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  1. If we go about it the way your suggesting, the little ranked community that still exist will just die outright, the issue is in the system itself and the way class balancing is catered only toward pve and not pvp so class balance is all over the place.
  2. DEFENSE shield probe/evasion reflect is first line of defense beside your rolls stimboost is your first big oh **** button , when you use revitalizres utility in your combat proficiency it turns it into a huge dcd after that your next oh **** button is stealth out and last but not least your final button is overdrive and immediately use stimboost after thats generally what i find to be succeful in pvp regular/ranked OFFENSE first, the gear I find to work best is Tactician/Debilitatior depending on how you play. Your tactical however should definitely be Volatile strike. since we have this new tactical their is no advantage to opening with backstab anymore because it dosent hit nearly as hard as what the tactical gives you in terms of damage. a basic general opener i use assuming they are in combat is, Volatile substance, debilitate, veild strike, backstab,and just follow with lacerations , beside the debilitate thats how your should be doing dmg from now on, ONLY POP VOLATILE SUBSTANCE WITH VEILED STRIKE that is a must because it makes your back stab hit ultra hard BASIC PVP FUNDEMENTALS when someone uses a dcd swap targets, if no target is in sight cc them, if you cant cc them play defensive and kite/los, dont hit into someones dcds if you can avoid it. when you are doing damage you want to do your damage most efficiently meaning when your enemy cant do anything to defend themselfs aka cc`d this is the best time to do big burst because they cant negate it most the time, of course they will not always be cc`d so you will have to be vigilant of your opponents buff bar and time your dps accordingly if you want more help just hit me up on starforge imp side im in the MANDALORIANS guild and my name is Krispy-Kreme *this is just a super basic guide so I apologize if it isnt what you wanted but their is alot more to pvp I promise you
  3. Im just really bored alot of the time if you need help with conc op in pvp I feel like I can give you some good pointers
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