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Everything posted by MrJurgens-ll

  1. If EAware addressed the petition I drafted with EBM back in September this thread would have never been posted and most if not all of these problems would have ceased to exist.
  2. This is not the reason why Pvp populations are low as they are and dying, the reason is is due to the ignorance of the dev team. The petition I drafted with EBM listed a multitude of fixes and patching to fix the dying PvP playerbase, but they decided to ignore it and then in the end delete it altogether. Ranked 8s are gone. Vanilla Ilum is gone. Almost any and all point to WPvP is gone. Warzones coming out more than a year later. Class balance being more centered toward 4s – extremely bad idea to make ranked centered around 4s meta. Focus on Bolster to cater to the more casual and less skilled players. HUGE lack of rewards for PvP, it giving out the most less experience and credits than any other playstyle in this game. NO choice for PvPers (e.g. what WZ to Q for). There's now really no point in a Pvp guild due to all these reasons listed. What I listed above is basically why Pvp is dying. It is NOT because of "premades farming PUGs".
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