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  1. I thought of that, but wouldn't I have to pick a Server forum to post it in? Which would be counter-intuitive, I would have thought. Unless you mean for me to cross-post? Sorry, just wanting to clarify. Thanks.
  2. Hello all... I know there are lot of "LFG" posts out there, but I'm having trouble sifting through lots of guilds that are inactive, and knowing which server is best for the things I'm looking for, so here goes. I am currently on The Ebon Hawk server. I play a Jedi Sentinel Combat Spec. SWTOR is my first MMO, and while I have a lot of RP experience via PNP roleplaying, I did not really expect to enjoy PVP, and planned to treat it as a follow-up to KOTOR and KOTOR2, both of which I have played through several times, and re-played recently right before joining. However, I have now discovered how much I do enjoy PVP (though I'm not that great yet) and have been having a blast with Warzones and GSF. I am worried that I may be on the wrong server for that once I hit the Level Cap - some of the forums seem to reflect that. I also have decided I would like to join a guild. I would like something with Medium-Heavy RP, though somewhat relaxed since I'm just getting back into the swing of things there. Definitely interested in both PVE and PVP play styles with a guild. Like I said in the title, I would be more than happy to change servers for the right fitting guild and server environment for what I'm wanting. I'm really excited to be a part of the community and be able to take part in a guild's story and enjoy the things SWTOR has to offer with other people. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Lirindil, Lvl 50 Sentinel, The Ebon Hawk.
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