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Posts posted by Hoshkar

  1. Were pets ment to be NPCs? When I go to place my pets I can put 3 down, then I get the no more room to place NPCs.... I figured that was there for vendors or dancers or what not... Not pets :mad: I have 20 some odd pages of pets I really wanted to toss all over my new place....Seems that is not an option! I was able to cram a good 80 large mounts into my place oddly enough, but little pets NOPE!
  2. Some datacrons are easier to get to with sprint and running turned off. Going around a corner to fast can end up killing you for some of those lol :p



    One of the main reasons I subscribed to the game, 1-9 is just so slow feeling without sprint once you have tasted it! :eek:

  3. If you were planning on making your own guild just for the bank space, you may want to just hold off till they release Legacy Banking. I was going to make my own guild for that reason. Before I heard they were adding that new bank. Seems pretty useful, and I can stick with my more populated guild for chatting / grouping now :D
  4. http://tor-fashion.com/crystals/ <--- another list o crystal colors. If you are going for stats as well, the hawkeye ones will always go for more, they are in high demand. If you could care less about stats, you might be able to get one of the cartel green crystals for cheap of the War Hero's variety, those always seem to sell really cheap. Endurance ones sometimes cheap as well, the crit ones are usually around the hawkeye prices though.


    You could wait as well, and hope for a new green crystal to come in a future pack. If not hope for a re release on the older packs with those colors in them. If you are lucky you may even find one at a miss price!

  5. To keep or to sell, it is a gamble in itself. Nothing is stopping BW from re releasing older packs, making items you may have squirreled away for months drop hard again in price. It has to really be your call. I am sure everyone who bought a Rancor mount last month for 3-5 million are laughing now. Even when they were complaining about paying that much, sure does beat the 15-20 million they seem to be going for now.... :eek:


    If it is something not many others seem to be selling, I tend to wait till they drive each other down to low prices, buy them both out, then hike the price on the item by 2-3X. Tends to make a good profit. Doesn't work well on items that are easily flooded though :p

  6. Nice little extra perk, if she stays a subscriber, you will also get an extra 100CC each month she does (as the referral).


    If you guys are looking to get more CC, you can also add a security key to your account, which is 100CC a month, as well as access to a special vendor. Some pretty cool stuff on it you cannot get otherwise. It also prevents your account from being so easily broken into :p


    Don't recall what the value on the stronghold + extra rooms was valued at, but seems worth doing. There is a bunch of info about it on this part of the swtor website - http://www.swtor.com/galactic-strongholds

  7. Well i dont have any money in the game since i havent started my character yet :p

    So my only choice is to unlock this from Cartel Market.


    Thanks alot for all the answers, i think im all ready to begin :]



    Crew skills, scavenging, slicing, underworld trade, bioanalsys, can make you some decent money, depending on your server's needs / grade of items.


    If you have a lot of cartel coins, find out what items sell for a good price, buy the item, wait 36 hours for the item to unlock, then sell. Fastest way to make credits. You can also buy cartel packs, and gamble at the chance to get a million+ credit item out of them (good luck lol).

  8. The one item I would repeat here is that I think we really need to have a "reshuffle" button for the listed missions. Right now, the only way to get new missions that you actually need is to take and complete ones you perhaps do not need or want. To me that is silly.


    A button that would allow us to have a new list displayed would be a huge improvement IMO. If you don't see the mission you want or need, you reshuffle the list to display new missions until you get the one you want.


    I also think that crafting times are FAR too long and critical chance is far too low, even with the mechanics to improve the times in place.


    Any thoughts are appreciated.


    From what I recall, you can also zone into another planet, or flashpoint / warzone, that will shuffle your list as well. Seems like it will also auto refresh after just standing there, not sure how long, I was afk for 10 minutes or so, went to send my crew out, noticed a different set of missions.


    The crit chance seems pretty high, if you use the right companion for the job, right now my ship droid has a 30% chance to crit, when I make MK-9s, every

    5 I que up, 3-4 tend to be crits.... That seems pretty high to me. This droid is max affection, has the ship droid sensor part, and I have the 3 legacy crafting traits (adds 1% crit per rank) as well. If you are using a companion with no +crit, and 0 affection, and no bonus legacy traits, your crit rate is going to be pretty low....


    Nothing really seems wrong with the speed as well, faster people can pump out the higher end items, the lower the cost is going to drop, and most of the costs on crafted stuff is bad enough as it is.



    Played a lot of MMOs over 14 years, I have seen worse crafting systems, and I have seen better ones. swtor is somewhere in the middle for me. I cannot really think of much that would improve the system right now. Some crafts could use recipes to set them apart of the market, right now some of them are struggling to make any sort of profit, to the point you are just better off farming and selling the materials instead of making items with said craft...

  9. If you want to make some credits, and not spend your CC, pick up crew skills, scavenging, slicing, underworld trade, and bioanlysis tend to net the most profit. Selling CC items is a pretty fast way to make a ton of credits, but I like to save CC for other uses, like legacy unlocks, or Collection unlocks (making a set, weapon, or mount account wide).


    You can always pick up Cybertech crafting as well, and make your own mods (as well as earrings, droid parts, and bombs). Comes in handy, even more so if your companion is also wearing orange items. I also tend to make my alts a lot of mods too.


    There are a TON of orange shells on the GTN as well (you can view all of them under Collecitons). Some look way better then what is available just off the CM as well. Some are even dirt cheap :D


    You may find http://tor-fashion.com/ website quite useful as well :)

  10. Most achievements were designed in having a lot of alts in mind. You can always grind them out on just 1 character, seems to go a lot faster when you just leveling a few alts up though. I never tried to do the starting planet ones, I just made enough alts that I ended up getting them all completed lol



    http://www.torstatus.net/ can give you a semi good idea of what servers are more populated. To bad it doesn't tell you if that is more empire or republic heavy.

  11. I wouldn't mind stuffing a few companions out of my ships airlocks as well. Every time I enter the thing I have to listen to that stupid droid tell me how he painted my ship, same color, just a fresher coat of paint!!! /wrists
  12. Get all the flashpoint legacy perks, pop an exp (general or flashpoint) item, run KDY till your eyes bleed. Seems the fastest way to grind thus far (be sure to grab your weekly flashpoint quest as well). Queing up for the normal flashpoints seems to take forever, KDY is pretty much instant (durring double exp).


    If I recall some people have said they went 15-55 in just 1 double exp weekend doing this. I can only make it 5-6 levels in KDY till I want to smash my head in with a rock....

  13. Video can be found here -


    All other regen items here - http://tor-fashion.com/toys/ (each will link to a video as well)


    All these items do are help you with health regen (an alternative to your class default one), some look pretty awesome, and can also cost a pretty penny.


    If you want, you can always toss your idea out onto the Suggestion part of the Forums, maybe one day they might just add it to the game! :p

  14. I just hit 55 on my Maddness Sorc, and my gear and my comp's gear is still pretty lame in terms of lvl and stats.

    So do i keep running HM FP'S for comms, dailies or do I go to Oricron and start there, and I do play alone none of my friends are interested in this game.


    No one I know plays swtor either, so I joined a guild, made friends, and we do everything together. When I first hit 55 on my character they were nice enough to show me around, where dailies are, helped me do all the Oricron stuff to get some better gear. Even ran around did all the datacrons. Got HK, even exposed me to GSI, which I am now addicted to....


    Nice thing about an older MMO, tends to be a ton of max levels who are bored and would love to help new level 55s. Even find another person who just hit 55, do dailies with them, or anything else that you want to do at this point. Everything is more fun with other people to do them with, and tend to go a lot faster as well.

  15. It's been around since beta. Never getting fixed - you'll have to go robeless or deal with it.


    Just means you need more squeaky wheels :p


    Even if it is an old issue, it still makes the game look really bad, and lazy. To be honest it is my 1 major gripe as well...

  16. Or is there a repeatable quest somewhere to drop kick a basket of kittens into a black hole for 1000 dark side points?





    But, yea Diplomacy, fastest way to go, just send crew on dark missions, higher rank, and quality the mission, the better darkside point reward you get. If I recall Medical Supplies give more points, but tend to take a little longer, but when they crit, you can get a lot of points. Had a level 10 twi'lek with max darkside from doing this, never ran a flashpoint.

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