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Everything posted by Foenixz

  1. It bothers us in teh way that you have a nice presented post and go on by stroking yourself. Which diminishes your credibility, not to mention you are also being offensive. No one caers anything about whether or not you are the best anything if you have a post that comtains good info. Please drop the attitude and become a valuable asset ... or persist on being a blowhard and being dismissed eventually. Just a suggestion.
  2. LOL what the UI bugging in the middle of fights is good by you? How about random deaths? You have extremely misplaced priorities when it comes to gaming.
  3. Wow uninformed you are. The 'Warhammer' team did not design pvp here. Quit repeating stuff that isn;t true.
  4. To OP did bigfoot and the Yeti give you all this info. I bet you are just one step ahead of the men in black as well. CAN I HAZ Y0R STUF
  5. How should be done? NOT AT ALL
  6. That's why heirloom gear is so OP pre 75? and you can honor grind the latest season gear bar the T2 weapons?
  7. Kan I haz yer stuf ... oh if you cancelled why did you group with me last night?
  8. It's hard to try to to come back if you have 2 or 3 quit when you are down in any WZ.
  9. I might suggest that they need to be looked at. I can couonter a snipers burst ... but do you do with a scoundrel who pops out of stealth and hits you (me I have 13k) iin 4 - 6 seconds. I can pop cooldowns .... maybe.
  10. They are not the ones behind warhammer get your facts straight
  11. wow want it now do you? Sorry I remember the days of grinding endless honor for a title and gear I could never ever get. Cry me a river
  12. This I played against a tean that head 4 healers on it not ago and it wasn't fun
  13. This was not possible at low levels. You could not go to not EVERY zone because of level restrictions. Apparently, you do not remember quests where you had to go across the continents to finish. It could literally be from Xroads to Thunderbluff (on a timer no less) to Silver Pines and back. That took a long while because you WERE on foot. And the questing there WAS linear as there were only certain spots n a zone you could go at level. As hored if you tried to quest in the Southern barrens during Vanillla there were none. This is simply not possible without a high end system and big phat pipe for your internet and then everyone else has to have the same. OK, I can barely understand you. YOU CAN DO ALL THOSE THINGS HERE. My guild just ***** the Republic Base on Tat the other night and all the little Jedi wannabes there. AS far as 'doing the moron' well ....... WoW graphicly was a cartoon the thing it was not was "beautyful". OMG SWTOR may not be for you. big sad panda for you Now CAN I HAZ YER STUF
  14. Of coarse its full of bugs, it's an MMo. I take it you have never been through a launch before? There are NO game breaking bugs. As for your assertion that THEY won;t give you your money back; who is THEY? But, on the brightside I am joining THEY in laughing at you.
  15. I agree but you forgot about thise who JUST farm the medals and could care less about winning.
  16. This is clearly a situation where the OP must be right as he got destroyed in 2 - 3 seconds by more than opponent ..... OR maybe he should learn not to attack 2 of them while they are in cover.
  17. anyone else get this? When you die you are unable to click on return to medcenter.
  18. It seems they removed the lvl 50 gear from DK. So what now?
  19. I had lots of fun before addons made WoW BORING. WE do not need elitist attitudes to get where we need nor crutches for those who cannot learn to play.
  20. its too long might need to be cut by a second or so
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