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Posts posted by levizle

  1. Hi guys. I am getting my tank sin ready for ranked pvp and am looking for tips on gearing. Is tank in dps a viable option and how does it work? I heard you only augment endurance is this true? Any general tips for pvp tanking in ranked would be great. Thanks :)
  2. Hey guys, returning to the game and I'm looking to play a DoT based class, with the changes to disciplines, I have no clue what I'm after.


    I don't mind what armor type my class wears, and i'll probably be playing on the Empire side, as I normally go for the "Good" allignment in MMO's, decided I'd go for a bit of a change!


    What class(es) fill the role i'm after?


    Edit: The ability to be a very strong soloer would also be a huge sellpoint for me, by that i mean the ability to solo old raids (if this is possible in this game) as well as hard dungeons and such.

    here are all the dps dot specs on imp side:








    innovative ordnance-mercenary










    pyrotech has very strong aoe attacks with its flamethrowers and dots


    IO has the highest damage in game right now,but I would count on this being nerfed down to normal soon.


    Hatred has good aoe and lots of selfheals this would be very good for soloing stuff imo.


    madness also has good selfheals but is doing very low damage this spec might be buffed soon.


    annihilation has small self heals I find this spec kinda boring but it does pretty good damage.


    vengeance has pretty good defensive skills and one of the best animations in the game imo.


    virulence this is the spec I know the least about so I will leave this out.


    lethality is a midrange spec with long ramp up times its pretty interesting and quite unique among specs.


    good luck :)

  3. Well while you defensive quality may seem bad compared to a sin. Sins cant LOS and H2F like merc can. So comparing your selves to classes like sins and juggs is totally untrue. They may have more dcds then you but that doesn't matter. You guys can just heal to full. Mercs are a easy to play hard to master class. /satire
  4. is it really that big a deal to die once and have to sit in a base for 5 mins? is it that big of a deal? I for one dont really care if I get flagged, because I was not paying attention. you should not be able to get FORCED to flag for pvp. However automatically targeting and hitting someone,even if you aren't paying attention is your own fault. This is not forcing you, this is just part of the game.
  5. How does parsing work, most people download some sort of parser, I prefer parsec, then they enable combat logging I'm their game preferences and link it to the parser. The parser then reads the logs to see all factors of the fight (damage taken/done from who/what, healing and threat ect ect) and makes it easy to read.


    How you do it I think I explained but pulled out, you must download a parser and enable combat logging in your preferences


    What's the best parser, I've only used MOX and parsec and I have to say parsec is my favorite but if you want to post them on the forum "leader boards" you have to use torparse(which is stupid)

    Thank you =)

  6. Im returning to Swtor and im having trouble decing on which of the two classes to play.

    So im curious to hear what you all think of the classes mentioned and how the compare :)

    They both seem equally fun but which one has it easier in pve and somewhat in pvp?

    I want to be able to dps but still have some nice survivability ^^


    Thanks ^_^

    Hatred will do better in pve than ap. They both excel in pvp, hatred has better defenses and escapes. Ap has amazing burst and lol-speed HO. AP can do most of its burst from range which is nice. Hatred needs to get into melee range for around half its moves.
  7. Why has no one said the words:


    "Innovative Ordinance sucks for swapping targets"


    Also the small matter that Arsenals Blazing Bolts slows targets for 70% for 5 seconds to cause grief to anyone without a speed enhancer.

    . IO/Assault's is plagued by the fact the spec can't switch targets to save its own life.

    thats a good idea on the gunnery slow thanks :D

  8. When i hit Lv 30 and joined Warzone PvP i was going against people who where lv 55 - Lv 60???


    How the hell am i going to kill or defend if im Only lv 30???, When i was Lv 29 i was going against my type of Lv but when i hit Lv 30 im going against lv 55 - 60???, The teams are always unfair, The other team - All lv 55 - 60, My team All low Lv?????, I loved PvP Warzones but now i hate it, Its stupid and dumb.


    They see that im only low lv get jumped on and died in seconds ... Yeahh thats dumb.


    So i get lv 55 then go into warzones?, Ahhh that is stupid!

    Leave the poor dead horse alone. :(poor horse
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