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Posts posted by Maxumus

  1. Hi Iwipe!


    We're aware that the completion mail currently doesn't have a pet item attached. It's not intended, and we're working on getting this fixed. In the meantime, players who got the completion email without the item can file an in-game Customer Support ticket to have the pet item granted.




    I finished both binocular and seeker droid heroic quest chains, located all the MCR droids (same as a lot of others) and when I filed a ticket I was told by the CSRs I had not completed all steps and they could not grant me the pet. Am I missing something?

  2. This is totally just my personal opinion but I love our vibroswords! Interestingly, two of my 50's are a Juggernaut and a Marauder and I only use vibroswords on them. I actually collect them! Here are some of my favorites:


    • Custom Built Vibrosword
    • Cathar Honor Sword
    • MD-5 Shock Viper Vibroblade
    • S-2 Rescue Vibroblade

    Check em out! :rak_03:




    Gaffi sticks need love too

  3. Last night I was doing some WZs when a guy showed up with 2 pink-purple color crystals, he was a lv11 sentinel

    and as I inspected him I noticed his both crystals showed at grade 56 with 41 critical rating on them

    Is this intended?

    Due to the bolster mechanic of the WZs he got a pretty huge buff because he was using a "lv50 item" at lv11


    It's working as intended and no he does not get a huge buff. Bolster scales it's buff based on item level and stats so higher level items get less of a buff than lower level items. Plus +41 to any stat is a minimal increase to players which is why they were put in without it affecting balance.

  4. I have 11 50s (Got laid off and had plenty of time to level). I find it a waste past 3. I don't want to spend all that time gearing alts I may never use so stick with my main tank PT, sniper and sorc healer so I'm well rounded for guild raids. The other 50s I mainly did just to do and get the legacy skill ability as well as mules for stashing gear and items in their banks. I'm not surprised a lot of people are content with only 2-3 50s
  5. Disney won't be doing anything for years. LA sold a license to EA/Bioware which has to be honored until that contract expires. Just like Disney can't pull the plug on Marvel Superhero Island at Islands of Adventure in Universal because there is a contract in place. All that is going to change in this game is EA is going to be making out the checks to Bob Iger instead of George Lucas.
  6. I'm afraid I have to disagree. While I do enough "outside research" to have known that the feature in question wasn't part of 1.5, I'd have to argue that the logical conclusion for anybody going through the actual "path to the page" who hasn't researched other material and/or doesn't have a hefty skepticism in corporate advertising, would be that those features were part of the F2P patch, i.e. 1.5


    I'd argue it's the web designer who strung those pages together that's the example of failed education. Unless the actual intent WAS to mislead, while still keeping legally sound, in which case well done marketing guy, well done.


    At no point was it implied all these items would be coming with F2P. When they released the video of features coming to SW TOR they said these would be implemented within the year. The F2P was put up later with a message 'these things coming soon.' Never did it say 'these features coming in <month/patch1.4/1.5etc> It said coming soon. There was a part that said 'These features will be coming IN F2P not WITH F2p, which is a huge difference. The problem with this community is they choose to not read things fully and place the blame on the devs for failed promises and wrong information when if they had actually chosen to read the information they would see what was actually said was different. Please stop putting words in the devs mouth then blaming them for not delivering just because you can not spend the extra 2 seconds to read something correctly.

  7. Queues for F2P people. not for those with subscriptions, one of the perks with paying


    That's not true. It's priority Queue for subs you still will have to Queue if the server is full. They aren't going to boot F2Ps out of the server to wait. Subs just jump to the front of the line.

  8. Have you considered taking HM and NiM mode EC off the same lockout? Since they are essentially different encounters now like SM and HM are with a completely different loot set shouldn't they be locked out seperately? I understand the shared lockout for EV/KP since like you have said they were essentially the same encounter but being completely different in EC they should split the lockouts to help progression.
  9. wrong. I linked announcement. They changed it ex post facto.


    You mean the announcement that tells you to go to the FAQ to see the POTENTIAL rewards which then has this:



    "If you are a former subscriber or if you join Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ now, you will start earning Cartel Coins for every for every paid month until the launch of the Free-to-Play option. "


    It tells you in multiple places it's for paid months you chose to ignore that part by not reading all information available and then blame Bioware/EA for your own mistakes.

  10. Because the original announcement never said anything about paying.


    "You will receive Complimentary Cartel Coins for all your previous and current subscription months."


    It doesn't say "each month you paid 14.99" it just says each month you subscribed. Are they now going to say that technically we weren't subscribed then? Well then why didn't they tell their shareholders that they had 0 subscribers for that month.


    If we weren't subscribers than why did they openly and knowingly violate SEC regulations and lie to their shareholders?


    See it's just another instance of corporate double talk, of doing the convenient money grabbing thing rather than pleasing your customer. Just par for the course I guess.


    Once again it says on the swtor.com/free site from day 1 which has not changed:

    150 Complimentary Cartel Coins

    Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012

    You were told you simply did not read

  11. I understand your perspective.


    My point is that I was not , nor was anyone, told that this would be the case.


    As I said, I appreciate the free month. And I will probably invest the $15 saved back into the game.


    I just would have liked to have been told this officially and not have to go through customer service to find out.


    You were told this from the start when F2p was announced.

    Taken from swtor.com/free

    150 Complimentary Cartel Coins

    Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012


    It says right there each PAID month. You did not pay for December if you were a launch subscriber and your free month between april/june depending on when your account renewed. You should not get a bonus for something you did not pay for plain and simple. The $15 (30 if you count your free month upon original subscription) will most likely net you between 2000-3000 coins which is a much better tradeoff than 150-300 coins for $30 of subscription time.

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