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Posts posted by Xo-Lara

  1. While Galactic Seasons isn't my favorite activity, it takes me out of my way most of the time, I appreciate that the story feels better integrated with this season. Story progression will convince me to work towards goals more than the rewards. Hopefully, more time will be put into the lore behind each season.


    However, I might keep going so I can save up for Paxton Rall. It's gonna take me a lot of seasons, but I'll get there eventually.

  2. I would like to see more replayable chapters that feature standalone stories centered around a particular companion. While I, personally, would like to see a lot of different companions featured in such chapters, I believe that love interests would make a better Cartel Market offering. The occasional, non-love interest companion might be a good candidate to be released for free or offered as a reward of gameplay.


    Key Feature Requests

    • Focuses mostly on a single companion.
    • Story is standalone so it is not dependent on fitting snuggly into the main galaxy spanning story
    • Has a mission portion that uses more world interaction mechanics.
    • Has a downtime potion that uses interactive cutscene mechanics.
    • Provides influence with the companion when it is completed. The influence granted is proportional to the time needed to complete the chapter.


    Further Thoughts


    The way I envision it, the chapter could include a mission portion where you address some issue dear to the companion's heart and a downtime portion set in an interactive cutscene, which would allow you spend time with the companion in a low-stakes environment.


    Because each companion is different, what would be a mission and what would be downtime could take very different forms with different companions. For example, downtime with Torian and Akaavi might involve sparring or weapon practice, while downtime with Koth might involve cooking. Maybe even the mission involves cooking. (We can put those Feast of Prosperity mechanics to use in other places. Ballistic Cooking FTW! :D)


    Another thing that I really feel would be important is to not tie these directly to the main storyline. I'm not suggesting that it shouldn't be influenced by it, I just feel it would be better if it were not hooked at the hip to it. For example, if there is a Rass chapter, there is no way the Spirit of Vengence stuff shouldn't be referenced. But I wouldn't want to see something like going with Rass to harass a certain group on Mek-Sha in the service of Shae's Hunt.


    In a case like that, the outcome would likely, logically, affect the main story and need to be referenced down the road. That could delay the release of the companion chapter due to the planning needed to account for it well and I'd prefer to sidestep that. I feel the chapter should fit logically with the overall story; unless it was presented specifically as a standalone, what-if, alternate-timeline thing; but should avoid being too dependent on said overall story.


    Further, I feel it would be ideal if completing the chapter would grant a decent amount of influence to the companion in question and that the influence gain should be repeatable. I think it should, at least, come out to the same amount of influence that you would gain if you gave the companion low-level companion items steadily for the same amount of time as it takes to complete the chapter. The influence gain needs to feel worthwhile while and I am really tired of spamming companion gifts.


    Oh, and one more thing. It would be nice if the chapters weren't 3k cartel coins. I have been trying to save up to buy the HK chapter for some time now, and I tell you that the decoration packs are always less so I end up buying them instead. D:



    Potential Pros


    • Writers can explore a wider variety of topics, reexamine old threads that still have stories left in them, and explore new threads that won't fit neatly into the main story.
    • Players could experience a wider variety of stories and can tailor their experience by which companions they favor. Sith and Jedi companions would likely attract players interested in very different experiences.
    • Players can replay their favorite story moments whenever the mood strikes them.
    • Companion chapters could potentially be released alongside the main story beats adding additional stories.
    • They may be able to leverage already existing assets better than new stories.



    Potential Cons


    • Add to the development team's workload.
    • It may be a pain to package chapters as opposed to normal story and missions.
    • Players might be interested in different kinds of stories than the writers want to tell right now
    • Branching paths might make it complex enough to where they can't be produced too often



    Companions I Would Like to Have Chapters For

    • Rass Ordo
    • Jekiah Ordo
    • Corso Riggs
    • Holiday (she has to come back eventually :D)
    • T7‑O1
    • Aric Jorgan
    • M1-4X
    • HK-55
    • Talos Drellik
    • Juvard Illip Oggurobb
    • Blizz
    • Paxton Rall

  3. This is a fantastic idea. We may have suggested it long ago, however I think it might be time to re-add this to the suggestions thread. I would happily pay extra money to unlock stand alone chapters / side stories with my favourite class companions/LIs or later LIs. High on my list would be a story in which they resurrect Skavak for my smuggler but that's a whole new not-Quinn thread. A side story featuring Quinn however? Here's my bank card, pin number and keys to my house BW* :D



    I found the HK chapter enjoyable the first time I ran it. After that I'm only in it for the janitor decorations and the tech gifts!


    *this may not actually happen, but money would indeed be thrown!


    Ok, I can go with you on Quinn. I can go with you on Theron. I can even go with the people who like Vector and those that take a shot at Malgus... But I have to part ways with you on Skavak. :mad: I would take Khem Val before I took Skavak.



    I shoot that drooling, nerf-scat every chance I get. :p



    However, I have been reading this thread for a while now Sarova, and I'm not so convinced you wouldn't hand over your Bank card for a Quinn-centric repeatable chapter with multiple fade to blacks. Maybe even hand over that pin number if they toss in a DLC kinda scene in the Comannder's/Wrath's room. :p


    I'll go see about making a new suggestion thread in the CM Suggestion board.



    Here's the link to the thread. Have at. :)


  4. There are a lot but a few of the standout ones, even now, are



    The scene where you face down Arcann and he runs you through. On my first run-through, I took the first offer of help from Valkorian. I did it because I thought Lana was going to die, and I was like, "This will not work without Lana." Imagine my surprise when it's Senya to the rescue. Senya knocks off the skytroopers, and I'm like, "That jerk lied. I bet he knew Lana was about to be saved. Forget this Sith crap."


    Flash forward to that talk we had before I face off against Arcann. By that point, I had turned down like two other offers for help with, surprise surprise, fairly little consequence. So Valkorian is all "you aren't ready to face my Son." and I'm like, "Stuff it Sith," and head off to talk with Arcann to try to negotiate. We may not see eye to on... well, everything, but giving up half the galaxy is probably worth it to keep that sister of yours off the throne and I'm feeling an attempted Klingon Promotion coming... Lo' and behold, Arcann doesn't want to talk and he runs me through!


    At the very instant he runs my Jedi through, I'm thinking "Oh, crap. The old man had a point this time. NOW he's telling me the truth."


    What made it such a great storytelling moment is that it subverted my expectations. However, it did it without coming out of nowhere. Yet I still didn't see it coming before it happened. It made me realize that I, the player, had started to take the story for granted... until it bit back. It snapped me back into the story.




    Along that same line,



    55 taking that hit from Arcann and dying for me was by NO means a favorite cutscene--because I lost my favorite droid, sorry C2 <3 --but it was an emotionally resonate one. I was very sad when I lost my favorite HK and then I was sucker-punched later when I got him back and he didn't remember me. :'( It was good storytelling because I got emotionally invested, but it was super sad. I liked that 55 had more personality than C2 but not as creepy as 51. 55 could be goofy. <3



    Another one that is sad but a good one was



    when you catch up with Vaylin after you choose between Torian and Vette. When I made the choice, I took for granted that the one I didn't choose was going to die. I even made a calculated decision. I chose Torian because we had a war ahead of us and Vette was cute but not a soldier.


    For a split second, when I finally doubled back and found Vette alive, I was happy. It looked like I was going to get a second chance and save everybody.... then Vaylin comes in and snaps that hope like she snapped Vette's neck. That was another sucker punch. While I was never really invested in Vette's character, that stung. I like being the big hero and I failed. That was right up there with Choosing Jaxo over however many millions of people... However, in my defense, you don't have someone pleading for their life right in front of you and act like its a normal to not be moved by that.... I'm not psychotic. Stuff it Dorne. :mad:



    Another emotionally resonant scene was



    When Kaliyo shows you the difference between the reactions to Firebrand and the Outlander. On my first playthrough, I immediately picked up on the fact that the Zakuulans were terrified of the Outlander and it stung. I main a Jedi consular, and I'm supposed to be the good guy not the monster. The only thing that twisted the dagger more was Kaliyo having the nerve to criticize me for showing her up like this was some kind of terrorism Olympics. I can't stand Kaliyo. :mad: This is not a game and there are no participant trophies even if it was. Do better. :rolleyes:



    To toss in older cutscenes that I liked.



    I liked the Voss Mystic Trial Visions, but not on my first play through. I totally did not understand Voss or what was going on the first time I played through it. However, once I got a grip on that, I really liked how the trial visions were a test of understanding Voss culture. I thought it was a cool way to present lore as gameplay. I now know that a Mystic's words have power. I understand. :D



    Here's my thoughts about Bowdaar's alliance alert that I actually put in a thread at the time I did it. I love interacting in cute and fun ways with my companions. Sassing NPCs is pretty fun too.


    Ah! It was so cute in unexpected ways. :) So I'm running my smuggler through the Zakuul arc since Corso has finally been brought back. I already had 10 influence with Bowdaar so I figured I might as well do the alliance alert this time. I really liked it and I especially liked the conversations with Bowdaar.


    I had been avoiding it since I had no interest in the eternal championship, but I'm really glad I finally did it. Also, Ioved the dialogue options in my conversations with Bowdaar.


    My favorites are:


    The one about settling down on a ranch with Corso and putting him out to pasture without his shirt if you romanced him, and telling the twi'lek, whatshisface, when he finds his tongue it better have something nice to say. :cool:


    On that note, the Profit and Plunder Chapter deserves a few shoutouts. Here my thoughts about my favorite parts from another thread.



    Vette in the Bomb, especially when she counts down and says "There's no stopping me now." and "Nice try Jerks." My favorite Gault lines are when he wines after Hylo revokes his divvying privileges and it's kinda cute to see them get back together. I like story continuity nods and Hylo and Gault (Gaultlo? Hyault?) was a nod to story stretching back to the Bounty Hunter's class story. Oh yeah and Gault's comment about Vette having "a way of getting where she's not wanted. Like on your nerves" deserves a mention too. Oh Gault... like you don't deserve it.



    I actually really like watching the companions interact with each other and an honorable mention goes out to Koth and HK-55 when discussing the Mynok infestation on the Gravestone. It wasn't a cutscene but that was many gallons of industrial cleaner amusingly spent. :D


    Another cute cutscene was that one on Balmorra with Twi'lek (Neuman?) and his droid Sixer or something like that. Flirting with the guy was fun but my favorite part of that cutscene by far was the droid saying "I shouldn't even be listening to this. I'm a family friendly model!", throwing up his hands, and high tailing it out of the scene before the fade to black.


    A similar one is on Alderaan when my smuggler flirts with the dispossessed nobleman Lenn Teral, something like that. Said nobleman makes some comment to the effect of not blushing like that since he was a boy after something my smuggler says and Corso fires back with "Got news for you, Slick. You're still a boy." I still laugh at that one years later. Corso doesn't get off many good burns but that one was classic and hilarious. It's also ironic considering how often Corso himself comes off as boyish.


    Oh and speaking of good one-liners, Vaylin and Rass deserve mentions for recent achievements in cutscene greatness.



    I loved it when, after all of that ooey-gooey heart to heart the rest of the family and I have with her, she legit stops and reminds us all to focus, "because there is someone else here who needs to die." My respect for her rose 200% after that. Even with the galaxy hanging in the balance, I was content to let that be her moment, and her response was... "No no. We aren't done with the wiping-people-out-for-the-greater-good yet." :D




    Also, in Spirit of Vengence, Rass' "The Little one wonders if you'll ever shut up." cracked me up. I expected him to complain or bluster a bit about being called the little one, and he just rolled with it. It actually made the statement funnier.



    There are so many others and every time I say I'm gonna stop, I think of more... so I'll just arbitrarily stop here. :o

  5. My character not taking isn't immersion-breaking for me because they are less likely to say something I object to that way. I have my own headcanon responses even when they do talk. But... that video was hilarious. :D


    However, I really like one thing about having non-voiced scenes. We aren't stuck to the dialogue wheel and only three choices that way. I normally play female characters, but, for kicks, I made a male bounty hunter one day... I have never felt more railroaded in a game as I have in my conversations with Mako and a few other occasions in that story.


    The choices I had did not fit and I only had "three". Just as an aside, Flirt > Flirt > Uncalled for Rudeness is not actually a real set of choices... especially when you really don't have a nonromantic choice under the hood. One time! One time I chose the flirt just to avoid being unreasonably rude. I chose polite responses any other time... now, even after having to concede and taking the rude option one of those times, Mako believes she is in a relationship with my bounty hunter.



    She even entered them as married on several registries... I thought I chose the shoot her down dialogue option. ACK! :eek:



    After going through a story that seemed determined to defy the direction I wanted to go in, I do not like being limited to the dialogue wheel now. :( Although I suppose the moral of that story is, that's what I get for not rolling another female consular. :D

  6. Ok, it's slightly different than what I am imagining. I was thinking more along the lines of playing as your character but the main NPC you interact with is whichever companion. So, say there was a Zenith Chapter. You might be embarking on some mission near and dear to his heart *cough* free balmorra *cough* and he is your main contact, source of information, partner in mayhem, etc. Like how Theron and Lana have been in a lot of the recent stories.



    As for getting the HK chapter, I can't save well enough for that. The last time I looked, it was 3k cartel coins and the deco packs usually come in under 2k. :rolleyes:


    I may not have a janitor deco but I have hutts. :D

  7. Nice! I finally got around to reading this and I enjoyed it. That old rancor struck again. I knew there was something up but I didn't see that coming, which is pretty cool.


    My favorite part was actually the setting descriptions though. It was effective at getting across where the action was happening without overwhelming the story. It gave just enough relevant detail for the activities in the area to make sense but didn't take 10 minutes to read. I also like how impressions and emotional takes were woven in without getting flowery.


    The other thing I liked was Jek and Rass. They are quickly becoming my two favorite characters out of this latest batch. I am eager to see more of them and where their story goes! :D I hope they get to take center stage in several in-game stories, and that's saying something for a person who's not really into Mandos.

  8. You're welcome!

    This thread is nice relief from the 7.0 doom threads everywhere. I had a look back through some of our posts here - some of them are excellent :D It's such a shame most of the Quinnmancers have left the game/forum.


    I have to admit that it has been a blast to read the unbridled enthusiasm, but it has also been mixed with a bit of dread. I'm only at about page 61, and, at that point, it's still two months out from the actual reunion. Knowing how that reunion was received at the time, I imagine things will be a lot less happy and fun in the thread once I get to the April 2017 portion.


    However, it does add weight to my suspicions that there could be a lot of interest in repeatable LI companion-centered chapters. It even might be worth selling them in the CM. Not to mention, it could also do double duty effort to allow people the chance to express their displeasure with those companions definitively.


    I wonder how people would react to standalone "what-if" chapters? By that, I mean non-canon chapters that explore what-if scenarios/stories within the game. They could be in their own timeline but still could potentially check off a few interesting boxes.


    It could let players and writers explore the roads not taken which could be fun for both. I figured that the writers were bored with what they had to write normally, so we got KOTFE. It was an experiment that might have excited the writers more. I think letting the writers flex their writing muscles and giving players more story content without being handcuffed to the main story could have a lot of merit.


    On that note, it could potentially allow for more frequent story updates since it wouldn't have to fit neatly into the main story. Imagine chapters where defining moments in the story go in the opposite direction and thus shapes the galaxy differently. Or even, interactions with the companions could follow different paths and the chapter could devote more time to exploring the story implications of those differences.


    However, the true beauty lies in the fact that each released chapter could be completely divorced from others so there doesn't need to be extensive planning to make sure it stays within the roadmap. I'm sure everyone likes breaking their chains every now and again. :D The way I am thinking, it basically would be the game equivalent of short stories and could be released whenever one was finished rather than everyone has to wait for a big update.


    My only sadness with this idea is that I think that writing stories around LIs would be the only economically viable option. :( Just my observations of opinions and the fact that we don't already have more companion chapters would indicate that most people just don't care enough about other parts of the story to pursue it with the same interest as interacting with LIs. I would love to see more all around.


    Oh well. Maybe if we ever get standalone LI centric chapters, it might drum interest for others. Maybe we could even get them as replayable side stories rather than outside-of-canon what-ifs. I think that is what the HK chapter is but I haven't ponied up the cartel coins to find out for sure. :/


    I suppose I should mention that I would prefer the chapters be 2400 cartel coins or less. I think $20 is more than reasonable for a single story.

  9. Given all the other threads, there are other people with complaints. However, it is more helpful to the devs if you tell them what you want to be able to do that combat styles will prevent you from doing or take away. That will allow them to find a solution. "I don't like this" is not very useful feedback from a design perspective.
  10. I much prefer having more certs. I use those more. But it would probably help if the random drop items dropped from the kingpin slots. If you had 2k kingpin tokens you would probably eventually get the things you are after. It would also help if it were possible to sell the certs.


    For those with a ton of cartel certs, remember you can buy stuff that isn't bound with those and sell them on the GTN.


    As for getting emperor tokens. I've won them from the kingpin slots and gotten them as rewards from flashpoint bosses.



    Just in case some people haven't thought about it, it's probably a good time to review your event strategy to look for places you can make it more efficient. For example, the feeling lucky buff isn't as necessary now that the win rate is increased for kingpins. You can save some time going between slots by just playing with out the buff. You'll lose a lot of kingpins but it will likely balance out.

  11. Most of them are bind to legacy. I know because I have some stored on a character other than the one I did the event on. However, I really do wish they would go back to unbinding the event decos. Let the people that want to do the event do the event and let the people that just want to decorate with some of those items decorate please.
  12. As the title says, thanks. I noticed the difference this year. While it is still a time sink it wasn't soul sucking for me which is much appreciated. This event has some of my favorite rewards.


    Some specific thoughts I had were:

    • I Really appreciate the increased drop rate on certs and less time recycling tokens.
    • I love the CL-4W and High Roller Shades a lot. Thank you for giving us CL-4W this year. :D Could we get the High Roller Shades in different colors and without the giant credit symbol next year? Also, mounts with that rainbow effect would be cool.
    • Could you please create some kind of consumables that people can spend tokens on so they don't have to agonize in gen chat all day about leftover tokens? I understand some people's OCD can't handle it, but 4 hours in and it's as bad as listening to the beeping of the machines.
    • Could we maybe get consumables, like drinks, that grant buffs that affect the slot machines or have other effects? For example, one drink could up the chances of getting the companion on a winning roll and another buff might make the world appear rainbow-colored like you are looking through the shades. it could have a limit of only one buff is active at a time and it could stack hydration like drinking from the well with it randomly killing the character after too many too quickly. I think that would be nice since the way the smuggler slots give a buff is less relevant now.
    • Could we get the Green and White Nar Shaddaa Citizen and more casual clothing armor sets next year?
    • I think the taxidermy decos are bugged, they are bound to a character instead of bind to legacy. They aren't the decos that I am most interested in but it was something I noticed.


    This makes me excited for the feast of prosperity and life day events. Hopefully, they have new stuff as well. :)

  13. I

    Conquest and decos are really the only incentive to repeat them, and the decos are much easier in Story mode (plus, you don't have to share) -- but story mode has been nerfed so much that you fall asleep doing them, anymore. I used to like them to relax after something tense, but now they're just tedious.


    I'm in a similar position. While I like many concepts that were introduced with Star Fortress and I run them fairly regularly for conquest and deco collection, conquest and decos are the only interest I have them... and conquest was a recent addition to that list. I never run them in groups or higher than story mode. However, I am, personally, rather glad that they are so easy to breeze through.


    All I want out of star fortresses, right now, are conquest points and decorations. Running the Star Fortress is not the fun part. Decorating or upgrading my gear high enough to better solo flashpoints for deco runs is the fun part. But, I much prefer buying decos from vendors. That lets me spend more time actually decorating. I only run combat missions for decos because I have to not because I enjoy doing it.


    Nonetheless, if running Spirit of Vengeance and Secrets of the Enclave like flashpoints become the only way to get decos outside of the cartel market, I'll be done with both concepts. That is just not how I want to spend my time. 12 minutes to get 4 deco is awesome even if I don't personally like all 4. 3 hours of slog for one deco is killing me. :( At this rate, I need the GSI droid or a new feature I actually enjoy in the game.

  14. For what it is worth, all of the decorations dropping from the Sky Trooper Praetorian in story mode have had bugged bind timers. Based on the other bosses, they shouldn't be bound or have a timer at all. Further, the binding never goes away but in the beginning, I believe they could be sold on the GTN. I haven't run a star fortress for a few weeks but those were the only decorations that seemed to be bugged and have been for years.
  15. I was in the same boat in reverse. Today, I decided to try to do at least one Daily PO even though I've kinda given up on Seasons. When I finished the Rishi dailies, I found I had no credit and it actually listed Section X dailies. :( I did not go to Section X.


    However, I will say at least I enjoyed running around on Rishi again--even if it was a complete waste as far as Seasons was concerned. I like rock hunting (archaeology) and playing in the water with the Grophets on Sky Ridge island. :D

  16. I haven't seen it in posted in a few years, and not together. So I suggest a Skytrooper armor set and a Skytrooper Companion would be great.

    Anyone else agree?


    I can get behind that. I would want the skytropper to be the one that gives back massages. The one Kaliyo mentioned. That would be hilarious. :D

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