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Posts posted by fozbozjimjam

  1. Bah,


    I generally am number 1 or number 2 on damage for any given WZ. In a really bad match I am still in the top 5, and that is post patch 1.1.


    Finding a build that works for you and playing smart go a long way!




    why do people consitantly beleive getting high damage in a warzone means anything...oh look at me spamming frag grenades etc etc big whoop


    9/10 if your top dps it means you not doing the objective and just chasing skills spammin aoe

  2. because pve gives me more expertise right???


    why should i pve to pvp?


    bet you most of the fully champ bm gear guys havent even set foot in the dungeons they have ben to busy steam rolling level 10s for easy commendations..oh wait i was one of those getting steamrolled

  3. So finally got to level 50 a day or so ago with my whopping 12k hp and zero expertise and just cannot compete.


    Atfer 20 stupid rick roll bags zero nothing nudda not 1 item, RNG is RNg I understand but getting your face rolled from 1-49 was bad enough(realise patch was yesterday) now to go in the high end bracket with everyone kitted out fully who all fed off the lower levels just to get facerolled is dumb.


    How can a new level 50 compete in pvp without getting items? farmed for 14 hours for tottaly nothing just more anger and resentment in this game


    I dont mind woking towards gear but this is just stupid when the guy I levelled with got 3 items out of 6 bags, how does it justify his gameplay being better then mine????


    And all i got all day was ( FFS another new level 50... go pve)


    I thought it would get better at 50 its just got facepalm worse


    Please Please Please sort the bags out if your not going to bother sorting it and letting the rest of us get facerolled please let us know so we can cancel out accounts.

  4. *cough*




    hit the nail on the head makes perfect business sense for them to do this


    dangle the carrot a little more

  5. This may go against everything that you have ever thought about PVP but there is a simple truth behind it, especially in this game.


    Everything does not revolve around 1vs1 duels. That is right you heard me, its not all about who can win 1vs1. Were that the case I would agree, that the operative/scoundrel are highly overpowered but those who believe that are not only approaching the issue with the entirely wrong mentality but PVP with the entirely wrong mentality.


    PVP at its highest form is about what you can contribute to a group. The role of a DPS stealther in PVP is to move in and quickly dispatch a target, generally the opponents healer, or perhaps the lone guard of a turret on Alderaan, but a team made up entirely of operatives and scoundrels would stand no chance against a well balanced team.


    PVP is fast paced in this game and things happen very quickly. Too bad the smuggler and agent are the least maneuverable class in the game. Armed only with the out of combat sprint that every class gets at level 15, we move around in stealth in order to get the jump on our opponent. I timed the amount of time it takes me to to get from 30m (Maximum ranged attack distance.) to 4m (Minimum melee distance.) on a stop watch and it came to 4.3 seconds. So we will say 4 seconds, and that is with sprint activated. Now keep in mind this was against an NPC standing still, on flat terrain, coming from behind. If you are adding in that you need to come be behind your target who may be faced any direction or moving around, across terrain with obstacles or even up somewhere you can't reach them, and you HAVE to be in stealth to activate shoot first this can really draw out the time you spend lining up an attack. Sure by mere seconds but a lot can happen in mere seconds in this game.


    Whats the point of this? Gunslingers, sages, commandos, and vanguards can all begin attacking at 30 meters regardless of the terrain they are on, so they can fire up to people on walkways etc. Guardians and sentinels get it even better. Their force leap ability takes them from 30 meters to right on top of their target, does damage, generates focus, and even stops their opponent from moving for a second of two. This ability can even allow them to leap past obstacles, closer to objectives, or even across huttball goals. Stealth based shadows are the only class with the same limitations as us, but even they get a handy in combat sprint ability making them slightly more maneuverable than us. Most people are considering the fight to start with the shoot first. Sure it does for them, not for us, we lose a lot of time preparing for that perfect kill.


    But beyond our maneuverability, what about controlling the movement of our opponents? Pulling them into obstacles, or dragging them right into the middle of our group so they can prettymuch insta-die from focus fire. Pulling them from infront of huttball goals or off the top of walkways down to the ground floor. Pushing them into obstacles or off cliffs? The smuggler has nothing like that. Our only knockback is a grenade that only works against weak and stardard targets making it un-usable in PVP. Our pulling ability is non-existent. I can't even COUNT how many times I have been pushed into acid pits and stunned or snatched from the edge of a huttball goal into the middle of a group of enemies to be destroyed before I can do much of anything. Its not OP but does justify our abilities.


    The point is other classes can use the terrain to their favor. Other classes can say skrew the terrain and leap across it.

    Other classes can redirect and prevent damage. Other classes can heal away damage, or pop up shields and spam the same amazing attack called telekinetic throw over and over and over with no cooldown and crits that regenerate power, throwing in other powerful attacks that have no casting time because of a special ability that tree unlocks while the DOT ticks away giving them health for crits making for an insanely sustainable high DPS output that takes minimum skill to run. There are many advantages other classes have over us especially when it comes down to taking and defending objectives that aren't easy to get to and have more than one defender.


    These classes are all very useful when loaded with top end PVP gear and fully armed with the best consumables for their class like the operatives and scoundrels people keep posting videos of. They may not kill as fast but they can move the ball faster, hold the objective longer, or do more DPS in a large drawn out brawl.


    Smugglers/operatives work within the confines of sneak attacks and limited maneuverability to dispatch insanely quick kills to critical targets. We have a 3 minute cooldown on in-combat stealth, 2 minutes with the proper specs which honestly anyone who plays our class should have, and anyone who PVPs should know how hard it is to shake combat status sometimes. If that is overpowered then we shouldn't even have stealth classes.


    TLDR: If you can't bother to read what I said then don't waste my time expecting me read what you have to say. Why do you come to forums if you don't want to read?


    the simple fact of it is no one should be able to drop another class in 6 seconds with WAIT FOR IT not being able to do nothing back if your trinket is on cooldown


    it makes for pure bad game design when another player cannot defend himself, loss of charecter for a prolonged period of time is just senseless and leads to rage on the forums


    the biggest problem comes from 1 skill top tier acid blade its tottaly making all defenses compeltely mute for 15 seconds guess what most people last 6 secs..


    And world pvp is still huge as well of course 1v1 matters in world pvp you can find yourseelf alone severel times just ebcause you didnt roll the op fotm class doesnt mean you should get steamrolled if we wanted to do that we could all go play wow and wait for it roll a rogue or frost mage


    you just trying to justify something thats tottaly op and rages alot of the community atm and if bioware want to keep subs then they need to act on a pvp patch sooner rather then later isntead of letting the op classes faceroll there way to victory

  6. and my ambush crits for 6k, FT crits for 4.2k and takedown crits for 5k, what's the problem?


    cwutididthar, those numbers, similar to 3-5 k projects from sorcs/sages are available only when popping all your stuff and nuking someone.



    well thats not entirely true a geared sorc will hit for 1400 per lightning tick without popping sod all

  7. can understand what your saying here just hit 40 and find it very fnny that now ambush with -20% ar debuff(leathality bulild) in the last 4 warzones I coudlnt get the +2.5k damage badge

    all the time hitting for a max of 2.4k


    i realise if i was mark I would get + critical, but when every other person regardless of class hits upwards of 2.5k it becomes ridiculous

  8. ive been playing lethality since 30 and i like the mobilty but the damage just seems shocking im only 37 myself


    im hoping /praying once u get weaking blast the damage goes up substatially but cant see it


    the dot damage from dart and corrosive greande just seem far to low (maybe this changes with more crit etc) and energy cost of cull far to high.


    overall I like the spec but feel cull needs to cost 10 less energy and dots tick for at least 1/3 more then they do now or corrosive microbes changed to 50% chance to tick twice

    corrosive greande changed to 15 power

    dart to 10 power


    the whole tree is power starved for any kind of combo and this needs to change im suprised this even got past beta the state of regen but from all the posts ive seen there didnt seem to be many people playing lethality spec i wonder why


    the only reason ive personelly stayed it due to cover being so crap and buggy

  9. so is it only advisable to play after 40+ im currently 33 missing devouring microbes 15% more damage under 30% and weaking blast


    atm the damage just seems very low even with cull


    people hitting for 3k + and the dots ticking for next to noting does this get alot better with weaking blast or are people just playing it for splash damage effect to top damage charts?


    some numbers dots tick for at 50 with weaking blast would be awsome thankyou

  10. Half the servers haven't had any queues at all..


    People are just being stubborn and not willing to reroll while it's still early, if I was sitting on one those servers I would have rerolled by now.


    Been playing on Saber of Exar Kun, PVP east - we have a great population with 0 queues so far.



    this has got to be the dumbest message ever


    whats stubborn got to be with not being abe to play with friends and guild m8s why should a guild group of 50+ people all have to move to play with each other when the guild management system put people on such crap servers


    if we didn't want to play with our guild friends etc then yeah sure its easy to move but its a MMO not a single player game the social aspect is everything..

  11. People are upset and being mature is realizing why they are upset and not just brushing aside them saying they are immature.


    I personally bought the collectors edition on the 21nd July still haven't got access fine, I can deal with that to the point when you find out others who have signed on the 22nd currently are in game playing.


    If they wanted to give people 2 days extra then fine but not some random lottery wave rng that just annoys people to the point of total frustration.


    does that make people immature, no it doesn't they just want what other people have been giving as they have paid the same amount of money be it 1 day early or 5 days later.


    The simplicity of it is they shouldn't have added these 2 extra days its just been a total farce and frustration to all concerned


    ill wait like the rest of course i want to play it and a few days wont make me wanner cancel but frustrated and annoyed yes.. makes me immature no see it from both sides

  12. tbh thats fine


    but people are simply more pissed by:


    How hard would it have been to put up today If you signed up late july post28th(example) and past that you will not be getting today's access


    its so freaking annoying with something that should have been so easily communicated instead of leaving 1000s of frustrated annoyed customers who needn't have been

  13. well i dont see anything on twitter to say if you ordered x day you will get in today tomorrow etc and thats all people want to know.


    Its incredibly frustrating for people who ordered on 1st preorder day not to be on servers when others are... rng waves are fail imho


    Simple questions need to be answered so people know when they will be playing, I dont think its that hard for them to relay this communication they have had plenty of time to do so, instead of starting of on a great note you will just end up with increasingly frustrated players spamming the forum and there email box or log on screen.


    If they no there not going get in for 1 day 2 days 10 hours etc I think you will find people will be far more happier with that,


    As with any mmo communication is key and this is just shambles atm

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