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  1. I'll be your friend but there's a problem, we're on different servers which mean one of us will have to change servers to play the game with each other.
  2. So is there anyone here from The Ebon Hawk server that just want's to just sit back and enjoy the game (since it's an RP server then we will be RP'n whether the others are or not, mainly cause I wanna try it out) I'll still be using the grinding levels technique though but I'll find someway to put it in with the RP. Now if your a serious RP then just cut me some slack cause ita be my first time RP like this.
  3. I kinda thought that but I wanted to double check, plus I had my hopes up for nothing hoping what was true wasn't true. looks like I'll be spending some money next month. lol
  4. I'm looking for a method on how to get cartel pints are louder then you think, not including your I can just organize my stuff while ya's gone to make it look alot better. (Cartel and some locked races and stuff with names and are kinda like bosses).
  5. My name will be soulxmind (Jedi name) or mindxsoul (Sith name) and I'll be kinda new to the RP'n but it shouldn't take too long to get use to it. I'll also be playing a Jedi and a Sith, so it doesn't matter which side you chose i"ll still be able to play with you.
  6. I've decided to go to the ebon hawk server and try out the role playing
  7. How active are you? cause I only switch between two games (swtor and wow) and that's all I do is play games so I'll be pretty active on swtor, should i be Jedi first or SIth first? cause you never said whether you cover both or not.
  8. I'll atleast give it a try and see if i like it, do you know of anyone that would re-roll a toon that wouldn't mind playing the way i do? cause if you can find someone that doesn't mind playing the game the way I do then I'll jump on your pvp server and join up with you. But everyone I ever played with got bored of grinding before I was done.
  9. I'll think about it but won't make any promises yet cause it's still to early to give up hope yet cause I only just post the thread......and do you have toons on both sides or just one? cause I usually start a toon on both sides
  10. I'm more into pve and grinding levels though (hint the solo'n i mentioned above) but not alot of people like that play style anymore lol atleast no-one i've seen on my adventures, i'd be 2-4 levels higher then i was suppose to be at minimum before i got bored of solo'n and delete and restart all over again, which is why i don't have any toons right now.
  11. It's cool, and i can change servers cause i don't have any toons yet
  12. Thanks for the help.......server will be PVE on the Jedi covenant server i think.......is there any other info i should post?
  13. looking for some friends to play swtor with cause I just been mostly solo'n except on spots I cant and it gets kinda boring by myself, it doesn't matter if this is your first time playing the game or if your an expert on it, as long as we can get along and play the game while having fun then that's alright. Personally I haven't made it very far on star wars so I'm not exactly a pro either, i just don't wanna play by myself all the time, i don't mind it sometimes but every once in awhile I'd like a friend to play the game with. That's about it, just send me a message and we'll start a set of toons together (doesn't matter which side).
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