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    Swtor, Hunting, History
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  1. Alright, Thanks for the Information
  2. Hello I just wanted to asked a few general questions about EH 1. Are there any RP "Hotspots.", what I mean by that is are there locations where RP happens? I'll use Nar Shaddaa Cantina as example. 2.What is the community like? My recent server was BC which was labeled as RP(Pre-change). But I could never find any besides guilds, Ive Generally heard EH is a decent server and was wondering what the Pro's and Cons are. Thanks for taking your time to read or answer this!
  3. 4;30 Est. Hopefully It gets done today, Would prefer 1 and 1/2 days of early acess vs 1 day of early acess
  4. Agreed, I want the companions to look how I want them to/How I'm used to them being, They could do an Ilum Companion type deal vendor, just have it include both Factions Companion Customizations
  5. Ilum seems like a cool planet for a SH, Would be the first Snow SH and there could be a way to work in a Crystal Cave as a basement or some type. Would be cool to see one
  6. Yup thats what I was wondering, Saved me 20 Dollars on a character, Thanks
  7. I wouldnt say No to it, If we have Torgruta's why not Weequy's, sure they use one model but they do Speak Basic, We can just hide head items like Torgruta, Makes sense for some Classes and Armor isnt a problem
  8. I agree with this, And maybe finally put more Imp Trooper Armor In game
  9. Agreed there needs to be one, I had to cancel my SK when I got my new phone, Lost my White and Red Dye
  10. Yeah, Im hoping they do something with the CM for it
  11. So Pretty self Explanatory, I think the armor they had for the old Pve/Pvp sets (I think) or the Armor troopers on Quesh wear, or like my Picture. http://swtor.gamingfeeds.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/HLIC/1130ca47617d74ef4217b1364a5cb82a.jpg Thats the armor I am talking about
  12. I've always wanted to play a Kel'dor, It might be cool, Would you Consider the Idea of Making one?
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