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Everything posted by Tungstenses

  1. Sith don't always lose. Angal killed orgus, vader beat like the first time. Etc.
  2. Congrats on the big four-oh and yea, I'm working on a sith assassin and I hope it is better than the warrior story line
  3. Does the cake have a dash of poison? A pinch of pale skin? And a touch of red eyes?
  4. I would like to see Revans armor back into the packs. By golly I would be in debt if that happens.
  5. I don't know if this counts or anything but I'm young (above 15). I play a sport, barely get mad, ever. And I'm in decently good shape. (Aka I'm not Channing Tatum.)
  6. With Kira carsen I'm already at like 5212 just trough convos and cartel pack gifts.
  7. I wasn't looking for just PvP videos, but you have a very interesting point here. The sith are controlled by the hardcore PvPers, I do get frustrated when I lose to a 3v1 choke fest but that is the only time I get generically pissed at PvP.
  8. Interesting fact about that, Nolan North is one of my favorite voice actors...
  9. My sentinel is a dark Jedi. I have like 4200 dark and like 500 light.
  10. I think the voice actor is actually really good for the guy Imma go search his name right now.
  11. I'm working on a sith inquisitor and well, my guy have a serious problem with the siths. Also is a mirkakalan make a good sith inquisitor? No?
  12. I was stifling through some YouTube vids on swtor and out of 10 vids, 9 were sith, or sith affiliated, (note, not the species). What gives? Ik that the sith are dominant in PvP, but really, a lot of people are sith, when I made a sith, my first character, it just fell through for me. I don't really see why they are more popular... Is everyone just that cold hearted?
  13. I always try to be a whole planet ahead when playing as a RP. I'm a 38 and heading into hoth, I have some flash points to do. Flash points are by far the best way to level IMO because 1 it's fun, you gain easy XP, it's rarely frustrating, most of the time, but I find then fun and enjoyable.
  14. I don't make much money but I suggest war zones and flash points it have no luck with the GTN ebon hawk isn't the best for it
  15. I mean like direct Reven purple. I've searched for a good week now...
  16. Few things, are purple light saber crystals available in game? Not talking about the black purple, but the purple, examples are Reven, Lord Modo, General sith inquisitor mobs. Are they like purchase able? I've never seen a person with one. Are the available to the pre orders? Such questions much uncertainty.
  17. Well, I do like me some reven action, but it simply isn't... Erm, doable, you have to think reven wasn't the most powerful being at the time, Emperor varatate or whatever was. Revens a bad *** don't get me wrong but he just couldn't do it as a main-ish character. Hk on the other hand I don't have experience of so I can't comment on that.
  18. Exactly!!! I just started pvping two days ago, and I don't consider myself a noob, but I've lose what, atleast 50 games now, and won like 10 ish. I'm not the most skilled in it, frankly I suck, but I guard the healer, attack enemies and just try to lay waste but nothing works. I'm thinking about just hitting max level and wrecking sh*t but that's 14 away.
  19. I know, I just have never gone as a sith before.
  20. I'm also gonna try making a sith assassin because those guys are extremely op in war zones
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