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Everything posted by Ronuspto

  1. Cator The Guardian-Protector droid Cool skin that matches Pau'an Jedi Temple Guard gear Fast as a Jedi with knowledge of Jedi fighting styles and techniques Stopped only by Darth Vader ... AFTER disarming Vader and taking his lightsaber I'm just thinking that s/he'd be a great Companion or enhancement skin for a companion ... no, probably a companion, as the personality is different from most others in the game and could have different dialog
  2. Were the Missions fun? Very much so. I got a little turned around sometimes, and the path wasn't always clear, but I'm sure you noted that more we played, the more we'd learn the course, so ... that's part of the challenge. Were the Missions the right length (not too long, not too short)? The length was fine ... there's only so long you can have your eyes wide open and adrenaline pumping without a break, so ... the lengths were fine. Were the objectives for each Mission clear? That could use work. Maybe a cursor pass over an NPC near the bike would allow one to read the mission objective? Trying to make sense of what one has to do as they hit the line to start is difficult. Which gang's Missions did you like the most? The least? Horizon's was best once I knew where I was going. Bek had too many things to do at once: driving, selecting which shot to take at which set of explosives, avoiding traps ... that was stressful. Not bad, but ... that was the most challenging of the three because so many things had to happen at once. On the other hand, there are such challenges flying our ships in space battles, so ... it becomes a skill that needs to be honed. Did each gang's objectives make the course feel a little different? Yep. Were you able to easily stay on the course? Stay on the course? Sure ... but sometimes if there was a glitch after being stuck, I was aimed the wrong way. For the Horizon race on Onderon, I kept going the wrong way and losing. I thought it was because I missed the time by one second, like, 10 times ... which technically it was, but I missed the time because I went the wrong way, which was never going to let me win. Did you understand the bike abilities? I learned, but at first you need to learn the course route. Someone else suggested, and I agree, that at least one practice run should be allowed so that at least one element of the race can not be new as soon as you make your first official attempt. Did the speed of the bike feel good? Horizon's speed was fine. The "boosts" weren't as effective as I'd like. I never had a Pod Racing feel. The sped could be increased, but ... maybe that could be for increase in experience levels. Win more, get more speed in later contests, could reset with each event or could become an "Ability" that you retain so that it starts off one rung below your skill so you ease into each event when it pops up again. What did you enjoy the most? What did you dislike? I liked the variety of philosophies: speed, tricks, explosions. I like that it exists. It's another way to see more of planets to which I'd really like more exposure. I look forward to the vendors and what could be offered by hanging around the areas. I did not like that the Horizon speed clock started before the countdown; didn't like that jumps could make the speeder hitch and snag you into repeating the last split second of landing, two or three times, before releasing you to continue the race; didn't like that if you dismounted mid course, you could have a devil of a time getting back to the starting area; didn't like that the goals/missions were given mere seconds before the race started with little time to process the information or strategize ... Problems aside, it was fun and different ... hopefully there will be banners one can display in their strongholds or personnel who look like they are doing maintenance on vehicles so you can add them to your stronghold garage or putt-putting around your favorite vehicle. This was cool!
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