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10 Good
  1. 5' 4s - Fûjin - Marauder - DotSmash - 11/2/33 - 3296.91 http://www.torparse.com/a/624705/time/1395375870/1395376174/0/Overview
  2. i couldnt find my parse. ill reparse and post it when i get the chance
  3. i parsed in annihilation the other day and my parse was almost 100 dps less. ima go look for the log and post the link. 3 stacks of shockwave come after every beserk i think so getting shockwave isnt an issue. way too easy to build rage in this spec. its hella fun tho
  4. New Parse Fûjin - Dotsmash - 3169.03 only arkanian set pieces askmrrobot profile
  5. Fûjin - 5' 42s - 2928.06 - Marauder - Dotsmash
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