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10 Good
  1. You're not the only one. A bunch of Commandos still have a missing Medical Probe, me being one of them. I've also still got issues with the Utility Points on respec. So yeah, not fixed.
  2. I hear what you're saying. Really I do. And you have a point. The question is; do I want to adjust? If I don't want to adjust, then there aren't many choices for me. Other than go play another game, I guess. Which I think is what a lot of people are going to do.
  3. I'm really not a fan of the big changes in 3.0, personally. I'm giving it a try but I'm not enjoying near as much as I was prior to the changes.
  4. I can't blame you one bit. The changes to the core mechanics were extreme and, in my opinion, not very good. Honestly, the new Discipline System is, at best, a poor replacement for the Skill Tree. I also do not know if I will renew.
  5. Thoughts? I miss the Skill Tree. I liked it. I liked it a hell of a lot more than the new Discipline system. It has nothing to do with me not being able to deal with change. The new system simply is not good. There are basically no choices to be made. I miss the customization. It feels dumbed down. Like D&D 3.0 dumbed down. I really can't understand how the devs thought that the Discipline system would make for a better game. It's taken a lot away from the game and made it far less enjoyable. Hopefully I can learn to live with it because I love TOR. I don't know, though. I'm going to see how it goes. I come up for a 6 month renewal soon. I still haven't decided if I will renew or not. Before 3.0, there was no question whatsoever. It was a guarantee. Now, it's up in the air. My wife is also a subscriber. She feels the same way. On another note, the 3.0 change brought with it a lot of other things which I don't feel are very good either. The biggest one being the massive nerf to healing. Damn. What's that all about. Healers never had it easy keeping a part alive and now everything does more damage than ever and healers are healing for half of what they used to.
  6. Agreed. All the way around. I mainly play a Trooper and I have exactly the same issues. I'm not liking the Discipline System. Not one bit. There's a lot wrong with it and for all of the things it supposedly does, it doesn't add anything good to the game whatsoever. One other thing, It's also less fun, especially when Leveling up. It's pointless, however, to ask them to bring back the Skill Tree, because hell will freeze over first.
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