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10 Good
  1. The JK will have an alert for Scourge and Kira each after you talk to them on Odyssa. (I know wrong spelling) Kira's is called Return of the Padawan I believe.
  2. Probably because you skipped to level 70 and missed the original romance. Without the original romance there is nothing to pick up.
  3. Quinn is obviously the worst. he is a brown nosing, betraying weasel. Best moment was when my Sith finally killed him. Best can't be any other than Kira and Vette. Still mad Kira isn't back.
  4. I have been very disappointed with the knights saga. The first part started to return our previous companions but then you stopped. Why have you stopped? We spent a lot of time with these companions to have most of them "stolen" away. The machine to bring them back is not the same. Please complete what you should already have done and not with some lame in-game email. At this point I guess the best we can hope for is for side missions. This makes me rethink being a subscriber if there is not going to be any real ending to our characters' journeys.
  5. Does anyone know how to provide feedback to Bioware, EA ect?
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