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Posts posted by DecoyThree

  1. On 1/19/2023 at 5:58 PM, BryantWood said:
    1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall?
    2. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track?

    Not a whole lot, I've really only stuck with it to max out the companion influence and get CC.


    2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far?

    I dislike them as companions, but they're very easy to make sure my alts have influence 50 crafters. I use Altuur, but only because he has Kolto Targeting Field. Make them silent. Or hire someone to record lines in Basic.


    3. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less?

    Fewer crafting and world boss requirements. 


    4. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete?

    I've hit level 100 each season, but no further achievements or max reputation. Too much of a time sink to go further.


    5. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy?

    I generally skip weekly objectives if they aren't part of my normal activities and I'm stretched for time that week. I definitely err on not completing the season rather than letting monotonous grind prevent me from playing the parts of the game I enjoy.


    Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons?

    I like it when you could max out your weeklies through normal play. Being able to have PVP or GSF targets each week was a big part of that.  Make the companions silent. I hesitate to even send Phalanx crafting because of her voice lines.

  2. [*]As Jackie posted, we fully intended for current characters to be able to choose a preferred Combat Style upon logging in for Game Update 7.0. We have worked for some time to try and make this happen, but recently ran into some technical hurdles that unfortunately prevents us from supporting this. So, as a result, when you log into the game after 7.0, your primary Combat Style will be your current Advanced Class. Choosing your Advanced Class was designed to be a permanent choice, and we will continue this with Combat Styles. We have no current plans to introduce a method to change one of your Combat Styles.

    Guess I'll delete the character I made, leveled to to 75, geared, put through the expansions, and maxed out companions for so that it would be ready for the expansion, and start over again at level 1 with the two combat styles I actually want.


    Seems like a pre-existing Shadow can become an Assassin (and still have a second combat style available), so I don't know why my Commando can't do a similar swap to Merc, except to teach me a lesson for trusting you to keep your word.

  3. as I reread this, I should also point out that sorcs shouldn't be carriers anyway. tbetter to get ahead as a leap/holo target and they pull carriers. just more effective for that class.


    That doesn't change my point at all. Sorcs make great ball carriers, and they can defend nodes better than Operatives. They also off-heal better than Operatives. Mercs off-heal better and have more DCDs and escapes. I could keep going. The fact is that pretty much everything that people complain about on Operatives can be done better by someone else. No one expects them to, because those classes would be better for the team at mid than an Operative would be.


    Keep playing your game where Operatives are unkillable slaughter machines and skilled players never run the ball on other classes, and Huttball is apparently the only PvP that pops. When I come back to the forums in another six months, it'll be the same people voicing the same complaints, refusing to improve themselves just like it is this time.

  4. I’m sorry, are you playing a completely different game from the rest of us? Do you not notice the way Operatives and Scoundrels glitch halfway across the maps and through floors when running the huttball? Because we all do. It has almost zero to do with skill and more to do with the fact that desync issues make them nigh untouchable while rolling. And by the way, it’s not just Operative/Scoundrels. Any rapid movement (Covered Escape, Holotraverse, Mad Dash, etc.) has a high chance of glitching a toon to hell. It’s just that Operatives/Scoundrels can do it a lot more often.


    I really don't see it as much with Operatives, because they save roll for fire traps. It's Sorcs who get 5 free seconds of immunity because they pop force speed and the game can't decide whether they're on the scaffold or in the pit. I'm much happier chasing an Operative than a Sorc every single time.


    The only times Operatives are really an issue to chase is when some mong white bars them at full health. But the people doing that are the same people that stand in sap range of a node and complain that they get sap capped.

  5. people saying operatives should be nerfed are completely delusional; they dont know what they're talking about.


    To be fair, the players complaining about it also seem to be unable to out-DPS 2 stacks of Probes; that's pretty indicative of their quality.

  6. You act like I am a liar. I play Operative and Scoundrel. Even *I* feel they are OP. 33% immunity, do you feel I am lying?


    I played whatever class you main all the way to level 10 and I say it needs nerfed. You can trust me because even if I'm not skilled at playing it, or even know what it is, I still played it once.


    Add in all the defensive abilities Scoundrel/Operatives have


    You mean Evasion? Much CD, many ability.

  7. There are people and guilds who play for the purpose of gaining conquest. A lot of these folks prefer PvP over PvE, and the PvP weekly gives a load of conquest points. Having it be win only causes conquest to take forever to get for these folks. Either that, or they’re forced to do the same stuff in PvE over and over to farm points.


    Also, there are completionists who can’t stand to see an unfinished mission in their queue. And, as someone pointed out, winning and completing missions is a big part of the fun of the game for people. Finally, it makes no sense that ground PvP has this stipulation, but GSF doesn’t, at least in my opinion.


    So you're saying that people should get credit for losses in order to get a sense of accomplishment from completing a quest and for conquest points?


    Perhaps the guilds trying to farm PvP conquest points could start a group, and try to win. Perhaps the completionists would feel a bigger sense of accomplishment if they actually won a match.


    Some people like to actually finish missions. That’s the problem.


    I don't know what to say. If people are winning 0% of their matches, I'd begin to suspect there's more than random chance at work.

  8. situation: guy: thinks animations are kind of funny and asks for opinion

    scapper players: yOu InSuLTeD mY cLAsS!

    me: hey guys why dont you go here:



    Yeah, the guy comparing the class to My Little Pony and rejecting the notion that players can be indifferent about the animations is totally the one trying to have a genuine and open discussion. I'm sure everyone else is just rude for not automatically agreeing with him.

  9. I'm pretty sure you're the one that rolled up and started insulting a class you don't even play.


    If you're going to complain for no reason, then complaining is pointless. If you have a reason, what is it? Are you trying to have blasters taken away? Are you trying to get the class changed into a ranged class? Are you trying to have BW change all the animations into blaster shots that don't travel past 4M?


    None of those changes would be good. It's a melee class. It does things in melee range. If that's somehow equivalent to playing Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, then we're better off having you be another generic saber-wielder with the same boring brown robes that everyone else wears and leaving us alone.

  10. I'm not sure how this thread is still going.


    If players are getting stalled 5v1, then those 5 players are bad. All it takes is one guy to watch a teammate get halfway through a cap and press hardstun. Alternatively, you could just root the Operative. Can't roll while rooted, and Countermeasures is a long 45 seconds. There are so many ways that 5 guys can just wreck that Operative that it isn't funny.


    But bads will be bad and defend on top of nodes, and self-interrupt their own caps to spam AOEs, or stand in Grenade/Flashbang range of each other when they don't need to, and other nonsense. You can't use examples of people making objectively bad plays against Operatives as evidence that Operatives should be nerfed.

  11. Hell, maze, start to cap, wait for enemy to trinket it.


    I know I've seen people in this thread try to give you help. This specific thing too - not standing in melee range of a capture point. Maybe if you stopped ignoring help you wouldn't feel that Operatives are too strong.

  12. Thanks.


    Is there a recommended gearing order? I'm mostly doing PvP since I'm still bad at flashpoints. I died a couple times just learning the mechanics in Directive 7, and I'd like to either figure all that stuff out either on my own or with a group that doesn't mind a new player.


    I bought a T2 relic since even if I get into Ops I can fill the other relic slot, and a DPS mainhand after several complaints about my damage output in Warzones, based on the assumption that PvE tanking is going to be less gear dependent than PvP. I'm hoping to push to a 242 mainhand before 5.6, but I don't know which set of gear to buy at each tier to flesh out my character as efficiently as possible. Currently planning 242 tank set with the 248 DPS mods for my PvP set, which should leave me a 242 PvE set (but with 230 set bonus armorings). Gearing a tank for endgame seems like it's going to take at least two sets for my PvP gear and one for PvE.


    I was looking at buying a 246 armoring for my shield, but they run about half my total savings on the GTN. Maybe I can find a crafter willing to do it for mats, since even if I upgrade my shield I'll have at least one armor slot that I don't need a set bonus armoring for - so it seems like a pretty good upgrade.


    Are people going to hate me if I don't augment my jewelry slots (relics/ears/implants)? Are PvE players going to hate me for modding and augmenting for PvP? I'm feeling stuck in this awkward place where I'm not getting much of a return from new player guides/videos, but listening to vets talk about the game is still way above me. I'm pretty driven to succeed, but if someone could point me in the general direction I should be going it would be much appreciated.


    Edit: I've been saving my command crates for the patch coming up on the 28th, but I just started getting tier 2 crates. Is it worth opening the higher tier for upgrades or should I keep saving them?

  13. Thanks for the offer, but it looks like I'm on Satele Shan. Which is weird, I don't know why I'd have been on a West Coast server before the merge.


    Is there any way to upgrade T1 gear? I'm thinking about buying some trinkets or set bonus pieces just because I have so many more Command Tokens than I do Unassembled Components, and I don't know what else to do with them. I also have no idea what to spend my Light Side Tokens on if I'm not interested in the glowing Legacy armor sets.


    I know I'm only getting tanking items from crates because of my spec, is there really no such preference for schematics? Or are there just no Biochem recipes that drop from tier 1 crates?


    I'm feeling more confused than ever.

  14. I played SWTOR for about two months three years ago. Got to level 50, then quit when my friend did. Decided I wanted to try it again, but I'm completely lost.


    I'm super over-leveled and don't know where to go next. I finished up Makeb and between bonus XP and PvP, I'm level 66 already. My only story missions are Crystal Ball on Ilum and the intro to Shadow of Revan. I think I'm supposed to go back and do Ilum and then find somewhere else before the Revan expansion? Currently looking that up.


    I'm also worried because I read I was going to lose all my companions. I can get them back, but they're not the same character ID or something? Should I spam Esseles to max my first companion for crafting purposes? What's the storyline cutoff for this?


    Probably subjective, but is there any profession that's better than other for endgame gearing/progression/anything? I'm currently Biochem, but it looks like they took away the re-usable versions of all my stuff so I'm sort of lost here too.


    How exactly does gearing work? I heard PvP is the fastest way to grab T1 gear and set bonuses, but you need to turn the shells in to get the next set. What's stopping someone from buying 6 belts/bracers and getting bonuses that way? I have some Aug kits stocked up from 3 years ago, but I wanted to put them on my orange armor set so I could just keep that one set for pretty much ever (or until I'm rich and bored of it). Do I need to aug the T1 shells to not be a complete [rude person] in PvP and keep buying aug kits each tier?


    Other than that, just looking for friends. Or at least people that don't mind running FPs or things with a noob, because I don't want anyone raging at me too hard for not knowing a particular mechanic on any boss fights. Like, I did Hammer Station the other day as a refresher, and I forgot about the last boss' blaster aoe. Thinking it was a cleave, I stayed where I was so it wouldn't hit anyone but me before I eventually figured out he didn't track targets during it and I should run out. Derpy stuff like that.

  15. Too many bads, "autopilot" required to level the playing field.. There's a guy in another thread on here who wants to know "why the relics are on cooldown" on someone's screenshot. = why they won't go back to static.

    I think it's more of a balancing move. As a player, you definitely want on use relics. You land a stun/silence/knockback on a healer, pop all offensive CDs/relics and blow a guy up while the healer can't do anything. It's good play with a higher skill cap.


    From a developer standpoint, it's less about "our players are raving idiots," and more about preventing the above scenario. Proc relics are just safer to put in game because they limit on-demand burst during those critical windows.

  16. Obviously full Obroan which is ridiculously easy to grind. You should not be augmenting 55 greens and blues just so you can enter Ranked....


    So it would be easier for me to grind a bunch of comms that I don't currently have than to buy Augment kits with the credits I do already have? I'm not following your logic on that one. Please tell me how getting something I don't have is "obviously" easier than getting something I already own.


    Also, all of my augments are on custom shells. Why would you think I'm adding augment slots to gear that I'm going to throw away? I have enough comms to have 2 Brut relics out the gates. REing the 54 implants into the desired purple version will take a bit longer obviously since I'm over-leveled and won't have a lot of time to gather mats on Makeb before dinging 55. That leaves me with 13 pieces of gear that I can easily justify adding augment slots to. So all I need to decide is where I'm going to get my earpiece from.


    My point is that 14 augment slots are a lot easier for me to get than 2018 unbolstered Expertise. And as far as I can tell, a crafted hilt will give me overall better stats even if I cap myself at 1936 Expertise (or w/e the number is).

  17. Hahahahahahaha hahahahahaa this thread


    But seriously, what about those of us with 30+ characters? Maybe if valor was legacy wide (And scaled to such) But the idea that you have to level every single toon by PvP in order to be put in 55PvP is kind of ridiculous. What about the person that already has 10 elite warlords but (god forbid) decides to level by the class story?


    Seriously, think with your brains, not your rage.


    You might want to dial it back a bit. I sincerely doubt you need to level a character through only PvP to hit the Valor cap. Especially because I just did it. I did a little PvP grinding between Valor ranks 30 and 40, but other than that I've barely done more than the number of Warzones needed for the daily (I didn't start PvP until around 30). And I was sitting right at the Valor cap until level 51.


    Sure, maybe make a consideration for mirror classes, but rank 50 Valor hardly requires a person to level up strictly PvP. And it certainly won't force anyone to skip their class story.

  18. Oh, and the two ideas presented here? Require zero player cost, almost zero development time, and can be applied NOW, not two or three patches from now


    So I just started playing a little over a month ago. I'm leveling up with a friend, and we only play our mains when we're both on, so the leveling process is pretty slow. I'm level 53 currently.


    I have ~2100 WZ comms and 3300 RWZ comms. I have 4 Mk9 Aug kits installed, 2.8M credits in the bank, and another 450k on an alt. This "zero cost" solution of yours is, I'm guessing, max Expertise rating. Please tell me, upon dinging 55, which is going to be more accessible to me: Full Obroan, or 10 more Augment kits + Augs?

  19. Look, I've said more than once that I'm fine with buying augment kits. My issue is with how quickly you're expected to replace Obroan pieces combined with the fact that you have to destroy them in order to get Brutalizer. Which - given the attitude that led BW to introduce bolster - seems counter intuitive on more than one level.


    But feel free to keep ignoring that. Don't bother offering any alternative suggestions. Keep straw manning me. Continue being contrariwise for the sake of being contrariwise simply because your sensibilities have been offended by those silly PvP peasants who don't want to run 16 man Ops, or whatever swells your e-peens.

  20. I usually target my next target during the GCD/Cast and I hope you mean Key-press in the underlined section because healing simply doesn't work if you need to move your mouse to activate Abilities, you need your mouse to select targets.


    if you indeed do click your Abilities with your Mouse that explains why you think it sucks.


    His post is confusing, but I think it's safe to assume he meant keypress. Mouse-over targeting wouldn't work if he were clicking his skills, as he'd have no target.


    I have to say, mouse-over targeting is a huge QoL improvement, and I'm very disappointed that it's not available in this game.

  21. relics, 100% augments, stims, set boni. Outside of that no other gear is 'required' thanks to bolster.

    I'm just starting the game and not really looking forward to the gear grind, so I'd like to make it as quickly as possible.


    My first purchases will be relics, then set pieces. Would I be a terrible person if I started ranked with the 2 piece bonus and no aug on my ear (and potentially implants)? I'm planning to get decent crafted ones as soon as I can (will play the RE game for implants as soon as I'm high enough level to train them/farm the mats), but I don't really want to augment pieces I'd replace in a week or less.

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