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Everything posted by StormTerminus

  1. I hadn't run a Sorc at the time I posted this. After your comment I went and took a sorcerer to 18 or so. I can see why you don't want a change for Sorcs. The lightning is awesome! If anything I would just like willpower to affect double strike/weapon damage and for double strike to do damage similar to disturbance. Then at least I could put double strike in my hotkeys/quickbars and use the saber at least to hit trash that ran up on me.
  2. It should obviously work for Shadows/Assassins too. TK Throw as it stands is jarring for them too. In my mind this would also help people who like to clip TK Throw at three ticks since you can easily see it center screen as the saber strikes occur.
  3. I really like the defender. It has a number of upsides. Nice looking exterior, not too bulky, cool design and colors. Well laid out, simple and easy to use, I never get confused and when in a rush I can easily pilot the ship to a system and jump down and out quickly. Tied into class quests extremely well. I love that there are so many meetings and guests in my ship. I like the smuggler ship too, I dislike the trooper ship. The Imp side has some very nice ships.
  4. I have to admit that I would love at least one saber toss for my sage that I don't feel completely disconnected from my light saber. As it stands I could easily just have nothing in my hands and it would be fine. Heck just make Tk Throw a saber toss where the saber strikes the target during each tick. That would serve two purposes, one get rid of the pebble throw and actually have this AC use the saber. Give the same animation to Sorcs and they would have a wee bit less lightning providing some needed variety as well as have them use the saber. I find it frustrating that my Sage doesn't use her lightsaber.
  5. The last MMO I was serious about was COH. I downloaded this game in April, 2014. I was blown away, the voice acting, the setting, the art etc. Underneath is your basic MMO shell which reminds me heavily of WOW/EQ but with more abilities to use in regular combat. And contrary to some of the EJs here the complexity does require higher skill even without watching for random procs. Things I like: Easy to solo and rewarding to solo. I enjoy the voice acting and scenes. There is so much to see and do. I find myself roleplaying nearly by accident. Love it. Skillful play is rewarded. There is a significant difference between spamming buttons and careful play in this game. Well constructed mob difficulty in most cases. Basically anyone can solo their quests yet there are rewarding useful challenges for those with higher skill and gear. The setting and classes are well done. The story lines are great Not everything is buried behind an instance. There are world bosses and datacrons and other fun things to find in the open world pretty standard chat options. I could use the chat system immediately upon logging in because it is bog standard. Reasonable but not over the top UI editing. Not every MMO can support WOWs level of customability as it affects balance. I can modify the UI enough that it doesn't cripple me. High replayability. Effectively 16 unique class quest lines (4 AC, light/dark, republic/imperial) Companion quests. Each spec feels very different within an AC. this is good to prevent boredom and ragequits The gear system. I like that I can get a look and keep it as I level. Yet I can also add to that look if I get orange/purple gear I want to swith over too. Conversely I don't love the dye system, it needs something more. Being able to add dyes to my collections might fix it.
  6. I am loving my Male Smuggler. I think that the appreciation that people have for one or the other greatly depends on which choices you make. I love my Smuggler.
  7. I hate people who insist that in a normal mode FP the tank pulls every time, especially where there is a slow tank. Some of us actually have situational awareness and hate slow tanks who wait around like lumps. If the tank is aware then fine, but otherwise screw them.
  8. I was wondering what the hell happened. I thought there is no way I missed resetting this key but it was a patch override, horrible. BTW the default for reply in MMOs is /r not R.
  9. I would happily pay upward of 4k cartel coins to get access to the force push animations you posted in the OP. I don't see the need for the electric judgement ones but wouldn't mind them. I also love the idea that Project is a light saber throw. I would love for TK wave to be a light saber toss too, but in the cone of effect. But changing TKT and Project would be my #1 change. I love my Sage and chose a force wielder on purpose.
  10. This thread is full of people who display they are not team players. The healers who won't heal if it doesn't please them but can't be bothered to chat to group about why. The tanks who won't taunt. The dps who go rogue and pull all the time at 30% health. If you are a healer, consider healing. If you have a complaint voice it rather than being a passive aggressive idiot. If you are a tank, then consider pulling or using a taunt. Again being a passive aggressive *ss when you have a leadership role is just wrong. If you are DPS pay attention to group dynamics and ask a question if something happens. All, not using group chat is kind of a stupid thing to do. Consider it. If I see a healer who doesn't heal and stands around, then I will vote kick you. And I generally have at least one guildy with me in KDY. Tanks tend to be slow, I get that, it is the nature of the beast. People choose DPS because it is fast to level and play, that isn't the mentality of a Tank. DPS pulling is perfectly fine in KDY. It is amusing when you have mortar volley and force quake going on a pull in KDY. All the trash dies and there is generally one big guy standing that everyone then focus fires down. Easy. I think Sentinels tend to get in trouble since they are up close and tend to be a little smash button heavy. Ranged DPS can see more of the fight and control what they are shooting at mostly.
  11. Ignore lists are part of every MMO for good reason. The troll who claims to ignore no-one and that it doesn't impact his gaming is just that, a troll.
  12. I totally understand the seer/dps hybrid complaints. But I am very confused why hybrids like 2/28/16 or 0/30/16 get any grief. I have never seen another MMO community whine so much about hybrids. Back in the WOW beta through BC I don't remember any threads about hybrids. I personally think the 2/28/16 hybrid is an interesting build and provides an excellent duel pvp/pve playstyle. If someone runs one build they get good at it. Switching builds for pvp and pve causes muscle memory issues that degrade dps. Yet there is talk about nerfing hybrids in every class forum if you search. Odd.
  13. This is a very interesting spec. I will have to give it a try.
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