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10 Good
  1. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MY MIND! This is worse than Tumblr.
  2. They probably don't speak English. A shy person doesn't randomly invite people just to not talk to them. A shy person does the exact opposite. Decline all invites and avoid conflict with other questers. Try to muster up the courage to LFG and bring no notice to yourself. ~a shy gamer that loves mmorpgs
  3. The ignorance is strong in this one.
  4. Twi'leks have more than 3 faces I've created 6 of them trust me there is customization and a bit of make-up options. Also, the Empire has some markings the Republic doesn't have and that's pretty cool. Then purple eyes. No one can resist the purple eyes. All things serious pick the one you like the most. Your first character usually holds a lot of emotion since it's the first character you learn everything on. Personally I'm a Twi'lek freak, but humans have that nice long hair through the Cartel Market.
  5. Ahhh Thank you all that clears everything up.
  6. So, having that one dark alt wont hurt the light side of the rest of my characters?
  7. "Alignment The two alignment available abilities are the Legacy of Sacrifice and the Legacy of Unity. Both of which require an alignment level of five (dark/sacrifice, light/unity), that the character has reached level 50, and you be legacy level 10. Once unlocked all characters in you legacy will have the ability to drain their companion for an instant shot of health (sacrifice) or redice damage to you and your companion for a short period of time." So, does this mean that if I choose to have 8 characters on one server both Republic and Imperial I have to choose either light or dark? I can't have 7 characters light and 1 dark? Does it just mean that I don't get the sacrifice perk or will it effect my light characters drastically? I'm still learning about this system and this confuses me a lot because I can't find a straight answer on any of it. I appreciate anyone helping my nooby booty.
  8. You're right, but most MMORPGs are going F2P and even when they are not F2P they still nickel and dime. Every single one. Some are better about it than others (TERA) but some go too far such as locking out content. Still want the hairstyles though.
  9. Yes. I want my character to actually laugh or tell jokes like in such games as WoW, TERA, LOL, GW2, you get the picture. I don't know how it was unclear though.
  10. Oh, now I see why. I never liked how F2P would try and sell emotes, but that's life. However, if they added some voice responses to the free emotes it would be really neat. I can hope for it, lol. Till then I'm addicted to my Twi'lek's.
  11. I'm not trying to be an apocalypse omg change everything now or I quit kinda thing, but the emotes are horrid. Every other MMO I've played has voice response with each or most of the main emotes like laughing or telling jokes. In this game that doesn't exists. I do like how I'm not restricted to one dance though; that's one positive thing. However why can't my character laugh or tell a really dumb joke or cry? Was it forgotten about when the game was made? Also, the NPCs keep calling my female characters sir. I don't really care, but that also seems pretty lazy imo. Just voicing my experience with a game new to me.
  12. HAPPY V-DAY LUNA! I treated myself to Heartseeker Ashe, and the flower ward.
  13. I just started playing Saturday, but I'm going to necro this thread. These comments make BW sound really lazy. Nautolan as a playable race!
  14. You're right. I decided to run some heroics/ groups and got some pieces to change out my chest piece and head piece. I didn't get the whole set, but I'm catching on to it!
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