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10 Good
  1. Darth Malora from Jedi Under Siege mission got quite a unique head option with horns and pointy ears. So my suggestion - let us buy new head sets for humans and other races with pointy ears similar to Malora's head or slightly different. Lore wise it can always be explained as some genetic modification, plus it would give players a more unique way to Role-play their characters, because who didn't want to be a space elf? Plus, we already have those in Lore - Arkanians(Not really Elves, but kinda same arrogant dudes) and Sephi.
  2. I know its a really minor thing, but can I just say how cool Khem's new weapon look on his back? But.. it's basically the same blade we get from cartel market. It looks the same in every way. Then, why not make it so our characters could hold it on their backs? I mean, look at the size of that thing - normally you would treat this blade as two-handed sword. And you don't keep two-handed swords on your belt. Its just too big for a belt, but it looks damn perfect on the character's back.
  3. As was stated in the title - Tythian Desciple's Helmet with it's fire visor, "dims" out during conversations. I asked in-game customer service and a guy with name Shelby confirmed, this might be a bug. Plus, sometimes, when you exit conversations, this visual effect disappears as well, until you change outfits.
  4. What the title says. Lord Dramath is a companion that we get in the last chapter of KOTET to help us in the battle. However one thing that really pissed me off, that for some reason BioWare gave him ouutfit's slots and then just removed companion, never to return again. Seriosly? If he was made our companion and we could change his outfits, why can't we get this guy back at least via terminal on Odessen. Common Bioware, i waited for too long on sith companion and no Lord Scourge is for knights only. Please, allow Dramath to be summoned again! You can't have him even if you exit chapter and travel somewhere. So doing this would cause a bug, you won't be able to summon him again, even if you return in the chapter.
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