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  1. No, that's my point. I don't have it figured out. No one posting on these forums does. Well, maybe some theorycrafters, but in general, no.
  2. Yea, the TT graphic is misleading for new players. My first character was a sage. I remember thinking it was the aoe at first, and that it was weird we had it right away. Took me a level or two of trying to get mobs aligned to realize it wasn't. This is less an issue of how the spell behaves and more that the graphic could telegraph that behavior better. It's a filler spell; aoe would make it too powerful and throw it off the power curve. That's fine and not something anyone would argue, I think. Ideally the graphic would be more akin to a channeled Project, where the character lifts a series of boulders out of the ground to assault the target. Obviously the object itself would have to be unique. I like the idea of random debris, which has the added benefit of meshing with SW lore, but then it'd have to fit with the tileset (although Project doesn't, so maybe it isn't an issue). Honestly, Project is kind of wasted - it's such fun button to push, it's got this great animation, but it's rarely used. I'd be happy with that graphic going to TT (with 2-3 boulders over the course of the channel), and the spell we know as Project getting something else. But all we can do is toss ideas around and daydream. TT hasn't changed in five years, it's certainly not going anywhere now.
  3. I never understood people who use the second person in forum posts. Who are you talking to? Devs don't read class forums, and they don't care about what you say here. I also find it amusing that randos on the internet assume that they have it all figured out and know what changes are gonna make a playerbase flee and the game fail. Not like it's run by a company, filled by people with degrees, who have at least some idea of what they're doing and access to all sorts of metrics that trump anecdotal experience. Oh, and assuming any dev does read your post, feedback is always more appreciated when using this cool new thing. It's a bit hipster, still underground. They're called paragraphs. Not everyone's heard of them. But they're pretty sweet.
  4. I'm interested in this as well. I'd like to level a vanguard soon, but their two dps specs don't appeal to me at all. The tank spec sounds at least a little interesting, but my first instinct is to not bother since I want to get through the trooper story as quickly as possible. The issue I think we'll run into is that I've heard companions don't dps that well, so you don't gain much by setting them to damage. But I'm not sure tank specs have the sustain to go without healers, so you wind up setting your comps to heals anyway (same as if you were dps), only with a tank's damage output. I haven't played a tank spec since RotHC-era so I can't say how big a difference that is.
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