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Posts posted by Meltheran

  1. 1. How do you think your Vanguard spec is perceived by other classes?

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    1. For PVE I think that others feel Shield Spec Vanguards are fine. For PVP I think people just think of us as guard and health batteries.


    2. For PVE I think we do great, I have had no problems holding aggro or staying alive unless something really unfortunate happens. For PVP however, I feel really downtrodden. Tanking gear has very limited uses in PVP due to the mitigation limitations. As far as DPS goes though we can put up decent numbers on the final scoreboard, it is really from aoe damage, and our single target damage is very lackluster. Unfortunately I feel the change to Static Surge which reduced the effectiveness of stock strike, hurt Shield spec vanguards quite a bit.

  2. Though we don't have any news about allowing third-party interface addons, we'd definitely be interested to hear what functionality you feel is important to add to the current UI. Others have offered a few suggestions (thanks!), and it's helpful to us if you describe what you think is missing and let us know what we can do to improve the UI!


    The Big Three (As far as I'm concerned..)


    1. Buff/ Debuff sizing and organization. Even as small as something like removing them from the self/target frames so we can resize them alone.


    2. Mouse Over Healing, I would love to see guard go on this list too.


    3. Some form of threat indicator. (This is MUCH less of a problem since 1.3.) Even something like healthbars changing colors, I would say we don't need exact numbers. (For Tanking Green=Have threat, Yellow=About to Lose Threat, Red=Lost Threat)

  3. And that's exactly the reason why the damage is being nerfed.


    Thank you for clarifying the point to everyone.


    Firebug damage is not being affected by the tank changes. The only change that will hurt them is the change to relics and adrenals.


    The problem with these changes is that tanks will not be putting any pressure on the opposing team. Meaning all we will be is health batteries for our guard targets. That may seem fine to some folks, but I think it is going to be insanely boring.

  4. Unfortunately "Tank" gear can be next to useless in PVP. A lot of us play tanks in PVP because we also tank in PVE and don't want to respec constantly.


    As a Vanguard tank, I PVP in dps gear, and do fairly well. I usually am in the top 25% of damage done, and sometimes am at the top. I'll guard when it is appropriate, especially with a pre-made. But I have another job to do as well that is just as important, shutting healers down.


    If I can shut a healer down for a good amount of time then the dps can either kill them or kill those they Should be healing.



    I'm not saying you are wrong, there are a LOT of bad PVP tanks out there, but some people do know what they are doing. Unfortunately those of us that play utility tanks are getting our burst damage nerfed in 1.3 so it may get worse, kind of have to wait and see.

  5. Its a pretty big nerf for PT/vanguard tanks. Alot of tests are showing 18 to 20% damge fall off for our single target dps which is based on stockstrike/rocket punch. And while a we do get better threat gen and a crappy AOE damage / slow these do not make up for single target dps. Considering the very low damage output of shield PT/vanguard already pre patch for single target this will ruin them as effective tanks in pvp with no ability to peel or even pressure dps who are attacking a guarded target. End result end of match dps will look better due to the AOE but your single target damage and ability to be barely viable in pvp just went poof.


    Bioware created this monster by not allowing tank stats to work in pvp hence the reason you see dps geared tanks now. Anyway dont expect dps tanks to go regrind tank gear to tank for you in pvp. One because the stats still do not work on pvp tank gear and two because it will be easier to just switch to DPS spec dump the guard and blow stuff up. Funny how that works cause DPS PT/vangaurds didnt get hit by this nerf only the shield specs did. If you got a complaint now about OP DPS spec PT/van then your out of luck cause come this patch you will have alot more of them to deal with. Or we could all just roll a mara/sent and get the all the tank defensive CD's and still be able to do decent damage. /shrug


    I agree with this post. But I will say one thing. I'm not sure what some of us that do both PVP and PVE are going to do. Respeccing 14 times a week is not possible for most of us. So not only will you lose your tanks in PVP but also in PVE. Good luck with the group finder with even fewer tanks.

  6. I tested this over the weekend. I was extremely dissappointed that the spec I've played (31/10/0) since 1.2 is pretty well dead for PVP. As a tank in DPS gear I was able to contribute in PVP before, but with this change I'm nothing more than a meat shield. Before I did ok damage with a bit of burst. Now I do marginal damage with no burst. Since burst kills in PVP, I'm useless for any kind of pressure on an opponent.


    Respeccing is out the window since I both PVP and PVE, with dailies for both flashpoint and pvp, I would need to respec 14 times each week. Even with the reduced cost that is not going to happen.


    BioWare you really need to reconsider this.


    On an up note, PVE tanking was spectacular.

  7. I agre with a lot of your points but not all.


    1. I kind of like this idea, but listing names could breed greifing. "I hate that guy, I'm not going to take this queue becasue I don't want to play with him." Maybe do the same thing but don't list the names.


    2. My understanding is that this is how it worked on the PTS and is how it will work when RWZ's hit.


    3. Again this is how it works I believe.


    4. I solo queue a lot when my guild is not around, so I WANT solo play. But I don't want to solo against premades. I say put solo in but only once cross server is in so solos only play agains solos. Once Cross Server is in simultanious queuing should be harder.


    5. I like this idea. But only if the population in cross servers can support it.


    6. Cuold be interesting, I would support it.


    7. Absolutely! I have a sneeking suspition this is the big reason RWZ's got put on hold. Having ranked and unranked players in the same match was going to be a nightmare.


    8. I think I remember them saying something similar was in the works.


    9. Agreed.


    10. & 11. I acctually would not have a problem with changing gear and specs, but only if it was allowed in the minute or so in the starting area before the match started. Especially for solo play I think this could be a real help, it sucks not having a healer, and if someone can and is willing to heal I say let them. But not after the actual match has started.


    12. The ranked screen in the game had a place that listed your highest ranking achieved. My guess is that it was exactly for this reason. It would really stink to not be able to use the gear you own.

  8. I'm going to guess that you are on an extremely unbalanced server and most of your Hutt Ball games are same faction. If so, then 1.2 should relieve some of the stress of constant Hutt Ball since 3/4 of the warzones are supposed to be same faction enabled.


    If that is not the case then yeah, bad luck is bad.


    Choosing which warzone you want to be in is on the table and coming someday, but not until cross server is enabled. Honestly you can either have decent queue times and random selection, or you can wait possibley hours and play the one that you want. With the current state of things you can't have both.

  9. better fix, merge servers to fix imbalances and then allow your legacy to move with you to different servers (just the xp, not the name) and make you create a new legacy surname per server but keep the same legacy level, but all legacy unlocks like races would go with the new server not the old one.


    I'm not starting over on a higher pop server when im already max legacy lvl...


    I don't think server mergers will help the population imbalance, to many servers lean to heavily to the Imp side.


    It would mean there were more people on each side, but the imbalance will still exist.

  10. While I don't disagree with you on the Population Imbalance, the changes they are making cure the some of the symptoms of the problem.


    Honestly what problems are there due to the server imbalance? These are the ones that I see.


    Open World PVP - Has Basically been removed

    Que Times on the Higher Pop Side (To much Huttball) - 3/4 warzones now same faction

    Economy - Legacy mail means you can put stuff up on the other sides GTN easily

    PVP Gearing Differential - Effective Gear reset in 1.2

    Population to low for PVE - No fix in sight



    I do think they need to do some work to fix this, but I'm not sure what they can do. Server transfers will not help with the imbalance since Most of the servers have a heavy Imp leaning, plus it doesn't seem like they have transfer tech working yet. Story is a limiting factor for faction transfers (could probably be figured out), again I think thye are having problems with the tech.

  11. The only thing the Locked Highest Rank is going to matter for is the use of the Ranked War Hero Gear.


    It basically keeps your highest rank there so you will never be locked out of gear you already own if you have a string of losses.


    The ranking system (ELO) is a dynamic system that you get or lose points based on you wins and losses. If you win against someone with a higher rating then you would get more points than if you win against someone with a lower rating. If you lose against someone with a higher rating then you lose less points than you would if lost against someone with a lower rating than you.


    The ELO rating will be used for the matchmaking system, trying to match up similarly scored people, which SHOULD mean better (closer) PVP matches. It will also be used for the leader board etc.

  12. You do realize that this does not screw anyone over... Expertise has a soft cap and pretty much it is useless to stack it past like 10% compared to using high end PVE gear.


    Actually they have redone the diminishing returns on nearly all the stats. Currently on the PTR, Expertise is much more linear.


    A graph can be found here.

  13. The other question that needs to be asked is if leaving a warzone has an affect on your rating. If not people could leave just before losing to keep their rating.


    Of course that is going to have a negative affect on your gear progression since you will need the comms to purchase gear. But it may need to be addressed.


    (And it may have already been addressed and I just missed it.)

  14. Also with 1.2 (when penalties will be introduced) 1/2 to 3/4 of the warzones will be same faction enabled.


    Faction embamlance is an issue, but there is not a lot BioWare can do to fix it. I think some of the things they are doing in 1.2 are going to go a long way to help things.


    No it will not fix the imbalance, that is all based on player choice, but it should help with a lot of problems brought about by it.

  15. In Beta up until about October (I think), the capital cities Were the social hubs. Fleets were introduced because metrics were showing people actually using the transition stations to meet up more than going back to the capital cities.


    My guess is the reason that the stations are identical (as most people complain about) is that they were put in so late in the development process.


    I would love to see the capital cities used for more, but I honestly have no issues with the fleets that are not merely esthetics.

  16. Interesting. As a pug player I probably will never enjoy that much coordination (sometimes I wish we had built in voice chat even if it would mean muting a couple dozen idiots a day), but I bet a couple of us can manage something similar in the first rush. I thought I saw a pop up text saying it could be done solo, but if it had been just you that stealthy would have gotten past for sure.



    Actually he got the stealther Solo as well, he used Stealth Scan to pull him out.

  17. To compliment my previous post:


    What do you want your tank to Do in PVP? Tanking in PVP can mean several things.


    Personally as a tank these are the things I like to be able to do best:


    Mobility (Get to the action when needed)

    Control (Shutting a healer or nuker down)

    Survivability (Hold a node for 15-30 seconds against 2-3 opponents until help arrives)

    Soaking (Protecting Friendly targets)

    Damage (Enough to kill someone 1 v 1 in a timely manner)

  18. Okay, so powertechs are not the way I should go for pvp. Thank you.


    Powertech/Vanguard can tank fine in PVP, you just have to do it right and understand the mechanics.


    If you are interested in the powertech/vanguard for pvp check out Taugrim.com.


    PVE tanking gear is nearly useless for PVP due to the way shielding and defense works. If you want to play any tank class for PVP you are probobly going to want to either use the DPS gear, or pull the mods out of the tanking gear and replace them with ones without Defence or shield.

  19. Medals are a bad way to do it right now since some people (Healers) have a hard time getting medals.


    Post 1.2 I think we may well see something similar to this.


    I do agree with you it needs to change though.



    Did you even read all of the post you quoted?


    They specifically said they were improving this in 1.2, which low and behold is when RANKED WARZONES are coming...



  21. I would assume that the entry pop up appears when you have 8 people on both sides in the queue.


    The reason you don't get 8 on both sides once the match starts is because some people did not accept the pop when it happened.


    When there are more than 8 people in the queue then they are replaced with the next people in line. When there are no more people in the queue... well thats when you get boned...


    Not sure what the solution is to this, at least one that would not be massively complex.

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