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Everything posted by Galiandrael

  1. It just opens up the potential Market for Cartel Coin Goods and Specially Vended Goods.
  2. Please Reply, Why don't You allow All Characters Access to All Skills and Level Limited Mission Slots that has an Errand/ Chore Que per Crewmember, and I'd like to regularly Interact with my Crewmembers more freely. I Believe that You Guys can Do Anything!
  3. What Good is the Currency Anyway? It's Impossible with just (3) Three Skills and since it isn't a Fully Immersed Sandbox Roam Where You Like World fully Interactive NPCs and not much real things to do, it gets really boring going nowhere really fast. Please Help me? it's free to play to attract non-casual dedicated gamers and people that are explorers. What reason should billions of potential players consider taking (8) Eight Precious Hours of their time to a game that limits it's potential and it's visitors?
  4. Values: First Seek Ye The Kingdom, Then all the Blessings and Goodness May Be Added Unto You... Where Your Treasures are Your Heart is Also... Warfare is the Art and Science of Deception... There is No Evil, There are Morals; There is No Neutrality, There are Ethics; There is No Chaos, There is Reason; There is No Regret, There is Goodness; There is No Omen, There is Inspiration; There is No Oppression, There is Light; There is No Oblivion, There is Love; There is No Emotion, There is Peace; There is No Trying, There is Learning; There is No Annoyance, There is Patience; There is no Weariness, There is Rest; There is No Decrepitude, There is Development; There is No Loneliness, There is Happiness; There is No Blame, There is Hope; There is No Crime, There is The Law; There is No Sin, There is Righteousness; There is No Aggression, There is Friendship; There is No Spite, There is Kindliness; There is No Anarchy, There is The Empire Paradise of The Peace; There is No Passion, There is Serenity; There is No Abandon, There is Comfort; There is No Weakness, There is Potential; There is No Pain, There is Strength; There is No Ignorance, There is Guidance; There is No Want, There is Plenty; There is Never Enough, There is Always More; There is No Sorrow, There is Appreciation; There is No Fear, There is Wisdom; There is No Anger, There is Mercy; There is No Hatred, There is Understanding; There is No Suffering, There is Instruction; There is No Pride, There is Duty; There is No Might, There is The Trust; There is No Sloth, There is Deliberation; There is No Gluttony, There is Preference; There is No Greed, There is Moderation; There is No Wrath, There is Consideration; There is No Envy, There are Rights; There is No Lust, There is Respect; There is No Dereliction, There is Purity; There is No Poverty, There is Justice; There is No Excess, There is Austerity; There is No Usury, There is Profit; There is No Discord, There is Harmony; There is No Dumbness, There is Knowledge; There is No Deafness There are Feelings; There is No Blindness, There is Insight; There is No Attitude, There are Outlooks; There is No Lack, There is Self Sufficiency; There is No Darkness, There is Life; There is No Enemy, There is Accord; There is No Burden, There is Equity; There are No Slum/Ghetto, There is Equality; There is No Vanity, There is Caring; There is No Carelessness, There is a Home; There is No Need, There are Provisions; There is No Nonsense, There is Rhyme; There are No Outlaws, There are Citizens of The Empire of The Peace; There are No Outcasts, There are Patients of The Asylum of Life; There is No Iniquity, There is Self Surrender to The Light/The Peace; There are No Arguments, There are Policies of The Peace/The Light; There is No Boredom, There is Youthfulness; There is no Innovation, There is The Straight Pathway; There is No Vice, There is Discipline; There is No Wrong, There is Order; There is No Conviction, There is Faith; There is No Flaw, There is Self Perfection; There is No Sickness, There is Forgiveness; There is No Arrogance, There is Humility; There is No Elation, There is Sobriety; There is No Defeat, There is Confidence; There is No Stubbornness, There is Victory; There is No Curiosity, There is Satisfaction; There is No Monotony, There is Variety; There is No Loss, There is Salvation; There is No Forgetting, There is The Prayer; There is No Hunger, There is Fasting; There is No Impoverishment, There is Alms/Tithes; There is No Lifelessness, There is Martyrdom; There is No Homelessness, There is The Pilgrimage; There is no Randomness, There is a Pattern; There is No Competition, There is Supremacy; There is No Complacency, There is The Struggle against Chaos, Evil and Darkness; There is No Subversion, There is Fealty; There is No Foolishness, There is Sweetness of Life's Lessons; There is No Temptation, There is Beauty; There is No Ugliness, There is Diversity; There is No Materialism, There are Values; There is No Stupor, There is Observance; There is No Numbness, There is Sensitivity; There is No War, There is Cooperation; There is No Famine, There are Portions; There is No Terror, There is Security; There is No Pestilence There is Repentance; There is No Mourning, There is Good Cheer; There is No Apathy, There is Concern; There is No Waste, There is Charity; There is No Rivalry, There is Solidarity; There is no Selfishness, There is Brotherhood; There is No Folly, There is Hospitality; There is no Poetry, There is the Revelation; There is No Grief, There is Grace; There is No Alienation, There is Unity; There is No Death, There is The Glory of The First Emperor. In Life, we have roles and Choices that wields consequences with Very Heavy Responsibilities and the Trusts and Duties Life Lends us to Really Shine in Opportunities of Character Development, and Moral and Ethical Self Search and Inventory We should practice being the Character You see in the Mirror and Smile at. I'd like everyone To make a daily Resolution when we wake up in the Morning; Do You know what gets me by is I resolve to cause at least one person to Smile; every little Good helps, one step at a time, Mommy Told me to Pinch Pennies: Pennies make nickels, Nickels makes Dimes, Dimes makes Quarters, Quarters makes Dollars, the drop in a bucket soon rejoins the Oceans and the clouds again. Be Patient in Striving for Good and Heart Comforts. Follow the Light as You see and Hear anything Good, You know right from Wrong, what book has every kind of Similitude and Wise Proverb for me to Mine Crown Jewels all day and Night? Please tell me what I can Read so I may find Comfort and Guidance. Really.
  5. I'm Happy and I'm Pleased to have a venue where I can Blow Butts up with Chain Lightning and not get in trouble. But I still miss Star wars Galaxies, I wish that was Up and running now, I'd be leveling my Main Medic, Labuni Abdellah.
  6. Honestly, I like the Inquisitor to be referred to as an Arbiter instead of Sorcerer; that Derogatory Slur sounds like what an Outsider would call an Imperial Inquisitor. It isn't Sorcery it's a Life Force Miracle like what an Imperial Inquisitor or any believing faithful can do. I Shoot Lightning in my Dreams and I can Fly too in My Dreams, it's all Make Believe like the Last Day Kingdom Administration. And instead of Lightning all the Force Energy Powers should be Classed as IONICS for force abilities like Force Grasp, Force Lightning, Force Energy Drain, Force Energy Shield, Nova Star Energy Shell like what Darths Malgus and Revan did, and instead of Corruption it should be Purification with Force Healing, Force Repletion, Force Redaction, Force Resuscitation, . And instead of Madness I prefer Comforts to Even the Inquisitor's Combat Stances and Force Focuses like: Force Psychometrics, Force Psychometabolics, Force Psychokinesis, Force Psychoportation, Force Premeditation, Force Reckoning, Force Recognition, and other Enhancements to the Inquisitor's Mind Set and really Good force Tools. And another thing, Peace is The Emperor and War is Deception, why change this saying to something it isn't It's even in The Prophet's Sunnah and in The Art of War, War is Deception and Peace Rules. Does this sound reasonable to You?
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