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  1. Check what i replied in Page 2. If you think that was a lag.. Well... Control able LAG ?!
  2. I can not agree more of that. Reporting cheaters doesn't seem to help . Most of the MMO has cheater in their game . But the point is, I don't see any action was taken by Bio that can convince me that they treat those cheating issues seriously.
  3. For the case I met in Starfighter, I am sure that was not caused by lag. Only one specify player (cheater) would jumping around in that match whenever I was going to lock him. Once he jumped out of my locking range. He would just stop his jump. As long as I reach him close enough for locking, he would just start jumping again. I understand I am just say nothing without any evidence. I will capture some video to prove if I meet that again shortly.
  4. Go The Harbinger server . queue the starfighter. you will find one or even more cheater in game for around every 3 matches. I will try to take some videos to post here.
  5. :mad:Cheater all around . warzone speed hacker. Immortal enemy : no matter how may hits it takes it just wont have any blood drop in starfighter. And those cheater keep jumping and jumping that u never can lock it to fire your missile. This game is going to die if BIO you are still just sitting there and do nothing about it as players will leave this game because of those cheaters !!!
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