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Everything posted by Ornithopoda

  1. a. & d. This would render scouts virtually useless except for capping sats quickly at the beginning of DOM matches. This would also take away the only really effective counter to gunships, and if you're suggesting increasing the armor on gunships as well, they would be WAY to overpowered and unstoppable. b. If you mean remove ship req and add that amount to fleet req, I could see that potentially helping new players, but as has already been pointed out, req is very easy to get quickly right now and how you use it is far more important than how fast you earn it. c. There is no way they would ever create a consistent way for you to earn cartel coins in game. A good alternative idea would be to add an option to transfer fleet req to other characters in your legacy. This would help a lot for getting new alts in fighting shape quickly, and could even add a new way for them to make money off of GSF (That's the cynic in me talking ) e. Could be useful, but it seems to work pretty well as is. You don't really need to use tensor again after the first few seconds of a match anyway.
  2. If you already have a T1 gunship and a T2 scout on your bar, is the T3 gunship just kind of redundant, or does it have it's own unique roll to play? The T2 and T3 gunships are the only ships I have little to no experience flying yet.
  3. Thanks for the input. I figured it would be something along those lines. I guess I should start getting some practice in with the tensor scout.
  4. On my main GSF toons I like to try and have the best or most useful lineup of ships on my bar that I can. The first four are pretty easy: T2 scout, T1 GS, T1 and T2 bomber. I'm just curious if there is a "best" option for the fifth spot, or if it's just situational/matter of preference? I usually end up opting for a support type ship like the T3 scout or T3 strike. Thoughts?
  5. Agreed. I would say still leave the 5000 req reward for the intro to GSF mission in place as well, so that new players can buy the T2 scout and have the best of the competitive ships after only one match.
  6. Am I really the only person that actually loved the New Jedi Order series and the Yuuzhan Vong?
  7. I assume several of my futile and embarrassing attempts to blow you up were caught on video for all to see
  8. Well, throughout most of the Legacy of the Force book series he's described as wearing a black military uniform with a Vader style cape. I would say that a good starting place for that would be something like the Imperial Admiral's armor set (from the recent Eternal Command cartel pack) with a black/black dye in it.
  9. This started happening to me last night too. I couldn't figure out why it was so much harder for me to kill things all of a sudden until I checked the components lol. Turns out it was happening on my secondary weapons as well as my blasters, on both my scout and gunship. First time I've ever had this bug, but I will definitely be checking before playing from now on.
  10. @ Lendul, Dude, enough. You've made your point. This has now become a circular argument that is accomplishing absolutely nothing other than degrading an otherwise great thread. @ Despon, Thank you for doing this. I've seen a lot of new people in GSF chat talking about your video channel recently, so it seems to be having the desired effect. You were actually the very first person that ever killed me when I started playing GSF, and I've learned a lot from playing with/against you over the years. p.s. Have you considered trying to submit your channel to the dev's influencer program? It would be great to get it mentioned on a developer livestream.
  11. It's not what you're saying man, it's how you're saying it. I have no issues with you, I've liked many of the posts you've made over the years. Like I said, you're points are equally valid, but being so confrontational about it just turns people off. As for me, I'm certainly not part of any "clique". In fact, I'm very much a loner in this game. I just don't like seeing our little GSF community fractured by bickering. Personal insults are really not called for, against Despon, or now me. It's not white knighting, it's just about respect. You can disagree, even strongly, without being disrespectful and insulting. If you feel that he was in the wrong in that situation, why stoop to that level here?
  12. @ Lendul, Whatever your issues is with Despon, I do wish you would stop hijacking threads to sling mud at him. People like Despon, Drak, and others have been incredibly helpful and supportive to the community over the years. I myself have learned a great deal from them since I picked up GSF a couple years ago. Despon has been extremely patient and professional in response to your personal attacks against him on the forums lately, and his channel is one of the best things that anyone has done for the GSF community in a long time. You may not always agree with him and that's fine, but you could at least be professional and respectful in your criticisms. Your viewpoints are as valid as his, but your delivery is only making you look bad.
  13. This is a really great idea. I'll definitely be checking them out. You should see if you can get the devs to mention it in one of their community content segments of a livestream. This would be a perfect way to help build GSF awareness and help more people get into it.
  14. I think you have that backwards. Krix is the burden carried by the community.
  15. ^ Exactly this. I actually used to be one of those people that hated any kind of PvP, and refused to even try GSF on principle. Then one day I queued up and gave it a shot. Much to my surprise, I loved it! It has easily become my favourite part of the game. I think more people just need to give it a fair chance. The helpfulness of the community, and reading all of the great player created guides was a huge help to me as well.
  16. I may not have flown that many matches with and against you, but when I did it was always a great game. Best of luck!
  17. Says the guy who quits the match every time he's losing.
  18. /signed I don't even want to think about how much real money I've spent doing this exact same thing. (Plus I get even more shafted by the conversion rate to Canadian Dollars )
  19. Translation: He's afraid someone will show up with a pike again.
  20. The people that do the CGI effects in big budget movies don't get residuals for it, but the actors who star in them do. Why should a fully voice acted game be any different?
  21. What other MMOs have done in the past is irrelevant here. The fact is that this game is first and foremost a Star Wars RPG, that just happens to be set in an online open world format. It was intended to be the successor to the Knights of the Old Republic games, not Habbo Hotel in space. For most story oriented players (which for better or worse is probably the biggest chunk of the current player base) a feature like chat bubbles would be very immersion breaking to the personal Star Wars experience that is SWTOR's main selling point. The dev's intention is for players to be running missions and experiencing the story, and for that purpose the chat and whisper functions in the game work perfectly fine.
  22. Check in collections, we're getting one in the next pack. It'll be super rare and expensive though.
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