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Everything posted by sparkdva

  1. Thank you so much. I will take advantage of dailies while I can. Also will dailies be worth doing for cxp after the patch ?
  2. Hello, I recently just came back and was wondering what a good way to get cxp is other than running dailies. I have been doing vet flash points which seem to be granting at least 3 levels a run. However is there a better way to master flash points give more?
  3. Member 5 years ago when it cost like 200k per piece. I member.
  4. Thank you so much! This is fantastic advice I have always usually been a lvl player but I want to get into ops. Is there 3 difficulties or 2? Also what lv gear should I have to do the hardest difficulty ops?
  5. Like the tittle says I was wondering what the best to get 248 gear and to get cxp atm.
  6. Nope. This is exactly what the new expansions are rather than quests it's straight up story which is fine. Think of it as like a single player rpg till you finish the story and get to max level. Though even at max level unless you do ops or pvp or group content in general it will still feel like a single player game.
  7. Nothing. It's just the games ***** engine
  8. I came back a week ago and while I do not have trouble running the game at a high frame rate in most parts even ops I get about 140fps but in war zones it feels bad and like it lags. Is it the game or me? Specs: I7-7700, MSI GTX 1070 8gb, 16gb DDR4 ram
  9. I just find it astonishing how long him and others have been able to run this long.
  10. Been at work the last 2 days, did someone finally take a dump in jz's cereal?
  11. My only thinking is that people without them could be at a disadvantage.
  12. I know what you're saying about said particular person is true. All you/we can do is report and move on. It sucks but it's what we gotta do. Also edit your post to not include the suspects name not my rule but eas/bioware are against naming and shaming. Even if its for someone of those sorts.
  13. The only class that I think has always been semi or if not amazing in pvp is assassins. They never seem to get nerfed to uselessness but seem almosg always viable. Thats why I main one.
  14. I had to dust off my assassin just to pvp again. Dps sorcs are not the only ones though I think powertech/vanguard dps have it even worse and even juggs are having a hard time. I hate this because in ranked people take these people as bad now some might be but even a really good sorc will have a waaay harder time then say an assassin. For a sorc to do good it requires more effort on the team part.
  15. I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but pretty much what the poster above said with things like hacking and win trading going on, you have to have some serious luck to even climb high sin solo ranked and even group play. I mean not to hate on people who do one to play this game competitively, but those who use their rating as an excuse to wave their epeen around and be an ahole to everyone. I did mention my achievements in wow and quite honestly I played an op comp/class the last 3 seasons , not event I considered that an achievement myself. -I hope I don't come off as hostile sorry if my first post seems that way, its just unlike other pvp communities I eant to keep this one a fun, and try to keep people pvping in the end.
  16. While I do favor 8v8 as this games pvp seems to be balanced and geared towards that. I disagree that in warzones one hacker still can have an impact. If said hacker has speed hack in voidstar for instance he can race to the door and cap ultra fast. From my knowledge there are speed hacks that speed up the node/door capping process aswell.
  17. I'm mostly talking to the fotm mercenary rollers who keep bringing up their 1800+ rating this also applies to other people aswell. Your rating does not mean you're good it means you had good placement matches or your class carried you in case of some mercs or you might have had better teamates. This especially applies to solo ranked because you have no idea what you're getting on your team along with the enemy team. So stop boasting your high solo rating because it means little to nothing in this game. Coming from being a 2300+ 3v3 player in wow in the past. People with high group rating I respect more as it shows that you're able to work in a group towards a greater goal. -Thank you for reading this. It's not that all the high rated people arent good. Its just I've seen some waving their epeen around because they are a fotm roller and end up with unfair match ups then bash people when they have a lower rating or lose because they were at a disadvantage.
  18. I'm just curious. Lets just say I have a full set of 240 and an enemy has 230 or lesser. Will I annihilate him or will bolster help make it an even fight?
  19. I have three of those slot machines in my stronghold. They are pretty useless right now. Since the slot machine is no longer sold in a pack I think they should really buff the thing. But that is a lomg shot so they will probably continue to be useless.
  20. That sorc was me lol. "Mom I made forums history" The game ended in a tie
  21. I actually just don't get why developers have such a hard on for loot crates and rng boxes now. They are in almost every game now and some do them good other do them terrible. I don't mind rng boxes like overwatch, but when the main point of the game revolves around them like they do in tor and wow now It just becomes distasteful.
  22. I quit wow because I like to pvp only and they were forcing rng gear on me in that game along with grind artifact power to stay competitive. While the grind in this game is not that bad as wows is right now it's just that the rng aspect sucks and needs heavy tuning.
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