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Posts posted by vacalpotan

  1. At least, you didn't call me an entitled ***** to my face, which is something. Yeah, I realize I need more patience. I was just sad to figure out the crafting situation. I come from games like LOTRO and BDO where niches are everywhere. Basically, you master a crafting skill and you can make money. I think this has to do with the number of different stuff that each crafting profession can make in those games. Let's face it, it's usually the high-end endgame stuff that sells, people don't buy gear for leveling.


    As for what my wealth needs are, I set goals for myself to get the shiniest stuff in the game. Pretty much 100m+ CM stuff. Why? For one very simple reason, to keep me occupied. As sad as it is, the quest and story content are not enough to keep me here. I love those, but they are for a specific mood, when I feel like questing, and that's like once a week. The rest of the time, I'm chasing shinies. Sad but true. What is an MMO veteran to do when he has grown out of MMOs...

  2. Okay, so I tried out crafting because everyone insists it's the best way to make credits. I picked up slicing and synthweaving. Gotta say slicing is pointless. The companion missions cost more than they yield in mats. Way more. Synthweaving... I can craft gold superior augments. I was able to sell the crit one way undercutting everyone else going below 3mil. Wasn't able to sell the redoubt one, tho. But the thing is I woulda made more just selling the mats that took to craft the augment. So again, it's only profitable if it crits, meaning I produce 2. Which is like 24% chance for me.


    Crafting doesn't seem like a big money-maker to me. In fact, it seems like a waste of time compared to just running heroics. What am I missing?

  3. You can actually play the stories and make a ton of credits on the side as well, the two aren't mutually exclusive. You also do not have to spend hours studying the GTN situation on your respective server.


    Whenever it comes to picking crew skills with a newly created character, I go for gathering skills only. While journeying across the galaxy, I harvest every node I come across, and whenever I have the chance (or my inventory is full) I simply put the raw materials on the GTN at a reasonable price. This nets me millions of credits in a very short amount of time. Point in case: I have a level 35 scoundrel who started with 100k and now sits on 8m credits already.


    I know, you can probably make even more if you used the materials and started crafting stuff and selling that, but honestly, just selling the mats is much less of a hassle for me personally, and also I don't have to waste a crew skill slot for a crafting profession. I used to be a crafter, but selling mats ist more convenient for my play style.


    Also, don't unsub to play the stories, that's just painful :D


    Hahah... I wasn't entirely serious. I did unsub, but I'm already thinking of resubbing. Sadly, I'm a spender. I spend a lot on cash shop currency in every game. I usually go for permanent unlocks so I don't have to sub, but I guess this game isn't built that way.

  4. I have also had this problem. I am incredibly insane with the amount of effort I put into character creation and recording cut scenes. I do extremely detailed historical research to come up with character names, so much so that I have hardly played the story even though I want to quite badly.


    The solution is not to unsub (which sucks ***) but self-control and creating an agenda and a plan on what to do.


    This is the perfect understanding of my post. Thank you. I don't actively rp with others, but all my characters have unique personalities. I have more character ideas than I have time to play. Needless to say, this requires quite a bit of in-game money.

  5. Playing the GTN requires better knowledge of the game than what 1 month of playing can afford me. You'd have to know what things are, what they usually go for, what kind of changes to expect from upcoming patches, etc. You'd also have to spend quite a bit of time in front of the GTN checking out the current status of all the things that can be flipped for possible profits, while a bunch of other resellers are doing the same thing at the same time. It's not as easy as it sounds. Also not everyone is playing the game to do this kind of activity.
  6. So most of the time I find myself farming Heroics for money. There's just so much I wanna buy, mostly cosmetics, too many characters to buy unlocks on, etc. There is never enough money. I'm mostly on "autopilot", brain totally switched off, I don't even remember what I was doing and the weird thing is I'm still enjoying it. When it comes to grind, I would say this game is grindy af, (and I come from BDO). But it's "good grind" due to the large selection of missions I can do.


    Now, the thing is I'm doing this and I don't have time to "really play". I've been postponing doing the actual class stories, let alone the expansions (that I will probably never get to) for ages, cuz I'm just grinding money and enjoying it. This can't stand. I unsubbed to limit my ability to spend and finally get to experience the stories of the game. Let's see how long I last. xD

  7. Get ready for variations of 'How dare you like this game"


    But good post, I agree with many of your points......I really think they could do much more with the game and new publisher beside EA would go a long way to make that happen...I just think chances for it happening are unfortunately slim to none.


    This is exactly why I said it. You know how many people in LOTRO believed there would be another expansion ever again? Nobody. How many believed in the possibility of a new raid? None. I have 25k+ hours in LOTRO so I can tell you the raiders all left for other games a long time ago. It was dead.


    The way I understand it, EA is the publisher for this game, right? I just think these big companies don't spend much in these older MMOs because they can get way better return on investment elsewhere. They literally have much better ways to spend their resources and make much bigger profits. So maybe, it would be beneficial for SWTOR to be sold off to a smaller publisher that treats it as one of its main things. There can be a second life for the game, but that might only come once its current owners have given up on it.

  8. With the sheer amount of content this game has, I could literally play it for years as a new player. The game has so many quests, it even hides many of them by default. Every class story can be played in multiple ways to multiple outcomes, etc. As an altoholic, I have no idea how I will have time to play it all. In fact, it is more likely that I will get bored with the "style" of the game way before I can play all the content. In this sense, there is almost too much content in the game. lol


    I played LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) for years as my main MMO. When I started it had 29 servers. Then, it was reduced to 10, with only a few English servers remaining and even those were starting to resemble ghost towns. The game didn't get a new expansion for years. Not even new dungeons. Crafting became neglected, basically discontinued. Everything the players had gotten used to in previous years basically seemed to be slowly disappearing. QA was terrible. Lag was insane, etc.


    Then, out of the blue, WB sold the game to Daybreak Games, one of the worst publishers out there. The devs tried to hide it, they didn't talk about it, they acted like DBG was not even in the picture, and definitely not calling the shots. What followed after is crazy. They brought a new expansion, something we haven't seen since 2013. They brought new instance clusters (dungeons), 2 new raids with a 3rd one being in the works right now. They are supposedly working on a 64bit client. They are bringing more playable content than I can keep up with. New seasonal instances, updates to many festivals, class balance, etc.


    It can happen to SWTOR. From the ashes, we will rise! The game has so much stuff, they are not gonna give it up. Maybe it gets sold to a different company, but it will definitely not be shut down.

  9. It's over, guys. Game over. Maintenance mode. Servers are sunsetting. Thank you so much for your unwavering support over the years. It's been a hell of a ride. I'm truly honored to have been part of this experience that never failed to enrich my life in so many ways. But now it's time to say goodbye. Nothing lasts forever. Game is dead. Goodbye and good luck. May the force be with you. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure you'll live happily ever after. (In Bless Online) ;)
  10. No, I disagree, I'm not misunderstanding at all. I've spent literally years of my life considering the Force, light, dark, good, evil and everything in between, not for this game, but for my writing.


    I basically have two words to say to you: Darth Jadus.


    No colder, more calculating Sith exists in this game universe. Jadus shows no passion or emotion, or impulsiveness whatsoever. He's so cold and firmly entrenched in the Dark Side that he gives regular people conniptions in his presence and I think it goes without saying that he's probably the most insane Sith in the entire game aside from the Emperor, and even Valkorian said that Jadus was the greatest Sith the Empire produced.


    So, how can a Sith who shows no passion, is ruthlessly calculating and insanely evil and destructive be light sided? He's so detached and cold he could be a Jedi. He shows no passion, so that would imply he's not strong, but he is. He did, after all, shield his Star Destroyer from being completely blown up. He had no emotional passion or connection to his own child either, he ruthlessly destroyed Zhorrid's psyche and self-worth. She can't even restrain herself from acting on her darkness and the insanity she had instilled in her. She had passion and acted on it and was weak enough that the Agent kills her in one potential outcome of the story.


    So...how can someone as utterly emotionless as Jadus be so evil? Jadus got away with his plan for a very long time, if not indefinitely depending on player choices.


    So by your logic, Jadus is light-sided and peaceful because of his logic and I can't agree with that, it's inaccurate.


    I think evil can be logical and cool in thought. Not everyone displays their emotion the same way or acts on it the same way.


    I have yet to experience the Agent story so thanks for the spoilers. Just kidding. ;)


    I think Jadus almost sounds like he might be highly intelligent. He seems to be above Dark and Light in the sense that he acknowledges and actively uses the tools of both sides. For him, they are just tools to achieve an end.


    Imagine that you are a force-sensitive coward who was brought to the Jedi temple to train as a Padawan. But you fear for your life. You are afraid to fight because you might get injuries that cripple you.


    So the Jedi will tell you to calm your mind, focuse on your Chi, don't think, just act. But it doesn't help. Apparently, your instincts rule you. So the Jedi will bury their heads in the sand pretending the problem will go away eventually, if they keep telling you the same thing.


    Now one day, in the absence of the masters, a bunch of thugs attack the temple. They ransack everything, desecrate the place and threatening to hurt the younglings. You are the only one to stand in their way. But you have nothing to counter your fear with. They didn't give you the right tools. They didn't tell you that building up your anger can be a very powerful tool to conquer fear.


    Look at what they are doing... how dare they... I'm so mad right now... I'm a Jedi, but I'm just gonna kill these thugs, else they go somewhere else and hurt someone else.


    Basically, emotions are a tool to be used appropriately. The lack of emotions is also a tool. Whichever serves you better in a situation. When you learn that, you're above Light and Dark. I guess.

  11. Both dogma of the Jedi and Sith are extreme, just like some religions.


    I think this is the gist of it. In real life extremism is usually a reaction of a confused or freightened person. Someone who is in a crisis or life-changing situation might feel that the only path forward is taking drastic messures.


    To give you an example, you alienate someone you love because you lied to them and they found out. Full of regret and not knowing what to do, you might respond to this situation with "I will never lie again to anyone. Lies are what ruin people's lives. Radical honesty is the only way."


    It is unlikely that the Jedi, who are calm, deliberate and calculative, would adopt an extremist world view. And yet, here they are doing it. This is like a plot hole or I don't know. This is why fictional universes can't really be discussed reasonably. Unless, of course, you accept that Jedi are just as dumb and foolish as Sith. Which they obviously are, considering they are doing the same thing just in the opposite direction.

  12. I may be completely off base here, as I'm not a SW fanatic, but based on what I've seen in the movies, DS characters appear pretty evil, rather than just emotional. Okay, I guess it's more accurate to say that they appear angry because something bad happened to them or because they perceive something wrong is going on that they don't agree with and their chosen response is violence. In this sense, they are exactly like high school bullies. One thing I've never encountered during my time watching SW movies and TV shows is someone who was DS because they were too loving, a loving, caring Sith in black robes. LOL


    Also, when you become too DS in the game you turn ugly with DS corruption. I guess, you can say that good and evil mean different things to different sides, but there seems to be an objective judgement here that being DS is bad. Look, it even makes you ugly!


    Imo, DS means letting your emotions sway you in the wrong direction, to act upon impulses like anger. LS means just not making rash decisions and rash moves. You know you're angry, you know you're in a bad mood, so you postpone any action until you can see clearly. Thinking that Jedi deny and suppress all feeling seems kind of irrational. Feelings are weakness. Feelings are a flaw. Those are sentiments that every sensible human being instinctively knows are wrong.

  13. As a person who plays dark side 5 characters for the most part (I have lived on the tame side and played all light and varying shades of grey in between but I largely play evil people) Anyway, what irks me is that the dark decisions always come across as the 'stupid' thing to do. You always get punished or it bites you on the butt somehow. Some of the decisions are so utterly stupid and nonsensical they don't make sense (unless you're insane.) I'd like to see more logical evil choices, because not all evil people are insane...and every evil person believes themselves the hero of their own tale and evil shouldn't be treated like it's stupid. :)


    Definitely. Lots of times the evil option is ruled out by its stupidity or senselessness.


    I've just finished watching a movie called Unlocked. It was pretty bad, but the bad guy in the end made some sense and he was a shining example of what you said about believing themselves the hero. Basically, he wanted to infect a stadium full of people with a deadly virus as a wake-up call for governments to do something about the biological threats of the modern day. You could tell he believed in his ****. I would like evil options like that in the game that you can somehow identify with.

  14. It's fun to see this discussion about LS and DS choices that might seem odd. They often require us to look at things from a different point of view to make sense of them. However, at this point I'd like to say that the original post of this thread was not about this. It all went sideways.


    In short, when you look at your choices in this game from your character's perspective (what is important to him or her = you), they are very often meaningless. You choose the LS because you want to look good in front of your master. You choose the DS, because... well, I have no idea why... you're roleplaying a wicked character, I guess. What is common in all of these choices is that they require no sacrifice on your part and/or give no special benefits. Thus, you can make them lightheartedly. There is no strong feelings about any of it.


    Let me give you some examples of what would be actually meaningful choices in my view:


    1. Would you sacrifice the lives of hundreds of strangers to save the lives of a few of your friends?
    2. Would you risk the lives of those that depend on you to achieve an outcome that can potentially vastly improve everyone's quality of life?
    3. You are a leader that holds a very volatile community above water. Would you risk losing your authority, if it means you have to do something very evil?
    4. Would you kill a friend that puts everyone's life at risk and you can't stop them otherwise?


    And, of course, all of these have tangible consequences. You didn't kill that friend? Later down the road, this will cost you the lives of many other friends. That sort of thing.

  15. Light side = predictable

    Dark side = amusing



    For instance, the Trooper story is the second worst in the game... if you play as expected, light side. But, it's so much more fun when you play a dark side trooper, because it doesn't fit the mold (and he's a real donkey's backside).


    This is essentially my last resort. I'm gonna play an evil Jedi and hope that it's fun. Her name is Jedicide and she fully intends to massacre her peers (when the time comes). Lowering my expectations from having reasons for your actions to... well, just playing for amusement. I guess her psychological drive will be the belief the more people you can kill without emotion, the stronger you prove yourself. Love is weekness. Attachment is imbalance.

  16. First, I'm pretty new to the game and I've only done so many quests. This is by no means a final judgement, but the game seems to handle storytelling, and good vs evil choices in particular, pretty poorly.


    When you choose a dark side response in a conversation, it mostly serves no purpose other than pure sadism. When you choose a light side response, it has no weight, because it's easy to be a good guy. Let me explain further.


    In real life we are usually presented with situations where you have a choice between being a good guy or being a bad guy. Sometimes, being a bad guy, doing something wrong yields massive personal gain. This is called temptation. Sometimes, being a good guy, doing the right thing involves massive personal sacrifice for the greater good. This is when your choices have real weight. We rarely do something wrong or harmful for no reason, unless we enjoy hurting others, which is called sadism and is quite rare in real life. Further, we can choose to do wrong to people that we dislike and want to get rid of.


    From what I've seen so far, none of this comes into play in Swtor. Here you just choose to hurt or kill people for no reason other than trying to gain dark side point. Or you can roleplay a hero and always do good, which comes at no cost to you, it's easy, you're not really a hero.


    On the other hand, in the stories so far I've found a bunch of missed opportunities, where I had some strong emotions about a guy or a situation but I was given no chance to act on it. It felt like where it mattered (to me) the choice was missing.


    I think the stories should be more engaging. They should require more emotional investment. Choices of good and evil actions should have motivation and tengible results.


    I'd like to know what some of the more experienced players think about this. Please, also recommend existing storylines in the game that are more along the lines of what I described above.


    Edit: Personally I prefer the Master's Datacron because some of the best stories are the class quests and Shadow of Revan. But if you're doing it to avoid grinding xp, they will be putting (hopefully) double xp up tomorrow til the 31st which should make the already fast leveling even faster.


    I started playing like less than a month ago. Both my main characters were made with OCT that I got with the sub. I figured why not skip leveling, but I fully intended to go back and do the stories. Until I figured out I can't. So I guess these toons will be my endgame toons. I certainly hope that I can still do all flashpoints and operations with them. I will start new toons for the story and Master's Datacron is very tempting. XD

  18. First off, I swear I'm not trolling. Grinding money is killing the game for me. I run Heroics for hours every day for a few mil, which kinda leaves me little time to do what I enjoy. Don't ask me what I need the money for. I just do. I'm an altoholic.


    So on to my question. I'm asking this as a noob who kinda doesn't want to waste his real money, if not necessary. Which Cartel Market item(s) should I buy that I can sell relatively quickly on the GTN? Thanks for your consideration. :)

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