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  1. well at least in the big planet cities, it says that they are on a kind of pre-set speeder route (spoiler alert just in case: like how in Coruscant you have to save the senate tower from getting destroyed by wreckage from just turning off those set courses, and causing everyone to crash)
  2. Ok well first off I'm a big fan of the beast companions, but I'd absolutely love it if we could have more, so I thought I'd list off some that I think would be cool to have as a beast companion. 1. Acklay (don't know if it would work, but I would love it, by far my top choice) 2. Shore Crab (I cant remember what they are actually called and I recently was revisiting Rishi so that is what I remember right now) 3. Exoboar (they already have them as tamed beasts for beast masters soo why not) 4.Tonitran Raptor (again my resent Rishi revisit led me to think that they could be more than just mounts) 5.Jaggalor (it reminds me of a Nexu a little bit so why not, but the only problem I see is to much Nexu looks that it would probably just be a reskinned Nexu) Ok, soo there are some that I think would make or have potential to be good Companions? Let me know what you think of my selection, and or what beasts you would like to see be added in as a Companion and to have follow you around the Galaxy?
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