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10 Good
  1. Just a suggestion , Gormaks look so ****** !! I wish they were available to be companions , and they could be able to use any weapon.
  2. most of us , if not all, after some point, end up getting other speeders during the course of our history , I wish I could see my companion at my side when I'm using a speeder , or in the passenger seat in the models type "car" . I should be possible to assign a speeder to each one of our companion.
  3. Or at least an option to bound it to legacy... There is sooooo much crap bounded to legacy... And the real good bound only on me... =/
  4. Sorry for the badest english of all time
  5. Hi!! I was wandering... why dont we have a mail box on our ship? ?? It would be very handy! !! Could be placed right in the side of the strongbox. .. XD Why my companion droid cant use droid parts anymore? ?? And... As our companions can sell "junk" itens... why not an option for they to sell other stuff... why not just after we clic on it to sell... just open the invetory to "mark" what more we want to sell. And... why not... As an alternative to mail... just send our companion to deliver some stuff to other people? ?would be nice to see the companion of my friends coming to me on a speedster and just opening a window with some personalized text and the item... like when we acomplished some mission. Guess that is all... for now... heheheh. Tnx for the attention!!! Bye! !
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