a guild that suites my gaming needs truly begins. I'm not expecting a spot on anyone's main roster. I'm just hoping for an actual shot to learn the newer content.
  5. Are there currently any guilds on Bastion server who need a Sorc healer for Hard Mode raids? It's going to be a month and a half of running boring story mode operations, before my current guild can come up with a geared 16m for them and I would prefer not having to wait for that. I've been gearing myself with pugs and the comms farmed from them, because they don't really have the time or people for anything but 8 man hard mode. I was originally recruited to heal for them, but that spot was filled by a returning member. There is a random chance that someone may no-show here or there, but being on Stand-by and waiting for that moment is not how I would like to spend my in-game time. They told me to just roll alts, when I asked them what I was supposed to in the mean time. How am I supposed to gear my main or learn the raid content, when I am making other characters instead of maxing them out? It makes no sense. I came to this game because I wanted to progress in it. Are there like minded individuals here?
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