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Posts posted by tharlainmar

  1. Dw we will get a major update about 6 months or so into the expansion if not less and then those are the big class changes you will get until the next expansion, enjoy the 10 year celebration guys! as it stands with the direction its definitely a longterm step, meaning expect whatever you want to expect out of swtor with ''play how you want'' at the 20th celebration! HURRAYYYY
  2. Currently typing this as i'm streaming, for the past 7-8 hrs, 3 hrs today and like 4-5 hrs yesterday i've gotten no civil wars or novare coasts and yavin. And voidstar being the highly popped map. Even have the past broadcasts to prove it. Actually ridiculous
  3. I wouldn't worry about what should be added or buffed yet, as what we have seen so far on PTS with every class has been nerfs and prunes to make you decide certain dcds and movement skills or utility that should be mandatory but forcing you to choose either that skill or a another utility/dcd/movement skill, so you can already expect powertechs to be losing a few things here and there, don't forget they are also getting rid of utility points so more than likely also means you will be losing out on whatever was good there also.
  4. can you blame players for ignoring objectives in HB though? given all of the desync and the fact that the obstacles are so easy to circumvent, I'd say HB maps are the ones I'm most likely to either DM or AFK in. imagine being a mara in Quesh where you cannot even leap up to or on the 3rd level? That means you cannot leap through the acid or attack opponents on the other side of the acid. how crazy is that? why would any mara ever play that garbage map objectively? it's just crazy stupid that the map is STILL in the rotation with that bug alone.


    at least with 7.0 expansion most classes aside from operatives being able to roll won't be able to desync as hard anymore because of less movement skills and movespeed overall KEKW. Every class actually can't leap to the 3rd platform or teleport across acid on 3rd platform. You can roll through acid with operative roll, blade blitz on mara and jugg or mercs jet blast backwards to go through acid. Not sure if you can leap to a friendly with the ball to the platform as a jugg since i've forgotten, as far as I know that might work as well as ofc sorcs being able to pull and pts being able to pull enemies. Its mainly just teleports and most leaps to enemies don't work. It's definitely harder to score as a class that's not operative though, still doable but harder, desyncs no doubt suck hard in Quesh, sometimes you can predict a desync by throwing a random grenade on the ground where you think the target will be and if it hits that'll fix the problem for the 1 situation

  5. Sound to me like all he is asking for instead of 3 separate Huttballs counting as 3 separate pops maybe just have whenever Huttball pops for you its gona be 1 of the 3?


    That's not what hes asking, he wants a separate mode/button to queue for huttball specifically but like what trixxie says there isn't a big enough population for that. And huttball is already made like the way you said, all huttballs currently count as 1 category so it doesn't pop as often, they made the change awhile back

  6. Weird how I’d never seen those bugs in the first 7-9 years of the game considering OHB and Quesh used to be my favourite pvp and I’ve easily put 15,000+ hours into pvp.


    I’m not doubting what you’re saying, just that I’d not heard or experienced it myself. I’m surprised this is a bug that’s not been discussed at length on the forums before now.


    If you search forums there are a few posts only maybe 1-4 with some that are in bug reports about quesh acid, one dating back to 2016. Not sure why you haven't experienced or heard about it in a quesh ball yet. Might just not have pvped as much as you thought you did, or it doesn't happen in midbies due to less movement, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7. Low population and queues will never pop and you will be getting way longer queue times or have decent population with throwers and bad players in the mix, can't win em all bro. Just get used to it or don't play ranked at all, more than likely all the decent players you see in ranked will be the same players you see every season, every year for as long as you play swtor
  8. Ok, we’ll it seems I’ve learnt something about the acid bug. I’m wondering if this started after Quesh was added back to the rotation or was it there before?

    I nearly always use my inquisitor speed run to get past acid or my warrior blade blitz or sniper roll and had no problems.

    Have you tried it with other classes besides your merc? Maybe it’s a bug with the hydraulic override.

    If we could pin point it, then it might be easier for Bioware to fix.


    With the score bug I’ve only ever seen it score one goal per match. Never more than that before the other HBs were added back into the rotation. So I’m also wondering if Bioware did something to all HB maps and it carried over to OHB?

    I do know they Nerfed the speed at which the ball carrier can move (at least for everyone except operatives). So maybe that’s triggering it.

    The key to fixing it is finding out what triggers the bug.


    its been there since the beginning of quesh so its not recent whatsoever, not sure how it works but it happens to operatives and sorcs too so i can safely assume it happens like how abhaxus says with movement skills, the huttball score bug might just be the ball itself bugging out and its possible its over the moment the other team grabs the ball.


    Could just be sheer luck that the bug happened to the ball and only the other team managed to pick up the ball super fast everytime. this bug has also been around since forever, before movespeed nerf, before quesh or vandin was added even but unlike the acid for quesh this happens randomly to any of the huttball maps. Like you said i've only seen it score again once also, this video proves it can happen more than 2 times ofc, could just be the stars lining up with this one

  9. I’ve never heard or or seen this bug in Quesh (or OHB) in 9 years of playing. I know Quesh wasn’t here from the start and I know there are bugs, if this acid death thing you mention is a bug, it must be incredibly rare.


    What the OP linked sure looks like a teleport hack of some sort. I’ve seen the score board bug before, but not like this. I think the OP should send the video and info to BioWare and let them decide.


    quesh acid death bug happens more frequently than this bug of the ball scoring over and over again. Also I can guarantee you the scoring bug would have happened whether or not that guy picked up the ball. if that guy is teleport hacking then i must be the tooth fairy. Its basically the same thing as falling off the edge in odessen and dying and then dying again after respawning because the game thinks your location is still at the bottom, so you die another time and I think that bug happens all the time from what I can tell. regardless I suppose OP can send it to bioware if they don't see this post first if thats what OP wants, gotta get the bioware police on this because this is next level hacking even beyond jeezy if he's able to score back and forth in seconds ''teleporting'' while attacking and being attacked by OP at the same time hes teleporting to score lol. 99% sure just swtor game bug though.

  10. highly doubt its a cheat considering match is almost over with other team 3-1 and then scoring 4-1, seems like the ball bugged out after that 4th score. definitely not a cheat, seems more like swtor bugging out on itself tbh, happens from time to time usually end up being 1 extra point, havent seen it like this though. similar to the acid bug in quesh where u die to acid, respawn and die over and over and over again nonstop except this is with the ball scoring over and over again. player you are attacking is still in same spot and hasnt moved, and u are still hitting him even after the score goes up which means he hasn't teleported to end zone at all. definitely a swtor game bug issue, doubt it will get fixed though
  11. To all: It's just operatives that I have an issue with, and I play one, so I know what is OP and not.


    Doug, not hard to master Operative, their suitability, healing and burst damage is off the chart.


    And to the others, every BG is full of operatives (again), so don't tell me they didn't some other hidden buff. And if they do get nerfed, why wait for December? The only ones complaining about my legitimate gripe are those who are enjoying the OP-ness of Operatives.


    the only issues you should have is against actual good operatives. Most operatives that play other chars know how to deal against operatives if at least the bad and average ones. You can literally **** on 75% of ops with any class in the game. I main operative yes, but i've been playing every other class for a good while now since hypergate and voidstar has been popping up all the time to which i dislike playing esp with my operative hence why i've been consistently playing my sniper or merc or pt etc and i find no trouble in most operative players. Its a different case if you got 2 conc operatives tunnel only you every single match and they are good but i highly think thats not it, clearly you still have a l2p issue, against a good operative you won't win 1v1 thats just how it is, but you shouldnt die within 20 seconds either.

  12. Operative on pts looks like meta class.

    Concealment with 10s CR on Stim Boost using laceration is really too much.

    Medicine having heavy AoE heals is fine, but they should be reduced, because as of now, one operative healer can manage to keep alive whole group with few abilities.



    Operatives definitely aren't as bad as how some of the other classes have gotten so far for sure, as with the 10s CR on stim boost, its not bad considering they would need to take the other passive for even quicker cd + making stim boost a root break. Now operatives will have to choose between using stim boost as a root break/saving it for root break purposes or using it as a TA and Offensive ability. Medicine heals haven't tried yet but you have to realize with ability pruning for all classes and a lot losing out on dcds, every class will not have as many dcds or dmg reduction and movespeed as they do now which will allow them to die faster i'm assuming

  13. How many snipers do you see doing that these days?


    As the comment was regarded as to how they should be played in huttball, I would assume that is what a lot of good teams would be using for a 8v8 ranked huttball scenario. I could be wrong though

  14. Maybe based on comps.

    I guess it would be similar to how it is with team comps in current ranked. It all comes down to the other team and also the map.

    I was mainly thinking I wouldn’t want to use a sniper in Quesh Ball. But I would use one in OHB and I’d flip a coin for Vandin.

    Actually I would get more specific and actually use an engineering sniper in Vandin and a MM in OHB. I’d forgo a sniper in Quesh ball for and extra Sorc to force pull.

    The thing is, this will all be null and void with the 7.0 changes. I’m already dreading how unbalanced certain maps will be for some classes.

    Imagine being on a Jugg and having less mobility and DCDs while you have a MM sniper taking pot shots at you while you crawl 3 paces from the ball spawn and die (wanna hope they fix the dysnc and lag or people will be dying before they can pass).

    People are gonna need to learn to pass fast after they pick up that ball or it’s passed to them.



    Snipers are good for all huttball, being the only class in the game to have consistent uptime to be immune to cc is huge for grabbing the ball when it spawns. Most times against good teams or groups, whoever has ball control wins, there are some matches where the moment the team gets the ball they score without fail. if you can't contest the ball spawn you lose, whats the point of having people to carry the ball if you can't actually get the ball when it spawns? xd I wasn't around for 8v8 ranked back in the days but have seen videos and have seen a lot of good snipers like caprica just sit by ball spawn so they have control over ball spawn 100% of the match basically

  15. LoL, except said twitch players don’t even take the time to learn a proper rotation or gear and then complain they have too many buttons to press and TTK is too high. Then they up and leave the game after complaining about it.


    Money would be better spent on real commercials and content development instead of pandering to these twitch streamers who won’t stick around once their next pay check comes along.


    No one on twitch is getting paid to play SWTOR trust me lol. Twitch bounties require them to put #sponsored to let everyone know they are getting money from streaming the game, everyone that is streaming and have been streaming aren't getting anything out of it aside from ads or donates/subs, even big name streamers that come to play with their 3k-30k viewer base aren't getting paid to stream it, Bioware doesn't have it in them to do that

  16. Wow and here I was hoping this whole time that i'd be able to basically swap advanced classes mid combat in PvP and have loadouts saved for that reason, like ESO bar swaps, I could just swap to a whole diff class mid combat and just double all of my hotbars and skills to use, sad to find out about streamlining and having less buttons to press now, though some of these posts are defs correct on there are some skills they can remove and add the passive effects onto another skill etc etc, simple changes i guess, hope it wont all be too bad but oh well... i mean...If you're bad at the game no matter what change they make, you will still be bad at the game
  17. But if you try to play PvP like you play PvE you will usually not do well, as you've gotta approach it almost entirely different imo. And def respec your utilities for it!


    basically this. idek how many NiM raiders and clearers out there that try to pvp and some get blown up in seconds sometimes lol. It takes a lot of practice and Sniper generally is one of the harder classes to play in PvP as a newbie for sure, watch videos, play a lot of matches, ask questions from other snipers you've seen do well, go on twitch and find people streaming pvp and ask questions/watch them play sniper if thats what they're streaming etc etc, Just like your PvE and NiM progs, you aren't going get super good that great. There's many ways to be playing against certain classes with DcDs and roots and how to escape etc etc, its all about your knowledge with other class dcds and abilities as well as knowing your own. Think of a NiM scenario except now the boss is basically anywhere between SM or NiM difficulty that will pump out skills and move differently with each fight you enter depending on good the other player is

  18. Operatives aren't too bad to deal with sometimes, it really depends on the operative. Depends also what your dcds are and what their dcds are. It does get annoying when there are multiples of em running around together targeting same person but...I mean when 2 decent players do that on any class its about the same thing anyways. If there is someone targeting an Operative and they manage to hardstun em...and you see 1-2 hitting the guy and you see your hardstun up...play into it and use your hard stun? 1. Either they break and live to run away, or 2. They dont have cc break and if your dps is decent enough with 1-2 other ppl he should die .-. as a PT wait for double roll and then leap or pull, hard stun into carb with full burst and they are basically dead, especially if someone else is there with you to help dps in that window. If you are playing sniper, rotate through your dcds to knock back and root, if the operative is decent 1v1 you won't win so best bet you can do is just stall them or run, but you shouldnt get insta blown up. as a merc just use your missile blast root, use knockback when he gets close, slow with unload, conc missile to kite and heal, jet boost backwards when he is catching up, rinse repeat you should live for a very long time if not even kill a operative 1v1. i mean to be honest you can do a lot to play around an operative or kite an operative on any given class
  19. Whatever character you choose to create is the story that you will be doing. but with combat styles you can play that storyline as a different class/spec. AKA Make an Imperial sorc and your story will be tied to that but you may play through that as a imperial juggernaut instead using a lightsaber along with all of its class skills. As you progress through the game abit you may even consider raising your light side points, allowing you to now be a guardian instead of a juggernaut playing through the imperial inquisitor storyline. this will mean you will have the animation effects and probably the skill icons on your bar as the guardian instead of the juggernaut stuff now, but you will still be playing through the game as an inquisitor story. this is literally all its doing. end game wise sure you will be able to swap between the tech classes or the force classes for whatever purpose PVE but thats about it with combat styles, nothing more to it than that. the weapons will still be tied to the combat style you choose, it does not mean you will be able to use force lightning or w/e as a dual bladed character, because the only ones that can use that are assassins, which means you will be using assassin skills since that is what you chose and the weapon you are currently using, it does not mean you can be a double lightsaber marauder being able to go into stealth and spike people like an assassin.
  20. Actually tbh there is desync in every map now, voidstars just by people walking and jumping, Hypergates the same thing, arenas and huttballs. Even novares and civil/yavins have desync, with the point you're trying to make, they might as well remove every map. https://clips.twitch.tv/ClearCoyBubbleteaRickroll-n-uSJVW60YLeP6oj <- mara there didn't have predation or any speed boost, he was just trying to jump and desync'd in hypergate. Happens more often than not on a daily basis
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